Comments from Bway

Showing 2,626 - 2,650 of 3,245 comments

Bway commented about Grandview Theater on Jan 6, 2005 at 2:27 pm

Here’s an article that was in the Timesnewsweekly this past week. It’s an article about what the M subway line is now, but mentions a nice description of the Grandview Theater (with it’s wooden benches in the open air theater nextdoor, as well as the Belvedere in Glendale:

View link

Bway commented about Ramrod Theatre on Jan 6, 2005 at 1:25 pm

“I forgot all about this place


Bway commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 5, 2005 at 4:58 pm

I just saw this story on TV on Channel 5! The Beekman is being torn down to build a medical facility ! What a tragedy!
The leaseholder is following up on an option in it’s lease or something. A community group is going to try and save it, but it doesn’t look good.

Bway commented about TCL Chinese Theatre on Dec 28, 2004 at 2:48 pm

No, the Chineese theater’s auditorium is completely intact. The extra screens were next door, not a part of the original auditorium itself.
They play many of the current movies in the original auditorium. For example, I have seen Dumb and Dumber in the Chineese theater when it was out some years ago.

Bway commented about Ritz Theater on Dec 22, 2004 at 6:56 pm

Tom, if you want to add it….
I don’t anything else about it other than was mentioned in the Evergreen Theater section.

Bway commented about Ritz Theater on Dec 20, 2004 at 10:01 pm

Yeah, that’s probably enough for the Van Cortlandt Airdrome. It was very short lived, and probably a ramshackle building. The triangled block is quite small, so the airdrome couldn’t have even been all that large. I guess it’s probably enough to mention it under the Evergreen Theater section. I don’t think there’s much else to even say about the theater, which was probably nothing more than an open air theater with bench seats. I still do believe though that the Ritz Theater was probably the “indoor” part of the Van Cortlandt Airdrome, as most of the outdoor “summer” theaters had indoor counterparts, and seeing that “Van Cortlandt Amusements” built the Ritz, it’s probably too much of a cooincidence not to be the case.

Bway commented about Ritz Theater on Dec 18, 2004 at 9:59 pm

In all likeliness, the theater only lasted about 10 years or so.
What with all the competition that popped up after the opening up of the Ritz, like the Glenwood across the street, the Belvedere and Oasis not far away, and the major players, the Madison and the Ridgewood Theatre, the 600 seat Ritz didn’t have a chance, so they probably didn’t think it would be worth it to convert from silent films.

As for the Van Cortlandt Amusement Co/Van Cortlandt Airdrome possible connection, I think it’s quite possible, and probably likely. Many of the open air theaters had “all weather” indoor theaters built next door to their open air theaters. The Evergreen and Grandview Theaters in Ridgewood are examples. The Van Cortlandt Airdrome was only a few hundred feet away, in the triangle block formed by what is now 71 Ave, 60th, and Myrtle Ave (Flowerama now occupies this old airdrome site). Since it was a very small triangled block, I speculate that the Ritz could have been the “indoor” part of Van Cortlandt Airdrome.

Bway commented about El Capitan Theatre on Dec 17, 2004 at 6:44 am

It’s a paradox. Although I did have comments in this theater thread before this, if you repied to any of the “poll” threads, you will get “just responded emails” to the corresponding theater with the same number. For example, if you participated in one of the polls that havd “17” at the end of it’s URL, you will get the responses from the theater with “17” on it’s URL, which happens to be the El Capitan theater.
I first noticed this happening with the Zeigfeld in Manhattan. Rigth after I responded to one of the poll threads that had “12” in it’s URL, I got “someone just responded to” emails for the Zeigfeld which has “12” in it’s URL.
It’s a glitch in the website code I guess.

Bway commented about Acme Theatre on Dec 16, 2004 at 1:19 pm

I’m sorry Erwin, that is correct. The Mozart was indeed the Irving, not the Wagner. (The Irving-Mozart is the 99 cents store now). The Wagner Theater was demolished a few years ago, and a “Woman’s Health clinic” built on it’s site.
For some reason, I always get those two theaters mixed up, as the Mozart (Irving) also played German films, especially in the years leading up to WWII. It was even speculated that the Mozart’s films were “Nazi propoganda” films.

