Comments from TrueClass

Showing 1 - 25 of 142 comments

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on May 15, 2007 at 11:42 am

If they shut it down I won’t be able to sell my baked goods. Raymond Mazzola and I are becoming such good friends too. He is such a handsome man. Don’t you think Ray is a handsome man? Unlike Robert and Kevin he has a full head of shiny grey hair. Since his new dentures were set he also has a big beautiful smile and he has very few poc marks on his face. Why does Jim have so many? He must have eaten lots of sweets when he was a boy. I love sweets. I hope Jim helps us to save the old dry cleaner on east St. Charles road. Jim is a wonderful preservationist. He did a great job at trying to save the theatre and the bowling alley. 3rd time is a charm they say. The dry cleaners is the most important one to save. So many famous people have had their dirty socks and undies washed there. Kurt, Gary and Philip had their blouses washed there and Steve and Robert had their boxers starched there (that explains their crabby disposition tee-hee). I sure hope Jim can save the dry cleaners. My husband says Jim and Kevin and Raymond couldn’t preserve a beer can collection. He’s very crabby these days because of the gout. I hope Jim has a rally at the dry cleaners very soon. I have many butter cookies to sell.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater meets end on May 14, 2007 at 12:09 am

I agree with Mrs. Dynako. Self proclaimed block trustee Robert probably had his house egged by his own neighbors. I think he deserved what he got. After all it was he who decided to negotiate with the likes of Fitzpatrick and the theatre crowd to speak on our behalf (without our permission) to support the condo plan. As Mr. Fitzpatrick has said on this website, cry me a river. Anyone that would sell out his neighbors is a very bad person.

As for you Debbie, let’s organize another bake sale. Maybe we can save some of the shops facade. Robert and Gary and Phillip might even buy some of them to help your cause. I doubt Robert and Gary will buy any though. Rumor has it they are saving their money for Rogaine and implants. Do all sellouts lose their hair? Does Kevin plan on getting implants along with them?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Apr 14, 2007 at 11:32 pm

An interesting flyer along with a copy of a lawsuit was delivered to our neighbors today. My husband almost choked on his bear claw when he opened it!

I find it very conspicuous that Mrs. Moreau’s brochure was almost identical in appearance to notorious Friend of the DuPage Theatre Laura Fitzpatrick.

How can someone that wants to be elected as a public servant file a lawsuit against the people she is asking to vote for her?

Mr. Mazzola do you have any comment? You wrote that sweet letter about her in the newspapers last week. I’m going to run a dozen of my best easter cookies ofover to Dana, Kurt, Philip, Ray, Gary Robert and his children. Maybe some food will keep those little buggers from running up and down the street and blocking traffic. I think soccer should be played at the park. Don’t you think soccer should be played at the park Raymond?

Are you going to sue the village if they tear down that nice outhouse next to the tennis courts at the Lombard Common Ray? So many people have pooped in that shelter that I think you, Dana and Kevin should get an injunction if they do. I’ll never forget where I took my first public poop Ray. CAN YOU?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 15, 2007 at 3:36 pm

Does Judy like pie? I haven’t seen her in a while. Do you like pie Ray? I am sending St. Paticks Day pies to Mr. Nolan and Trustee Sebby. What kind of pie do you like Ray? My son says you need a slice of humble pie because you have been making comments for years that the theatre would be saved and now it is gone. Have been humbled Ray? What does it feel like to lead a failed effort? My son says that the only bigger failure of a leader in America was the captain of the Valdez. Why couldn’t you, Kevin and the Dude save our theatre Ray? Why did you let those people like Gary, Robert and Phillip beat you so soundly? How many humble pies should I bake for you Ray?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 13, 2007 at 8:35 pm

I agree that the Charlotte people have lied. I live on Charlotte and was told repeatedly by Robert, Gary, Larry and Phill that the ticket box would be used in part of any new building. Why would they lie Dude? The newspaper says the building is going to be knocked down. Did the Friends really advocate having the ticket box knocked down? Why did they ask me to bake pies to save the box if they wanted it knocked down? I saw my dear friend Ginny Lippig last week at Sunday service. She looked wonderful in her purple outfit. My son wonders if she wears purple panties to match her outfit. Do you think she wears purple panties Dude? I know you and Ginny were very close because like you she wanted to save the building too.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 11, 2007 at 1:57 pm

