DuPage Theater
109 S. Main Street,
109 S. Main Street,
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Showing 226 - 250 of 1,253 comments
TAX INCREMENT FINANCING….TAX DOLLAR DIVERSION. A taxpayer that would have (key word: WOULD HAVE) paid propery taxes in that once was condo development would have seen the majority of their real estate tax bill diverted to the TIF to fund the theatre for 23 years. Funding that could have gone to the schools, the library, etc…..
Are sales tax, income tax, transfer tax, and gasolines tax not taxes either since they don’t appear on your real estate tax bill? Are tax credits not reallocation of tax dollars? Is a “save the trash…oops I mean treasure” grant not coming from federal TAX dollars? Does that answer your question?
A project with minimal taxpayer intervention is acceptable but when next to no funding is coming from private funds, it simply fails the village residents. As has been said time and time again, if this theatre project is so lucrative you “Friends” should finance it yourselves and bask in all its glory (and profits if the demand is so strong and the project is so easily fully funded). Take out the “public funds” and you have not even enough to restore the old rusted out marquee.
Dupage dud also quoted this: “Does anyone remember when people on this site used to actually post about theatre restoration instead of having to defend themselves against wildly false accusations,…”
All one has to do is start with the first quote at the top of this message board and scroll down to the 11th message and see this message board NEVER about only theatre restoration.
Ct2 and everybody else…we already answered dupers question so just ignore him and maybe he will go away. 98.5% taxpayer intervention
Challenger and ct1,2,lynch.
What" taxpayer intervention"?…Key words.“what taxpayer intervention”?
BTW.You still haven’t answered the other question.
If TIF levy is not on our realestate tax bill,then is TIF a tax?
jmo, you people avoid answering those questions.
Challenger and ct1,2 lynch.
What" taxpayer intervention"?…Key words.“what taxpayer intervention”?
BTW.You still haven’t answered the other question.
If TIF levy is not on our reaalestate tax bill,then is TIF a tax?HUMMMMM
Dude (aka Dud) quotes this “and before people were chastised and ridiculed for errors in spelling and grammar?”
Scroll up and read his post from 9/12/05:
By the way, it’s AFFECTED, not EFFECTED. Read more grammar books on break at Mickey D’s instead of comic books!!!
posted by DuPageDude on Sep 12, 2005 at 3:27pm
I have to laugh out loud at the latest comment by “dude”….the biggest offender and he lashes out again at the so called “anti-theatre group”. Just goes to show the “friends” never learn. It is not that the opposition was anti-theatre, it was against the proposed plan. As was always said from day one, bring a plan without “taxpayer intervention” and all will support the plan. That has not happened. Dude and others seem to forget the wide scope that taxpayer intervention was taking on their so called “fully funded plan”. Show the “naysayers” where there was private equity (and not “handouts” by the village, state, or federal government via tax credits, TIF, proceeds from village owned land sales) and the support for your now defunct plan will come back.
And kudos to the friends for yet another damning commentary of our village government in the local paper. That is the way to really win support of your long defunct project and admiration from the village board, village staff, and most importantly, the taxpaying residents of our town. One would have thought you learned that lessone by now.
Hi….How’s it goin'?
Does anyone remember when people on this site used to actually post about theatre restoration instead of having to defend themselves against wildly false accusations, before the anti-theatre group came on here to poison the conversation with wild tales, and before people were chastised and ridiculed for errors in spelling and grammar? Can we bring those days back?
How’s bible study going? Are you praying for that poor 18 year old girl? Poor thing…people are claiming she was sent “disgusting” e-mails, nut no one can produce them publically, despite repeated requests from different people on different days…
How do you know that was the only incident that occured?
This issue has brought out the worst in certain people and you, Dude are the perfect example.
Keep on proving my point…
Did Stupor Neighbor not tell you what she posted yesterday?
“I just sent a quick e-mail to my longtime friend who is a Detective on the Lombard force to find out if any such inquiries were made. Did you tell them you live in Woodridge when you stopped by? I suspect, as usual, you are a liar and fraud.
