Comments from bigjoker

Showing 1 - 25 of 26 comments

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Mar 2, 2011 at 5:56 pm

Well I’m about to set out on my quest for big game in Alaska, so I’ll leave you Pervs to wallow in your on misery reminising about the great times you had with a bunch of strippers 30 years ago. Live in the now guys, I’m here to tell you that, there is life after the Melody/harmony burlesque harlots.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 27, 2011 at 11:48 am

Decent people? Guys, we are talkin' about strippers, crackwhores and prostitutes…You telling me you wouldn’t mind if your 18 year old son brought one home to meet the family.. or your daughter decided she wanted to be a stripper instead of going to college. I mean if it’s your idea of a them being decent people. I liked Candi Staton back then, But I never forgot what she was. I knew back that a strippers job is to feel like you someone special so you spend more money. Those women were looking for sugardaddys not long lasting friendships…Listening to Melharfol drop all those praises on that dancer (Annette Heinz) reminded me of a song I heard on the radio the other day. “I’m Love With A Stripper”,… LOL

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 26, 2011 at 7:48 pm

Hey, Melharfol chill out, like you said this was 30 years ago, If you haven’t figured it out by now man i’m just yankin' your chain fella. I’m the comic relief in this burlesque lovefest room. the voice of reason you might say. It is apparent that my relationship with those women did not run as deep as yours. I was only there three times back then. I mean, I never really got the tease part of the stripping, especially when they doing the mardi gras and bacala sessions.. But, I guess they had to do a certain amount of dancing or it would just be a glorified cathouse. That’s why I like the Bunny Ranch in Nevada, You just cut through all the BS do your thing and be home in time dinner with the old ball and chain.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 24, 2011 at 10:49 am

Will somebody please pass a roll of toilet paper to Melharfol so he can wipe the brown of his nose after that tribute to Annette Heinz. Dude, she was a former burlesque dancer not the Pope. Turn it down a few levels, Okay? Were you that creepy with other dancers back then, I seen bouncers throw guys who fixated on one particular dancer out and ban them from the club because they made the girls feel very uncomfortable. I think they call it stalking these days. Get a girlfriend and a different hobby, LOL.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 22, 2011 at 2:24 pm

Hi Annie, I agree she was one beautiful dancer back in the day. I was fortunate to see her a few times in all her glory while I was stationed at Fort Dix. Do you know remember any of movies she made back then, I have searched the porn archives and can’t find anything under her name (Candi Staton). Do you know if she is even still around. It is my understanding, that alot of the dancers at club were heavy drug users and went down hill after the harmony was shut down.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 12, 2011 at 5:37 pm

I’m going to Alaska next month with some friends for a private moose hunt. I’ll make a point of checking it out on my way back. I think the guys and I might be up for some XXX-Rated fun after 3 days of tracking down, killing, butchering, cooking and devouring defenseless critters. Damn, It feels good to be at the top of the food chain. You Gotta Love This Country…LOL

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 11, 2011 at 4:26 pm

Hey Melharfol, Why don’t you take a break from your Quest for more Burlesque. I think you might need a Intervention or a Six-month Rehab to curb your obsession to Burlesque houses. Porn is like a drug and should only be done in moderation. Never mainlined like you doing..LOL

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 11, 2011 at 4:07 pm

Didn’t We all…If a man can’t have the time of his life in a place like that he must be Gay. The last time I was at a strip club 2 years ago. I had my cousin’s bachelor party in the champaine room of The Platinum Rose before the Feds closed it down on a truck load of obscenity charges.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 10, 2011 at 7:11 am

Tony, sorry if I hit a sore spot.. That was not my intention. I did know this Jenice person as well as you did apparently. But then again I didn’t go to the Harmony to bond with those women on an emotional level. And you say Sharon and Jenice still look like a couple of 10s or MILFs at near sixty years old send me a few photos. I was only there a few times and I never talked about their personal issues and sorry to say I could have cared less at that time. I was a horny young soldier on a weekend pass with no desire to know a stripper on any deeper level than a WHAM-BAM-THANK-YOU-MAAM. But if these dancers were such an important part of your lives back than that you had to spend much of your free time as regular customers and thousands of dollars over the years. Think about the time wasted on a fantasy woman when you could have had quality relationships with ‘REAL’ women. The only good advice my old man gave me before he departed from this world was ‘Never Look For Love in a Whore House’. Words to live by.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 9, 2011 at 12:02 am

Well if she is not dead, she’s probably packed on 75 pounds, had 9 or 10 rugrats by 9 or 10 different tricks from the club, and that once cute little butt of hers is now is as wide as the state of Texas. It’s been my experience that these chicks lived life not it the fast lane but in the oncoming lane, and they do not age gracefully. I have seen some real scare- crow ex-dancers. I guess, a lot of their customers can have the last laugh. I have over heard dancers talk about how they hated lapdancing for the older and overweight guys.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 6, 2011 at 10:55 am