Why is everyone so sad and angry? My neighbor Robert was eating some of my pies yesterday and in between bites he told me all was good in the Lilac Village. Robert eats lots of my pies, but not as many as Kurt and Kevin. Do you like pies Dude? My son says he would like to hit you in the face with a pie because you say silly things. Why do you talk about dead people so much Dude? My son says you talk about dead people because no living person in their right mind will listen to you. Why Does Kevin hate Kurt, Steve and Robert? Is he jealous because I have been giving them more of my pies than him? My son says that Kevin and Kurt should square off and have a sumo match in downtown Lombard. My son says the village would make a lot of money if they sponsored it because Lombardians would pay good money to watch the two fattest people in town with the two fattest egos square off. I will sell pies and donate the money to the ticket lobby salvage campaign. Our self-proclaimed block trustee Robert has promised us that the ticket box will be saved. He has the third biggest ego in Lombard. Do you like pies dude? I make good pies.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 4, 2007 at 7:26 pm

You seem to be very smart. The Germans tore down many theatres when they rampaged across europe during the second war.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 4, 2007 at 3:02 am

If theatre Buff needs help than Robert needs help. He is asking for me to sell more pies to save the theater. I just think he wants to eat more of my pies with Kevin and the bald trustee. Do you like pie Melders? Robert likes my pies. He has eaten several of them apparently. Do you think Robert and Mr. Mueller (Miller if you are German) will share pie together?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 2, 2007 at 4:39 pm

Dude and Ray,

They voted to tear down our lobby and ticket box last night. Mr. Mueller looked very unhappy. He even shouted some mean things at Gary. The bald trustee said he wanted to buy the property and put an apartment complex there. We are alll very sad. The bald trustee was hugging Kevin after the meeting. I wanted to cry. The bald trustee also hugged Laura and rubbed her behind for a long time. My son says there is something going on there. My son said Laura looks like one of the Roloffs. Do you know who the Roloffs are Ray and Dude? I think it’s the show about that family of little people. What is our next move Dude and Ray? Should we get Kevin to organize another bake sale? There was over 50 people at the meeting last night that wore red VOTE NO RSC stickers. If we could get all of them to the bake sale we might be able to raise enough funds to purchase the ticket box. Do you want to help Ray and Dude? Robert and George suggested to me that if we charge people a dollar for a chance to throw pies in the face of Kevin and the mexican lady named Barb, we could raise enough money to buy the entire property. Gary says people would line up around the block for a chance to throw one of my banana cream pies in Kevin’s face. Do you like banana cream pie Dude?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 27, 2007 at 2:18 pm

Robert, Gary, Phillip and Mr. Johnson are trying to purchase the land according to my husband. I hope they are successful. They are very smart young men and will do great things on that property. It’s so sad that you are angry Dude. Springtime is coming and soon the lilacs will be in full bloom. Do you like lilacs Dude? Do you have any bushes in your yard?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 25, 2007 at 2:05 pm

Mass was beautiful this morning. That nice young girl Dana Morrow was passing out flyers in the parking lot. She beleives in saving old buildings and giving out more speeding tickets. I think she will beat Mr. Sebby this time.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 23, 2007 at 10:53 pm

Mr. Nolan told us at rotary that the village board will vote 5-1 to demolish the theatre next week. Does that mean we won’t save the ticket lobby? Can you help us Buffy and Melders? Dude, will you be of any assistance? We need help.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 21, 2007 at 4:58 pm

We had a wonderful evening at the league of women voters conference yesterday. I thought all of the speakers did a wonderful job. I saw Kevin there. He has gained weight! I wonder if Dana Mouron will advocate the tearing down of the ticket lobby like the rest of the theatre supporters. Our van had an accident on the way home from the town hall. Everyone is fine though.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 13, 2007 at 8:18 pm

How come you didn’t show up for pie last week? Robert and Gary ate several all by themselves. I would have given several to Kevin but he stayed home because of the cold. You know how bad cold weather can be on a bald man’s head.

