Comments from bmbcali

Showing 2 comments

bmbcali commented about Pacific's Hastings 8 on Aug 12, 2007 at 2:06 am

Saw a movie at this theatre today, 8/11/07, and found out that this theatre will be closed on 8/31/07 and demolished. I guess even chopping up one of the last larger single screens in the San Gabriel Valley and making it a multi-plex couldn’t save this theatre.

bmbcali commented about Wescove Cinemas on Apr 27, 2006 at 5:12 pm

I saw many movies at the WesCove growing up in the area. I also saw “The Empire Stikes Back” there. A big movie for me there was “Phantom of the Paradise” which opened there in 1974. Although it quickly came and went from that theatre and elsewhere, somehow it played 62 weeks in Winnipeg and the 30th anniversary of this film with the main stars and fans from around the world is taking place in Winnipeg on April 29, 2006 In a sad coincidence, I just drove past the theatre this morning April 27, 2006, and it is now rubble :( They must have torn it down yesterday afternoon because it was still there yesterday. Very sad that no one lobbied to keep this 70mm theatre for a civic auditorium or other uses. Now it will be part of the parking lot.