DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

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Showing 451 - 475 of 1,253 comments

RestorationRita on October 20, 2005 at 4:10 pm

Funny you should mention the Normal Theater in Normal, IL. A little known fact that I am sure many of the “newer” Friends are unaware of, was that the former Secretary for the Friends actually worked on the restoration effort of the Normal Theater. She no longer works with the Friends, and that is sad because a lot of the experience she gained during that time would sure be useful now. Then again, the Normal City Council was behind the project 100%, something the DuPage Theatre is severely lacking.

raymond on October 20, 2005 at 3:44 pm

Deb.Dynako.How are your talks progressing with the Charlotte St. group ?
Has “Challenger” come to “save the day” for you?

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short on October 20, 2005 at 1:29 pm

The interior of the Allen Theatre, Cleveland was actually in the process of being demolished when the building was finally saved. Today it is restored, and serves an important role in Playhouse Square (another, and much larger, vibrant downtown).

Keep fighting!!!

melders on October 20, 2005 at 1:05 pm

Deb, there are many preservation efforts that are this difficult. Just ask preservationists in St. Louis. They fought to save an 1896 downtown office building, and didn’t succeed. They even had the Nation Trust for Historic Preservation against them.

melders on October 20, 2005 at 12:56 pm

Deb, I can’t think of any theaters that have been pulled from the brink of destruction, though I am sure there are cases. I do know that there have been theaters in worse condition that have been restored. I do know of several other buildings though that have been saved. There are many cases of theaters that have reinvented a downtown. Look at the Normal Theater in Normal. It is about the same size as the Dupage, though not as old. It doesn’t even have a stage, but it still manages to survive.

DuPageDude on October 20, 2005 at 12:02 pm

“There is some potential for downtown revenue growth… I’m not even certain I would be interested in turning our downtown into a "destination”. Maybe we need to just focus on making it as amenable to Lombard residents as possible. Like the Prez said….This is Lombard"

That is a direct quote from Bob Defino, AKA Lombard Guy.. Read what he says? HE’S not sure if HE wants to turn downtown into a “destination”…This is one of the main people Ms. Dynako wants to open a “dialog” with. He is one of the biggest opponents of the theatre, has fought it tooth and nali for months now, and they want to “work” with him??? It sure seems to me like he’s open to change, doesn’t it?

raymond on October 20, 2005 at 10:42 am

I hear a “town” meeting is being considered as a way to break the “ice”.
I hope it works.Coffee with village president Mueller.
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

DuPageDude on October 20, 2005 at 10:34 am

My guess for why we haven’t heard from them is because I had an ace up my sleeve, and without it, their house of cards TUMBLED!! Nice folks they are though; I liked reading their public apology for trying to pass that “person” of as an 18 year-old girl…Although they do act like it!

raymond on October 20, 2005 at 10:30 am

I am not being antagonistic ,but maybe we should call “Jessie
Jackson”.He has a way of solving divided issues.
Why hasn’t there been any dialog from the anti-theatre group. Their out there watching.I wonder why?

DuPageDude on October 20, 2005 at 10:12 am

Can any of the anti-theatre group please help me to understand what you would bring to the table, and BE SPECIFIC!!! What ideas/thoughts do you have for the theatre?

What have YOUR tactics gotten you Ms. Dynako?

DebDynako on October 20, 2005 at 10:09 am


Are most preservation efforts this difficult? Are there any “success stories” that you know of where a theatre was pulled from the proverbial “brink?”

Have you heard of towns divided like ours is over this issue?

Do cooler heads prevail as is my hope?

melders on October 19, 2005 at 2:19 pm

I ment change there stance

melders on October 19, 2005 at 2:16 pm

An open dialog must be had between both sides. Give up on the RSC plan, it won’t happen. If you bring the people for and against the theater together, you will accomplish a lot more than just arguing with them. In order for any project to succeed, BOTH sides must give up somethings and chance there stance.

DebDynako on October 19, 2005 at 9:52 am


You are the only “old-timer” using these tactics. Tell me, what has it gotten you? You’ve been continually berated by people on the different boards, and I don’t understand why you don’t try to put the time you’ve obviously got on your hands to better use. Please, if you do want this theatre so bad, let’s try a new way—-open dialog.

DuPageDude on October 19, 2005 at 8:54 am

If you were on the Board, you would know that I am paid up…By the way, I didn’t see your name as part of the Board… Do you really think that these anti-theatre people all of a sudden decided they want to work with the Friends on the theatre restoration? Give me a break! Just look at Challenger’s post’s I put above…Now he suddenly says he’s thinking “in line” with the Friends? Give me a break!!!