Are you bald buff? Or are you chubby like Robert and Gary and Kurt? I don’t care for chubby men myself. Do you like men thinner or chunkier Buff? My son says you will take them any way you can. He’s so silly. Do you get silly Buff?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 12, 2007 at 7:28 pm

Jim Dude,
I learned how to copy and paste today. Here is one of your recent posts:
Excuse me, I didn’t say that I post on there, I was just looking at it when all of a sudden, after several pro-arts posts were made, the entire thread was deleted right back to the anti-arts one that was originally there.
posted by DuPageDude on Feb 10, 2007 at 9:57am

I believe you Jim. And I believe that Barry Bonds only took illegal drugs because he thought they were cold medicine. And I also believe Bill Clinton never had sex with Monica Lewinsky. And I also belive Bill Clinton never smoked pot but only inhaled it. I also want you to know that I was taken captive by space aliens who used took me to a planet far away, forced me to bake pies and returned me to my home weeks later…..Why doesn’t anyone believe us Jim?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 9, 2007 at 1:13 am

I am so proud of you being a salesman. What do you sell? Someone said you sold french fries or vacuum cleaners. We need a new vacuum cleaner. Will you be coming to our block soon? My son says you sell drugs. Is it true that you sell drugs Dude? Where do you sell them? Walgreens or CVS? I love salesman Dude. People say that salesman are usually people that are not smart enough to perform normal jobs. Most of them are alcoholics. Are you an alcoholic Dude? I hope not because I care about you and I really need someone to give me a good price on an Oreck. When you come over, please don’t throw too much flour on my rug during your demonstration. I need flour to get ready for the next bake sale. Do you like pies Dude? Gary, Robert, Bruce and Phil like my pies. See how chubby they are getting?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 8, 2007 at 8:04 pm

You seem to be very well connected with the Federal government. Is there any way you can help us get a new library, theatre and save the ticket box? I am very impressed with your knowledge of the federal government. How long have you known Barack Obama? Do you think he’ll mention the theatre when he addresses the nation next week? My son reads this website and he says that you are so well connected and love theaters because you have an alternative lifestyle. What is alternate about your lifestyle Buff? My son says you alternate doing things to other people? Can you alternate with some of the people in our community to help convince them to save the ticket box? We need to do whatever it takes to save her Buff? Do you like movies as much as you like theaters Buff? My son says he would bet a million dollars that your favorite movie is Brokeback Mountain. I have not seen Brokeback Mountain yet but I love cowboy movies. Do you like cowboy movies Buff?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 6, 2007 at 12:18 pm

Thanks so much for the information about the library coming to the theatre site. I love to read. Do you like to read Ray? We are all so happy about the library coming to the theatre location! Do you know when the library will be built? Will it have a section for seniors? We are so happy that you are on board with this new library Kevin. Will Your lovely wife be supporting it? Maybe she can paint murals of the old theatre on the walls to remind us of it. We were distraught when you, Robert, Kurt and Debby had the building torn down, but this is a very nice comeback from all of you. We were dissapointed at the turnout for our bake sale on Sunday afternoon. We think the weather caused the low turnout. We gave many of our baked goods to the homeless but still have some left. Would you like some of the pie and cookies Kevin?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 2, 2007 at 5:03 pm

Have you been in contact with Virginia from the senior center yet? We will need your big strong muscles to help set up the tables on Sunday. We will need some sort of a lecturn for Barack Obama to speak from. Do you have anything like that you could bring in from Woodburn? I’m so excited about Sunday. If we sell all of the baked goods on hand we should raise well over $150. Sam says that will buy quite a bit of paint and mortar for the lobby. I hope the Super bowl does not slow down foo traffic to our sale on Sunday. We start a 1 p.m. and go until 5 p.m. We would go longer but we close at 5 p.m. on Sundays. The game should be over by 3 anyway. Are you a Bears fan Dude? My favorite player is still Mike Ditka. My son says Mike suffers from permenant jock itch. Do you have jock itch Dude? I have hammertoes and bunions. I know what Mr. Ditka is going through.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 31, 2007 at 2:45 pm

