Comments from bradlee

Showing 3 comments

bradlee commented about Fellsway Theatre on Apr 3, 2005 at 12:49 pm

Your right Ron it is spelled Fellsway.The trolley barn next door to the left has an address of 465 Salem street. The actual building looks as if it extended to the street at one time.I can find no examples other than a non descript sign saying it was once a theatre.

As for the comment from dwodeyla, is it possible the Square theatre became the Medford 1-2-3?,also known as The Dyer building.As far as the 1800 seater, I have no idea.

The Chevalier Theatre is also in Medford and I will make a listing today.

bradlee commented about Medford Square 1-2-3 on Apr 2, 2005 at 3:18 pm

The building is known as the Dwyer Building,and was built in 1915,not 1917.I have some photos of whats left of the facade Ill post soon.
The rear theatre portion was torn down on August 25,1989.

bradlee commented about Central Drive-In on Apr 2, 2005 at 1:46 pm

I know this area well.I lived at the other end of LongPond Road,and as kids in the mid 80s we used to hang out there.I dont remember that it was called “The Central” ,we called it Long Pond.
We were there the day they tore it down,and the space is now apartments.Was located adjacent to the Barge Canal.
When we hung out there the place was already abandoned and vandalized.