An incident did occur on Charlotte Street but was not reported because no damage occured. Some idiot, who has no life, threw a few purple flyers in a neighbors yard late at night. Can you imagine? Someone who is so pathetic that he has nothing better to do with his time than that? What a loser! The joke’s on him though because it was windy that night and all the flyers blew into the only neighborhood yard that had a theatre sign. You can’t imagine the laughs we all shared over that blunder! Buffoon!
posted by Dupe neighbor on Oct 25, 2005 at 3:58pm
At the request of the LPD, I will not post them.
I believe you were asked a few times before but changed the subject, so I will ask again…Why don’t you have the courage to post those “disgusting” e-mails to show us once and for all how “disgusting” this person really is? Delete or change words if you must, but If you are going to repeatedly bring them up, post them for all to see, please. Otherwise, zip it!
Come by the house today. I’ll go through the e-mails with you.
I agree.
Radio City Music Hall 1222 posts
The Dupage 1041 and closing in fast :)
Dupage Dude. Let their “little” group believe you are me.Ooops I am you ,ooops ,I am restoration rita, ooopss no you are restoration rita, no that can’t be .Aren’t you the “Murph”.No I am the “Murph”.No wait a minute here.I thought I was “a "fitzy”.That can’t be because I am “petey k”. Is your name Jim? No that can’t be.Isn’t the “murph” Jim.It gets so confusing.They just blabber on and on.They make “no sense” at all.
ct1,ct2,Dupe neighbor,true class and ld4 are all nuts. “All” 5 of them.
Instead of answering pertinent questions on their claims and assumptions of “taxpayer invention ” for the theatre restoration , they hide in the shadows and are only concerned about someones identity.Oops I almost forgot.Carrect spelimg.Kee words.Carrect spelimg.
What a bunch of narrow minded individuals.
Dude.Do you know what type of game was played between the police dept.and the fire dept. at the lot next to the “old” village hall?
If you are duper supporter, then you should know that one.
Dupage Dude. Have a “nice” day.Whoever you really are.
“Change of subject by Jim. Dead giveaway. He always does this when caught in a lie.” Isn’t it YOU that’s asking about a college degree now? That sounds like a change of subject if you ask me…I guess that means… OH NO!!! I AM YOU TOO!! So that means I’m Dupage Dude, Deper Supporter, True Class, Challenger, Murph, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and a few others I can’t remember…
I just looked all over this web site, and I could not find anywhere that it said spelling and grammar will be graded. What diffwerence does it make? I am not a professional typist, I make typing errorrs, who cares? If you people have nothing better to do with your petty lives than to analyze every post and then go “Oh no!! He didn’t put I before E!!!”
What difference does it make WHERE the degree is from to the preservation of the DuPage Theatre? Remember that? That’s what the fight is to save, not over who I really am!! Why do you keep bringing that up? Because you have NOTHING else of value to add! Where’s the officer’s name? Wgere’s the report number? Absolutely NO REASON you can’t give that out…Oh wait, your new buddy Dupe Neighbor (who didn’t make any mistakes- IBET THAT’S YOU TOO!!) said there’s no report!! In fact, it sounds like it was actually to a theatre supporter!! Boy, do YOU look stupid now!!
Never mind. You have been exposed Mr. DeVitt. None of the REAL restoration advocates are coming to your rescue. Only the personalities that you created are backing you up. They have seen the evidence (produced by your stupidity) that you are a phony.
Let the healing begin.
Who is Jim?
Is that your way of not answering the question? I guess so because I have asked 3 times and all you people do is cover up.Why don’t you just plead the 5th amendment.Wait a moment. Better idea.Why don’t you people plead the 18th amendment.More fitting the type of blabber you people bring to this website.
Change of subject by Jim. Dead giveaway. He always does this when caught in a lie.
Dupe neighbor.“What tax intervention”?
Key words……. “What tax intervention”?
jmo.You haven’t answered my question.If TIF levies aren’t on our realestate tax bills,then is TIF a tax?
Dupe Neighbor,
Not sure which neighbor you are but, I can tell you one thing, this man Jim Devitt will never post his non-existant degree. I’ll bet you a cup of coffee on that one.
Have a nice dinner at Praga with…YOURSELF!
You forgot that lithium again buddy, try better next time.