Hello Mr. Buff. We are having the bake sale this Sunday at 1 p.m.. I hope you can come. Marty, Ralph and Virginia will be there to help. What kind of pie would you like Buff? Are you bringing Barack OBama with you? How wonderful would it be if he became president and then flew back to Lombard to help save the ticket box? I don’t think Hillary Clinton is interested in saving our ticket box and lobby. I would prefer that Barack OBama get elected now that you have topld us he will help save the ticket box and lobby. You are a godsend to our community Buff! We can’t thank you enough for getting the next president of America involved here in the Lilac village!

God bless you Buff. I have pies waiting for you.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 25, 2007 at 9:13 pm

Hey Buff?,
Who is Dylan? is he the jazz musician that played with Tommy Dorsey? I love Tommy Dorsey, don’t you? I used to take the train into Chicago as a child to see the shows. I don’t understand the music these children listen to today. A delivery boy from the pharmacy dropped off my Anusol and my diuretic supplement today and he had those earplugs in and was listening to one of those P-pods? The music was playing so loud I could actually hear it when he opened his mouth! Yes it’s true Buff, the music was actually going in his ears and I could hear it through his mouth! My husband got a p-pod for Christmas from his friends at the VFW hall. We had to give it to my granddaughter though. It affected his hearing aids in a bad way. Are you coming to the bake sale Buff? We will be playing lot’s of big band hits from the 1940’s. It will be fun Buff.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 25, 2007 at 9:10 pm

Hey Buff?,
Who is Dylan? is he the jazz musician that played with Tommy Dorsey? I love Tommy Dorsey, don’t you? I used to take the train into Chicago as a child to see the shows. I don’t understand the music these children listen to today. A delivery boy from the pharmacy dropped off my Anusol and my diuretic supplement today and he had those earplugs in and was listening to one of those P-pods? The music was playing so loud I could actually hear it when he opened his mouth! Yes it’s true Buff, the music was actually going in his ears and I could hear it through his mouth! My husband got a p-pod for Christmas from his friends at the VFW hall. We had to give it to my granddaughter though. It affected his hearing aids in a bad way. Are you coming to the bake sale Buff? We will be playing lot’s of big band hits from the 1940’s. It will be fun Buff.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 24, 2007 at 9:27 am

i love you Buff. I loved the Titanic too. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my favorites. I think it’s horrible that someone didn’t take the time to move that iceberg out of the way. Whomever they are are really to blame for the sinking of that beautiful cruiseliner. I did not know there was a hostage crisis at the Dupage Theater Buff. Who was holding someone hostage? Who was the hostage? Is that why there was often squad cars in the area? We thought they were there because teenagers were vandalizing her. Tell us more about he hostage crisis in Lombard Buff?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 23, 2007 at 9:41 pm

He’s so smart, the Dude. I think it’s sad that some of the men on my block laugh and mock him. I don’t care for that kind of behavior, no matter what the Dude has done in the past. Everyone makes mistakes. People can change. Carla Faye Tucker changed. Do you remember Carla Faye Tucker Follower? She’s the girl that murdered two people with an ax down in Texas and then came to God. I wrote letters to George Bush asking him to save her from execution. It was so sad that he didn’t listen to us. I like the Dude, don’t you Follower?

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 23, 2007 at 10:15 am

Have you been to the city hall in Lombard? We went a few months ago to a meeting. It is a wonderful building. Are you going to run for president of the Friends when Debbie runs for trustee? You would make a good president Dude. You have a great head on your shoulders. Are you ready to help with the bake sale Dude? I am so excited about it! We could use your help. Gary and Bruce are not interested. They are very busy men. Are you going to watch the Superbowl Dude? We are going to watch at the senior center.