Community Twin Theatre

215-32 Jamaica Avenue,
Queens Village, NY 11428

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Showing 1 - 25 of 36 comments

jamesbond on July 12, 2022 at 10:38 pm

I used to spend many Saturday evenings with my parents at this theater from December 1990 to December 1991.

At that time, it was known as the Jodha Community Cinemas, named after the manager, Ram Jodha, and we saw a lot of memorable Bollywood films, along with a few Hollywood films, as well.

Despite so much crime taking place in that area and in the rest of the city, this theater really was a magical escape to heaven.

There was one blue theater #1 and a golden-brown theater #2. We stopped visiting because the heating system was not working, but I still enjoy watching some of those movies at home, even after all these years.

At that time, we used to live in Flushing, so it was always an exciting drive to this theater. Now, I live up the road in Queens Village, but the present-day church just doesn’t have the same charm that I always remembered and that is very unfortunate. :(

robboehm on February 1, 2019 at 8:10 pm

Interestingly the Century Management Corporation was housed in the building; presumably the same Century as the circuit. This was leased property because any theater that Century had built could not be used to show movies by a subsequent owner according the the closing agreement.

robboehm on October 15, 2018 at 12:16 am

At one time the Mount Bethel Church took over the theater and the rest of the building. It now appears to be closed and there is some scaffolding where the entrance was.

Comfortably Cool
Comfortably Cool on March 30, 2018 at 1:40 pm

R. Thomas Short was sort of “house” architect for the circuit eventually known as Century, which turned the meeting hall into a cinema and was the first to run it. I suspect that Short was responsible for the renovations, and not “architect” from the ground up.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on March 30, 2018 at 12:09 am

This item is from the March 7, 1925 issue of The Moving Picture World:

“Queens Village Has Theatre

“The Community Theatre, Queens Village, Long Island, was opened to the public last week. It is a well-appointed picture-house and has a seating capacity of more than one thousand. Music is furnished by a five-piece orchestra, under the direction of Fred Dressel, and a $12,000 organ. The program is changed every two days. The theatre is controlled by the Citizens' Community House, Inc. The house is under the management of Joseph Merck. The performance is continuous from 1:30 until 11 P. M.”

The article at Comfortably Cool’s link identifies R. Thomas Short as the architect.

Comfortably Cool
Comfortably Cool on March 29, 2018 at 8:55 pm

Historical report in Queens news weekly can be viewed here

robboehm on March 27, 2015 at 12:28 am

Additional photo added.

techman707 on April 22, 2013 at 3:19 am

This theatre is falling apart and the Queens Theatre down the street had its outside renovated. I guess you need to run a church to save a theatre today.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on April 22, 2013 at 2:19 am

Passed by this theatre today and the snapped a couple of pics. The blue paint on the “COMMUNITY” sign atop the marquee has just about peeled entirely away. The building’s facade doesn’t appear to have had any maintenance performed since the last pics I took back in 2005.

techman707 on January 16, 2011 at 3:27 am

I worked as a relief projectionist at the Community, Queens and Glen Oaks Theatre in the 60’s and 70’s and when my regular job at the DeMille Theatre in Manhattan burned down in 1973, I went to work full time at Century’s Prospect in Flushing.

Living near the Queens and Community, until today, I also went to the Community, Queens and Belair Theatres on Jamaica Avenue as a child. What I remember MOST about the Community Theatre was the Chase Manhattan Bank next to the theatre. They had a clock outside and when you had to wait outside in the rain, the clock dripped down on whoever was unlucky enough to be standing there on the line.

It’s very sad to see ALL the theatres gone now.

rcdt55b on December 5, 2009 at 3:22 pm

There seems to be some major renovations going on at the theater.

robboehm on April 10, 2009 at 5:28 am

And if you will compare the 1987 photo with one from the early days of the theatre the marquee size double even though the style remained the same. This shot shows individual bulbs around the exterior. I seem to recall neon.

robboehm on March 4, 2009 at 2:27 am

At one point in time the corporate offices of Century Theatres was also housed in the Community Theatre building. This having been moved from the Farragut Theatre building in Brooklyn. Subsequently, Century moved its operations to its own building on Verbena Av, just off Tulip, near the Floral Park Long Island Rail Road station.

