Comments from DuPagefiends

Showing 276 - 300 of 300 comments

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 17, 2005 at 11:27 pm

Why should I speak publicly. I have voiced my opinion to my Trustee, and an overwhelming majority agree with me.

Besides it better to watch you and your theatrics. I especially like how you ask a question and answer it with your own opinion. Keep it up though it seems to be working.

See you at the meeting :)

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 17, 2005 at 7:31 pm

Deb, thanks for dispelling the rumor. Good luck at the August 18 meeting. How many friends are expected to talk about the same thing this time around?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 17, 2005 at 1:54 pm

Rumor has it the ‘friends’ of the theatre had their sump pump removed from the building. This building has a history of flooding. Why would they put the theatre in harm’s way?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 11, 2005 at 10:31 am

Melders “rush to demolish”…WHAT?!?!? What rush, this thing has sat vacant for almost 7 years, and it was hardly used for 10 years before that. If they would have rushed they would have torn it down 7 years ago. But since nothing has been done and the building is falling down as we speak they chose to to demolish the building now.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 10, 2005 at 5:13 pm

First Deb says “The signatures gathered were from people that either live in Lombard or who were spending their time and money in Lombard.” Now she says 100 were from Wheaton. Now you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. I wonder how many other signatures were gathered from outside Lombard???

So you being a TIF expert, where will the property tax from the 86 condo’s go? Back into the Dupe and not into our schools or our Village coffers. Again, you twist the facts.

Quit jamming the referendum comment down my throat…scroll up I never commented on the referendum. That is not my cause. Neither is the library which I have stated here several times already. Get your facts straight please.

Funny you should bring up the Park District and conference center…smells like a smokescreen to me.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 10, 2005 at 5:12 pm

First Deb says “The signatures gathered were from people that either live in Lombard or who were spending their time and money in Lombard.” Now she says 100 were from Wheaton. Now you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. I wonder how many other signatures were gathered from outside Lombard???

So you being a TIF expert, where will the property tax from the 86 condo’s go? Back into the Dupe and not into our schools or our Village coffers. Again, you twist the facts.

Quit jamming the referendum comment down my throat…scroll up I never commented on the referendum. That is not my cause. Neither is the library which I have stated here several times already. Get your facts straight please.

Funny you should bring up the Park District and conference center…smells like a smokescreen to me.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 10, 2005 at 1:03 pm

Deb, again thanks for supporting my theory of the ‘friends". I DO know a lot about fundraising, having done some myself. I collected far more money for NEDSRA than you did at your pot-luck dinner or your lemonade stand. Now wipe the egg off your face and read on.

You say that the money doesn’t concern me. Who does it concern then? Only the members of your special interest group. As a resident and taxpayer of this town the Theatre is as much mine as is it yours. You simply won’t divulge how much is in the bank because it is embarrassing. Therefore I will stick with the number I was told $1200 for 6 years of work.

Your comment “you personally have anything to do with our actions to save the DuPage Theatre”. Well I have contributed money so that comment was wrong. Now wipe the egg off your face and read on.

Funny about your library post. Did you read the Daily Herald today? Library interested in Dupe site.

I know enough about TIF to know that your group doesn’t have it, and are not guaranteed to get it. I also know that the “T” in TIF means TAX.

Regarding your petition drive…do you deny that some of those signatures were acquired from outside the Wheaton theatre? I also saw children signing your drive so your numbers are somewhat skewed.

A great comment was just made “ the risks involved to the taxpayers of this town if the restoration goes over budget or if the theatre does not financially succeed ” Now wipe the egg off your face.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 9, 2005 at 6:33 pm

That’s funny, I saw a snapshot of the books on the other website and that’s what it said. I am going by what I have seen. If it is a different number tell me what it is. It’s not a number I am making up.

OK how much does the foundation have in the bank? Actually cash not promises, or pledges, or brick & mortar, etc.

I do like how you skated around my last post about the library. I am being reasonable here..I totally agree with your library comment, but we disagree about the Dupe. So that makes me a bad guy? No not really.

Let’s just say something good happens, and the theatre is restored, however it happens it doesn’t matter… BUT in the end you may realize that having people like us (so called anti-theatre) around pushed you people (so called pro-theatre) to work even harder.

We hardly heard from you guys from 2002 to 2004, now you seem to be working you butts off.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 9, 2005 at 11:03 am

DEb, Deb, Deb, don’t put words in my mouth. I have NOT touted the library issue. Its sounds good on paper, but I agree with you about the probably won'r pass.

Get your facts straight please.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 9, 2005 at 12:47 am

Let the record show I am NOT fiscal insanity. Why am I a wussie? Because I speak my opinion, the same opinion as a majority of taxpayers think.

Your comment sums up what I have said all along…unprofessional!

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 8, 2005 at 9:42 pm

OK…I’ll put on a show there also when it opens. Please add me to your list of many organizations/groups have “committed”. How much have these many organizations/groups “committed” in $$ of the $1200 you have in the bank?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 8, 2005 at 2:33 pm

DuPage dude states “The touring cast of "Rent” will not do a couple numbers in your den."