Bway commented about Acme Theatre on Dec 16, 2004 at 9:51 am

Yeah the Parthenon “feels” like Myrtle, but it’s really Wyckoff Ave.

It’s funny how for some of the theaters on Warren’s list they use the “old” Queens numbering system, and for others they use the “new” QUeens numbering system. While the Jefferson (now demolished), the Mozart (also known as the Wagner theater, and now a 99 cents store), the Peerless, the Rivoli (also known as the Myrtle Theater), and the Subway never lost their old numbers because they are in Brooklyn, others should be listed in the new system.

While the Acme, the Belvedere, and the Madison are correctly in the new Queens numbering system because they are all in Queens. However, the Belvedere (not even close to Brooklyn), the Glenwood (also not near Brooklyn), and the Ridgewood (further into QUeens than the Madison, which is only about a 100 feet in Queens near the Brooklyn border) are listed in the old numbering system.

Bway commented about El Capitan Theatre on Dec 14, 2004 at 9:02 pm

The building to the right of the El Capitan that now is the studio fo Jimmy Kimmel Live, appears to have been a bank at one time, but I am not sure.

Bway commented about Ritz Theatre on Dec 14, 2004 at 8:50 pm

I believe 2085 Myrtle Ave is the building that now houses a Blockbuster Video store. The building was a furniture store, and had a huge marquee on the front. It was across from the A&P (now Food Dynasty). In the early 1980’s, “Roman Furniture” redid the entire fascade of the building, and removed the marquee (I remember them doing this). Eventually, they went out of business, and Blockbuster Video moved in.
Of course, 2085 is in the old system, not the new Queens system. The RKO Madison Theater was 1562 Myrtle Avenue in the old system and the old address for the Belvedere was 2576 Myrtle Avenue. That would put this Ritz theater about half way between the Madison and Belvedere theaters. Being an odd number it would be on the same side of Myrtle as the Ridgewood theater.
This would lead us right to about the site of the Blockbuster Video building. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what the building istelf looked like before the early 1980’s fascade resurfacing. I only remember the marquee. I believe this is the location of the Ritz Theater. The Blockbuster Video’s current address is 60-15 Myrtle Avenue.

Bway commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 13, 2004 at 2:12 pm

I believe we touched on this theater once before. I don’t know if it was in the Ridgewood’s, the Ridgewood Folly section, or the Madison section or wherever, but someone here mentioned that they remembered a theater-like building on Myrtle Ave near Norman Street. I also remember this building. The building was a furniture store, and had a huge marquee on the front. It was across from the A&P (now Food Dynasty). In the early 1980’s, “Roman Furniture” redid the entire fascade of the building, and removed the marquee (I remember them doing this). Eventually, they went out of business, and Blockbuster Video moved in.
Lostmemory and I did some emailing about this, and he said the address given is the old type address of 2085 Myrtle Avenue. Of course, that’s in the old system, not the new Queens system. We determined that the Madison was 1562 Myrtle Avenue and the old address for the Belvedere was 2576 Myrtle Avenue. That would put this Ritz theater about half way between the Madison and Belvedere theaters. Being an odd number it would be on the same side of Myrtle as the Ridgewood theater.
This would lead us right to about the site of the Blockbuster Video building. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what the building looked like before the early 1980’s fascade resurfacing. I believe this is the location of the Ritz Theater. The Blockbuster Video’s current address is 60-15 Myrtle Avenue.

Bway commented about Meserole Theatre on Dec 10, 2004 at 7:01 am

Here’s another photo i took of the exterior of the Meserole the same day:

Click here for link to photo

Bway commented about Meserole Theatre on Dec 10, 2004 at 6:46 am

Kevin, what things d you mean? Those black things on either side of the Eckert sign?

