Pasadena’s Historic Raymond Theatre Needs Buyer Immediately!

posted by FriendsOfTheRaymondTheatre on May 10, 2006 at 6:18 am

PASADENA, CA — After a 19-year preservation battle to save the historic Raymond Theatre. Bulldozers are now on the theatre grounds and poised to start gutting the theatre for housing.

The Raymond Theatre opened in 1921 and was one of the finest theatres on the West Coast, it has presented vaudeville, movies and in it’s last incarnation it was known as one of LA’s top concert venues, Perkin’s Palace.

Friends of the Raymond Theatre have secured major operators, concert promoters and the ability to use historic tax credits for renovation.

A buyer (or someone to lease) the theatre is needed immediately!

Please contact us at:

Friends of the Raymond Theatre

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Comments (1)

NativeForestHiller on May 15, 2006 at 8:24 pm

I lend my heart to all preservationists who have worked hard throughout the years to save this irreplaceable gem from the wrecking ball. Bless you! I beg City Council and the people responsible for placing a bulldozer on that property, NOT to let this happen!!! It would be a huge tragedy! Reopen it & see the smile on faces of countless enthusiasts.

  • Michael Perlman, Forest Hills, N.Y.
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