Has the touring cast of “Rent” committed to coming to the Dupe or is this more of a “Build it and they will come” comment.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 4, 2005 at 4:40 pm

How was that $100,000 spent? Now that the place has been scheduled for demolition that $100,000 was wasted.

We were told $500,000 so that’s what I will believe. Whether or not that figure is accurate, we have still wasted money. Any problems you have with that Trustee is between you two and not me.

I said it before and will say it again..I support restoration if it is done with private financial support. If that can’t be done save what you can.

Regarding my claims of falling brick check out the photos at

Listen Deb, We both made our points and are getting nowhere. Perhaps, some day, we can sit down and discuss it over a tall glass of lemonade. On me :)

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 4, 2005 at 3:38 pm

dupagedude, I live 2 miles away, not that it’s important, but I park next to it at the Metra station so I see it up close every day…can you say the same? Everyday for the last 5 years! If it’s in such great shape why did the Village put a safety fence around it? Because the falling bricks became a hazard!

Regarding the other website, perhaps before you pass judgment you should read who I am responding too. There have been 2 to 4 friends that attack me every day for speaking out about this project. Funny thing is I get lots of email of support from many people who feel the same way as me. They have called me names too, but I guess that’s OK with you then.

The Village throwing up roadblocks??? Didn’t the Village offer $1 million fro restoration? Does that sound like a roadblock? Plus the Village has already spent $500,000 over the last 6 years, money we can not recoup.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 4, 2005 at 1:27 pm

DuPagedude, I am NOT less than friendly or against the theatre all together, read my previous posts. I am a taxpayer in this town (Lombard) and all I am doing is asking some hard questions. They are so hard that the friends of the theatre don’t like me. Does that mean I should stop asking these questions? NO, and I will continue to ask them.

All I have done is question their financing and fundraising. IF every single thing goes their way then they can pull this thing off, but there are hundreds of things they need to go there way. WE all know that their chances are slim to none that everything will go their way.

Melders when I said “if restoration fails, the city is stuck paying” what I meant to say is that if (hypothetically) restoration was to begin, and let’s say they get 75% done and the funding comes up short, who finances the rest? The Village would, because it would be a public relations nightmare not to. Certainly demolition would not be an option at that point.

This theatre has sat vacant for 6 years and most people are tired of looking at it. Bricks are falling off as we speak, and there is no end in sight. At some point when is enough is enough.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 3, 2005 at 11:50 pm

Deb, like you said we will agree to disagree.

My only argument is that this plan was ‘fully funded’ six years ago, then 5 years , then 4,3,2 years ago…your current plan was altered twice this year. I, for one, am not buying it. There are too many “if’s” as paul said. The Illinois first money is questionable at best, plus the rest of money is NOT guaranteed. My fear is that restoration will begin, funding will fall short, and we (taxpayers) will be left footing the bill.

For the rest of the people on this site…I am NOT an anti-preservationist (is that a word?). If private development stepped in, or somebody (or some company) cut a check for $8 million, then get me a broom, or a hammer, or whatever, and I would be happy to help.

As for her conspiracy theory of propaganda let the record show that I purchased a lemonade from their lemonade stand therefore I donated a portion of the $1200 in the bank. If my goal was to tear it down, why would I make a donation towards saving it?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 3, 2005 at 9:32 pm

There you go folks. Last fundraiser was 10 months ago. Does this sound like a hard fought restoration battle? Like I said before your attitude is “why fundraise when the taxpayers could foot the bill”. Many people went to see that band (Ides of March?), NOT to save the theatre.

I don’t know what ‘propaganda’ you are talking about. Seriously.
Am I more qualified than Daniel Coffey at what?

$5.5 million in pledges…where in the bank? SHOW ME THE MONEY! That’s paper money and the Village shouldn’t gamble on paper money.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 3, 2005 at 6:56 pm

Deb, there was a pancake breakfast back on 2000 or 2001. The pot-luck dinner netted $1000. I also bought a lemonade from your group at a cruise night.

Gala events!!! The 75th party had 195 people at it. Big Deal, the same 195 people at your rally (as you say, really 60), or at the pot-luck dinner, or who have signs. That’s what you need to get a clue about. We are a town of 44,000. There is no support except just you few. You need millions and you are collecting thousands.

Answer my question from before. When was your last fundraiser?

I also have a direct quote from another ‘friend’ who wants taxpayer $$ to pay for it. Now another ‘friend’ is attacking the park district…hmm could you guys want money from them??

I do agree with you 100% about the library referendum.

You guys had 6 years. This current plan stinks. 86 condo’s in a too small area.

My vision for saving it. Remove the marquee, ticket booth, etc. Develop the block (Library or other)only if the stuff removed is incorporated into it.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 3, 2005 at 11:59 am

Rita, You are wrong on so many counts:

I was in the theatre 2 years ago…took a tour. Had to leave early because the mold smell was too much. I did like the gaping hole in the ceiling and the fact that you can see sunshine through the bricks. I like how you failed to mention the safety fence around the building because bricks are falling off.

There is financial support? How much do you have in the bank..$1200 for six years work. How much have you brought in this year?