Bway commented about Halsey Theatre on Dec 9, 2004 at 7:47 pm

Peg, although unfortunately the beautiful church was destroyed, the school building still exists, and still has something to do with the church, because “Our Lady of Lourdes” is on the sign. I don’t know exactly what they use the school for.
I can’t believe they decided to demolish the church building.
Here’s a photo of the church in 1969 from behind:

Bway commented about Wagner Theater on Dec 8, 2004 at 8:56 pm

While it is correct in the address section, the opening comment in this theater section should be altered because there is no such street as “Wagner St”. It should say “Wyckoff Ave”.

Bway commented about Acme Theatre on Dec 8, 2004 at 8:54 pm

See here:


Bway commented about Belvedere Theatre on Dec 7, 2004 at 2:39 pm

Thanks for the information on the new Atlas Theater that will be near Cooper and 80th St. I only hope this does not spell the death of long running Ridgewood Theatre.

Bway commented about Bellerose Theater on Dec 6, 2004 at 8:24 am

I saw the “Martial Arts” sign way back in April, and the store looked like it was about to open, but apparently, to this day it never did open.

Bway commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 1, 2004 at 11:37 am

Ridgewood may have a lot of Hispanics, but it also has a lot of Polish people, and other Eastern Europeans (such as the former Yugoslavia and Romania).

Robert, I remember the Ridgewood from when I was a kid, and the curtains were drawn. Someone else mentioned this in some thread, but I also remember a “thin” set of curtains and a thick set of curtains. The thin set would open and close before and after the previews too.
While I hate the fact that the Ridgewood was multiplexed, just as much as anyone, the fact that it was multiplexed starting around 1980 actually saved the theater. If they didn’t do that, no matter how “top notch” condition it was in before it was cut up, the Ridgewood would have become another Madison Theater, being a store instead of a theater. The Madison was still in “top notch” condition im 1978 also…..and look what happened to that one.

Bway commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 30, 2004 at 7:58 pm

I guess that must have been when it was determined that the Ridgewood would become strictly a cinema house, as opposed to a legit theatre.

“Other changes included new stage curtains, redecoration of the lobby, new seats for all auditorium chairs, new carpeting, draperies and lighting fixtures…”

And the Ridgewood hasn’t seen a renovation since, and is still operating with these same improvements and renovations from 1931 to this day…..

Hehe, just kidding, although, when I was last in the theater in the early 90’s it sure appeared nothing was done (aside from multiplexing it) to the theater since the 1930’s!! It’s all good, the Ridgewood will always be a special place to me, even if a diamond in the rough….
Thanks Warren for the information.

Bway commented about Irving Theatre on Nov 28, 2004 at 6:15 pm

Hi Magic, Eddie, Bill, Sally, Astyanaax or whatever your name really is!

Bway commented about Farmingdale Theater on Nov 28, 2004 at 6:14 pm

Would you have taken Mae West there like you did at the RKO Madison?

Bway commented about Kings Theatre on Nov 28, 2004 at 6:07 pm

As we had in discussion in other theater sections, churches make great “after” theater uses. While it’s not ideal (what would be better than keeping it as a theater), churches are the least “damaging” to the integrity of a theater. Theaters lend themselves great to being churches, because they need a “stage” area (the altar), they need all the seats, etc, so the least destruction is done when they become churches. Many of the theater churches are well maintained; the 175th St theater in Manhattan is a showpiece, and they even use the old theater organ. The Loews Gates in Brooklyn is in great condition. The congregation originally started in the RKO Bushwick many years ago, and then moved to the Loews Gates. Just imagine if they had stayed in the RKO Bushwick, it may not be gutted today (although then we would have probably have lost the Loews Gates). The Valencia in Jamaica is very well maintained (even if painted quite gaudy on the interior – again it’s better than the alternative). Even smaller theaters like the Wyckoff Theater, etc are being maintained. The Belvedere in Glendale is also in beautiful condition.
However, most of these “churches” took over the theaters right after the theaters stopped showing film (although the Belvedere was a store for a while). So these theaters did not fall into the condition the Kings is in. They were more easily restored because while most of them probably needed work, they weren’t neglected for years on end. The Kings will be a monumental endevour even if they would find a church for it. There even are many church buildings that are even falling apart because the congregation can’t afford to maintain them.