MaDukes on February 4, 2009 at 1:07 am

Annie, I remember all the old times at the theaters. what ever happened to Eric Leewald, the assitant mgr? I remember we use to keep a bottle or 2 bottles of wine(Pink Catawba) in the sink with cold water in the sink to keep the wine cold. And Mr Wagner? The hero who killed the fierce mouse behind the candy stand with a broom handle…. I did see him when my son Christopher was born in 1976 at LIJ. I used to run into Mr Burns every now and again. And Wesley always up to something..I see Vinny the usher a lot. retired he is….alive and well.
The Queens theater was an old vaudville theater at one time. Does anyone remember going into the basement to try to find the old organ? and the Mice…all those mice………I hope some of you guys are still out there and remembering the old days and Jan. That was a shock when I read that.
Take Care all
Lynne Gallaudet

ahkashmir on October 27, 2008 at 11:37 pm

I worked as a candy attendant in the Community Theater in ‘71-'72, and I have many fun memories of both this and the Queens Theater. I had friends who worked at both theaters, including Dorothy, Lynn Gallaudet, Jan, Judy, Lindi, Larry O'Gara, Eleanor Schwarz, Bob Crowe (anyone know where Bob is these days?), Jay Rosen. And I remember the matrons like Mrs. Bosset (little old woman with a hearing problem who used to yell at all the kids)and Jen the other matron. Wow! We used to get free passes to all the Century Theaters back then, so I often went to the Queens, Bellerose, Floral, and Park theaters. The managers used to go from theater to theater, so they would often make calls to the box offices of other theaters to leave passes for us. Nice perks back then! The Queens Theater was a great one to hang around in after closing, since it had been a live-entertainment theater when it first opened. There were dressing rooms on the second or third floor and we used to find old theater signs and other relics from bygone days. What a great experience! Do you remember that, Dorothy?

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on August 22, 2007 at 2:05 am

The same church that operates out of the former Community Theater also owns the former Cambria Theater in nearby Cambria Heights, where regular services are also held.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on May 25, 2006 at 1:12 am

Below is a photo I took of the Community back in the fall of 1993 sometime after it had closed down. Some of the lettering from the last attractions were still lingering on the side panel of the time worn marquee… looks like the English-language feature was “White Man Can’t Jump” from 1992:

White Men Jump

Here’s a vintage shot from almost the very same angle taken in 1924 (and previously posted here by Warren) as well as a more recent shot I took from a similar vantage point from December of 2005 for comparison:

1924 spiffy and new
2005 at dusk

On first blush it appears that the latter day marquee might be original, but it doesn’t take too much time to figure out that at some point the height of the marquee’s advertising space was increased and the fins atop the side boards were replaced with near identical units spelling out the theater’s name. And of course the big name fin out front was later added (I assume to clear up the street facing side of the marquee for advertising).

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on May 12, 2006 at 1:09 am

Here’s a new link to the photos I posted back in December. The old links no longer work since I reorganized my photobucket account.

Dorothy on March 10, 2006 at 8:22 am

yup..knew Dorothy Fleck.. as for me -grew up 221st and 97th..Annies
block.. all the trees are gone on that block last time I went through!
HS=Andrew Jackson (during busing time and black/white ratios).. are you referring to Hempstead Ave? Jans-step mom is still there house on 220th and 107th but having serious health issues. The store I knew was Bohack LOL! We should probably take this personal convo off-line. I doubt all this is of interest to the rest of the cinema geeks anyway;) email me dc at

MikeCasiano on March 8, 2006 at 2:08 am

Did you go to Bishop Riley H.S.?

MikeCasiano on March 7, 2006 at 11:28 pm

Dear Dot:
Sorry to hear about Jan, he was a nice guy. Small world. But it’s kind of hard to tell from your pic if I know you. Did you go to SSJA? The only Dorothy I remember is Dorothy Fleck. I still live in QV on 220th and 100th Ave. There was a girl who lived on the corner of 100th Ave and 222nd street back in the days. Well not exactly on the corner but in the house next to the corner house on 222nd and 100thAve. That wasn’t you was it? Maybe not. But I wouldn’t doubt that our paths crossed. Do you remember Mr. Schumachers pet shop on the avenue across from the A&P I used to work there as a kid helping him out with the store, I was about 12 or 13 years old. Toss some names at me maybe we did cross paths.
Be safe.

Dorothy on March 7, 2006 at 8:23 pm

To all.. there is a Queens Village group on MSN.. which also has a photos area with Old QV photos

Dorothy on March 7, 2006 at 8:13 pm

Hello Mike.. I wonder if our paths have crossed as we seem to know the same people ;) I was married to Jan for ten years (he passed away in 1998) and lived in QV two doors down from Annie.

MikeCasiano on March 3, 2006 at 6:42 am

And By the way…Dorothy from Oz…I remember Lynn Gallaudet & Kathleen Egan from Andrew Jackson. I also went to school with Kathleen at SSJA. I saw your photos posted. Also Ann Abrusci who I mentioned as AnnieA. in the above post was in my class as SSJA.