So if the business report was run for an estimated 800 or 600, how much $$ for 499 seats. Far less I would guess.

“Cost overruns are the new scare tactic” Sorry Rita, cost overruns are a reality. Nobody with a clue can argue that.

Don’t let Rita fool you. This has been going on for over 6 years, 20 if you count the other ordeals. Now it has become a joke. Like Paul posted up above “The DuPage can be saved if a few smart people get rid of old ideas and notions and use modern marketing and finance tools.” They have failed miserably at this. Instead they had pot-luck dinners and pancake breakfast’s all attended by the same 200 people. Their fundraising efforts stopped years ago. Why? Because it is easier for the taxpayers to pay for it.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 2, 2005 at 11:58 pm

Paul to answer your four “IF” points

1) The building is in such disrepair that restoring it is unfeasible.
2) The project has very little finanical support.
3) The theatre will have trouble generating bookings and the place will sit empty most of the time.
4) The theatre won’t generate enough revenue, and we have asked who or how the cost overruns will be covered and never get an answer.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Jul 29, 2005 at 11:47 pm

Deb Dynako, I thought I read somewhere you have been in Lombard for ONLY 6 years, not ALL BUT 6 years. I will admit that I am wrong. Your Basic Instict story is a classic, I got quite a chuckle. You are qualified, as you stated.

However, we can agree to disagree. I am quite troubled by the claims of the ‘friends’. 5000 supporters, 1000 signs, 4500 signatures, 200 at the rally…all inaccurate numbers. That is the whole problem…inaccurate numbers. And now you want us to believe that this is fully funded? I don’t.

Plus I find your strategy of trashing the trustees quite troubling and a bad precedent to set.

By the way I saw Jaws and Star Wars (original episode IV) there. And along the lines of your story, at age 13 my friends and I tricked my mother into taking us to see Animal House. She sat a couple of rows behind us and was quite embarrassed when she discovered that there was profanity/nudity in the movie, she just assumed it was a comedy. So I too spent many a night there growing up, and our paths probably crossed….BUT I also see what condition it is in now…Horrible. I don’t need to get into the rest.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Jul 29, 2005 at 12:13 am

Deb, when was the ‘friends’ last fundraiser? A long time ago? Why fundraise when the taxpayers will fund the project…I heard a friend once say.

The $500,000 figure was from the Village board, I am just repeating what they told the taxpayers.

I am NOT hiding behind my alias..many people know who I am. The only one have who have reported misleading information is the friends. 5000 friends, 1000 sign..Please, both figures highly inflated.

Come on Deb answer my questions. Quit hiding and changing subjects.
Deb, so as a taxpayer, lifelong area resident, and someone who was actually a patron of the theatre in to 70’s and 80’s I am NOT allowed to comment about the theatre? How long have you lived here yourself? What movies did you see there?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Jul 28, 2005 at 2:04 pm

Ziggy, how much have you donated to the theatre? You obviously don’t live in Lombard. My property taxes have gone up over 40% in 5 years. We are still shell-shocked from the last tax increase and our high school district is trying to pass a referendum. What we don’t need is a publicly financed theatre. All one has to do is scroll up to the top of this message board and look at the about the 3rd comment..the one telling us about fundraising efforts. That was over 2 years ago and all they have is $1200 in the bank. The reason for that is because there is a lack of support. The theatre is an eyesore and is crumbling as we speak.

The ‘friends’ fail to mention the the Village is already out over $500,000 on upkeep and maintanance. Also for safety reasons their is a construction fence that we are renting each month, agian more taxpayer dollars wasted. The fence is there because the building has become a safety hazard.

Your comment about demolition and redevelopment is quite inaccurate. There are many new successful buildings in our area.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Jul 27, 2005 at 11:33 am

Deb, so as a taxpayer, lifelong area resident, and someone who was actually a patron of the theatre in to 70’s and 80’s I am NOT allowed to comment about the theatre? How long have you lived here yourself? What movies did you see there?

Fine, I’ll admit there are more than 60 ‘friends’ if you’ll admit that there are less than 5000 as you have claimed in the past. You also talk about this “grand plan” that is ‘fully funded’, well we heard about plans from your group in the past. The original plan over 6 years ago was supposed to be the one, and that failed, and then the next 4 or 5 plans failed, and this current one has even been altered. Quite frankly, are we supposed to believe that, finally, after 6 years you got it right. Sorry, I don’t.

Plus I don’t think your approach of bashing the Trustees for their lack of support is a good idea.

As for the rest of you “theatre-preservationist” don’t start bashing me until you have all the facts. As far as preservation goes, if this can be done with no TIF’s or taxpayer money than I would support it 100%, but we all know that won’t happen. IF the building gets torn down than I do support saving the marquee for other uses.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Jul 26, 2005 at 11:45 pm

It has been a long road, one filled with broken promises and fantasy visions of “build it and they will come.” Well has anybody on this site offered and $$ to the friends…NO. They have $1200 in the bank because there are only 60 or so people who want to save the theatre. Time to move on Deb Dynako, the friends fought hard but the end is near.