Why would anything the dancers at the harmony do make you puke. Most were moonlighting as part-hookers and pornstars. The bacala sessions with 100 different drunk strangers would have been enough to make me toss my lunch and not come back. I Know it was all about the money back then but I hear alot of bums, drunks, addicts and drug dealers used it as a hangout. I bet alot of the dancers and some of the customers probably had STD’s that they passed around during those bacala sessions. Thank god, I always practiced safe activity when I was there. The Army’s directive to soldiers on leave back then was, Don’t bring anything back to the base that Penicilin couldn’t cure.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Feb 2, 2011 at 8:25 pm

Juan, do you know anybody that might have photos or video of the harmony girls during the late 80’s or early 90’s. I’m especially interested in a Black dancer named Candy Staton. She was really hot back in the day. If she is still around, she’s probably a grandmother by now. I heard Dominique used to sells videos of the girls from the harmony/melody theatre back then.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 30, 2011 at 9:31 pm

I have nothing against progress, but I think having an area designated for adult entertainment (Blue Light District) is vital for the community, Disneyland is not everybody’s idea of a good time. The state of Nevada legalized the sex trade 30 years ago and its regulated by the gov’t who get a cut like street pimps and everything runs smooth. There is no citizen outrage because taxes generated from legal gambling and prostitution keeps alot of state workers employed. The rest of the country should follow Nevada’s example.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 30, 2011 at 3:20 pm


bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 30, 2011 at 3:01 pm

You can blame all those tragedies on the corrupt politicians back then, they didn’t care about any of those women or what would happen to them when the harmony was closed down. They knew that area was prime real estate for developers so they shut down the so-called undesirable businesses in the area which put a financial squeeze on the proberty owners and made them sell or the city just took it by declaring it a public nuisance or under some imminent domain clause. The crooked politicians and their devoper cronies made billions on that deal.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 28, 2011 at 8:57 am

after 25 or 30 years in the business, no retirement plan, no health benefits..they just hope they snag some rich guy. That shyt only happens in the movies. Around here the old washed-up strippers hang out at the nursing homes around 1st of the month and turn tricks.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 28, 2011 at 8:38 am

nothin' sadder than a senior citizen still tryin' to ‘HO’ herself out

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 28, 2011 at 8:32 am

If she did video back in early 80’s it’s probably on the old beta max tapes. You guys should have a 30 year reunion for all the old dancers that worked harmony/melody club to see if they still got..But then again who the hell would want it…they got pushing 60 by now…lol

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 27, 2011 at 6:59 pm

Harmonyman thanx for the comformation on the Candy ID. If you run across any of her old photos email me. I haven’t had any luck on the net. I know allow of the old performers back then were shooting up drugs and sharing needles so maybe she is no longer amongst the living…if that’s the case what a waste. Because she was GREAT..

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 27, 2011 at 1:13 pm

I sent you the pic as you requested to the email you gave but it was returned as undeliverable. so send me an email at my aol address ‘’ and I will return with a pic attachment.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 26, 2011 at 1:47 pm

HarmonyMan, I found a pic of the dancer in question, and if you got an email address, I could send you and your fellow Harmony/Melody Theatre crew the pic to see if you remember who she is or atleast the name she performed under back in the day. Sorry, It’s such a poor quality pic but I found it in an old box of Stroke Magazines in my attic.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 26, 2011 at 12:30 am

Did candy do any porno work or nude modeling that you know of. Maybe she took some photos or video at the club I’d like to see if she is the same dancer that polished my knob back in the day. I credit her with turning me into the ‘Deviant’ I am today, Bless her heart. I’m going back Phillippines my next vacation…One of the few places left where they don’t despise americans.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 25, 2011 at 2:40 pm

Reading your comments about the good olds days of burlesque in NYC in the 70s and 80s at Harmony/Melody theatre..Reminded me of the many nights pleasure that I’ve spent in cathouses and stripjoints around the world while in the military..Places like The Philippines, Bangkok, Holland, Germany, France, Beligum, Prague, Switzerland and Italy.In all my travels, I’ve found that one thing remains the same.
Stripjoints and cathouses worldwide all smell the same, the girls all act the same, the only differencee is the language. But as long you got a pocket full of american dollars you don’t even have to speak just point to what you want. Now that I have retired from the military and reide southern region of the United States where laws regulatimg strip clubs are more relaxed. I have great memories from 2000 to 2009 of places like The Gold Club, Platinum Rose, Cabaret, The Plnk Pony and Magic City.

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 25, 2011 at 1:24 pm

‘cuse my french I mean that grand old gal…lol

bigjoker commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Jan 25, 2011 at 1:21 pm

You know the only candy staton I can find on the net is the 70s dance and disco diva…cant possibly be the same person…that bitch is in her s 60s…