Comments from gjoynson

Showing 2 comments

gjoynson commented about Park Theatre on Nov 7, 2007 at 5:34 pm

While researching Vaughn’s murder in 1920, I found several advertisements for the Lyric Theatre and will try to post them to this websight. Vaughn showed silent movies to his audiences and the Lyric Theatre also offered matinees. Vaughn also worked for McDonough’s Cafeteria on the corner of Kingsley Street and Second Avenue in Asbury Park, which offered live musicals during the 1920s. There should be a separate listing for McDonough’s.

gjoynson commented about Park Theatre on Oct 7, 2007 at 6:53 am

“Murders in Monmouth: Capital Crimes from the Jersey Shore’s Past,” is a new book due in bookstores November 15, 2007, which mentions Elmer Vaughn, moving picture operator at Lyric Theatre before he was murdered in 1920. Vaughn also worked in the Ocean and Shubert Theatres in Asbury Park.