Who says the RSC plan is dead? I saw recent post about talks with Rich Curto, isn’t that correct? Also, if more funding was found to pay for the theatre, couldn’t RSC do their development with less units/floors? Sure it could! They would have less money to put up for the project that way! I don’t have to do ANY soul searching. I have been in the theatre long before you and a lot of others, not that it matters, but my loyalty has NEVER wavers, some can say militant if they want, but I DO NOT want to see historic building destroyed. I was referred to as a “preservationist”, I did not call myself that. But by definition, I guess I am one, and proud to be!! I have seen towns such as Schaumburg make an effort to save historic buildings, then tear them down, only to truly regret in years down the road. They had a “Town Square”, destroyed it, then years later built a new one, very smiliar to what was there before, only at a cost of tens of millions more! I have also seen towns that do not have a downtown spend huge sums of money to try to grow one, but they still lack the charm that Lombard COULD HAVE!

Preservationist? Sure. Harasser? No. Dedicated? Yes. Militant? Call it that if you want, but “old-timers” among the Friends remember Doug, never being afraid to stand and speak up, and people listened. He left us, and the attitude became “the Village will do the right thing” look what happened, they did the right thing alright, but for whom?

DebDynako on October 19, 2005 at 8:45 am


We didn’t take a vote on this one, but I do have “permission” to chat with others. Again, you evidently haven’t attended any meetings lately…Hope your dues is up-to-date. I’d hate to think you were deliberately muddying up the waters if you weren’t at least a “Friend” in good standing.

I wonder why you think speaking with anyone who disagrees with your position a “recipe for disaster?” I think we’re pretty close to disaster right now. The course we’re on means the building is coming down. Why not try to find a solution that the whole community would feel good about? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with talking, is there?

As it stands, the RSC plan as presented is gone, wouldn’t you agree? We need to come up with some creative solutions. Do you want to be part of that effort or not? Do some soul searching and get back to me.

DebDynako on October 19, 2005 at 8:39 am


We didn’t take a vote on this one, but I do have “permission” to chat with others. Again, you evidently haven’t attended any meetings lately…Hope your dues is up-to-date. I’d hate to think you were deliberately muddying up the waters if you weren’t at least a “Friend” in good standing.

I wonder why you think speaking with anyone who disagrees with your position a “recipe for disaster?” I think we’re pretty close to disaster right now. The course we’re on means the building is coming down. Why not try to find a solution that the whole community would feel good about? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with talking, is there?

As it stands, the RSC plan as presented is gone, wouldn’t you agree? We need to come up with some creative solutions. Do you want to be part of that effort or not? Do some soul searching and get back to me.

DuPagefiends on October 19, 2005 at 8:35 am


raymond on October 19, 2005 at 8:21 am

Dupage Dude.I agree.

DuPageDude on October 19, 2005 at 8:18 am

Again, I must ask, are Ms. Dynako’s actions in requesting meetings with those against the theatre supported by the membership and Board of the F.O.T.D.T.?

Melders, you can ask that people don’t post and I commend you for it, but there has to be some one on here to refute claims by the anti-theatre crowd. Look how I disproved two of them pretty easily. Apparently, these are the people the Friends now want to talk to, which it a recipe for diaster if you ask me.

I’m back from the zoo, and no, the leopard’s spots didn’t change, but it PROMISED not to tear me limb from limb if I got too close. (Isn’t that what the anti-theatre crowd is trying to do with their fake olive branches?) You can get hit with a branch and it hurts just as much as a fist, don’t you agree?

DuPageDude on October 19, 2005 at 8:14 am

Again, I must ask, are Ms. Dynako’s actions in requesting meetings with those against the theatre supported by the membership and Board of the F.O.T.D.T.?

raymond on October 19, 2005 at 6:47 am

Medlers.Yes.I will be glad to leave this site so that others can actually discuss plans for this theatre.But don’t be surprised with the results!
Should be very interesting.I hope and pray that all goes well.
I will keep reading the posts.

melders on October 19, 2005 at 6:32 am

Will the people with the following names please LEAVE this site so others can actually discuss plans for this theater: DuPageDude, Dupe Supporter, Dupe Neighbor, and Lombardian District 4.

DuPageDude on October 19, 2005 at 4:31 am

Bye for now, I’m on my way to the zoo to make sure a leopard still can’t change its spots…Apparently a few Friends think they can…

DuPageDude on October 19, 2005 at 4:30 am

My only argument is that this plan was ‘fully funded’ six years ago, then 5 years , then 4,3,2 years ago…your current plan was altered twice this year. I, for one, am not buying it. There are too many “if’s” as paul said. The Illinois first money is questionable at best, plus the rest of money is NOT guaranteed. My fear is that restoration will begin, funding will fall short, and we (taxpayers) will be left footing the bill."

“You guys had 6 years. This current plan stinks. 86 condo’s in a too small area.
My vision for saving it. Remove the marquee, ticket booth, etc. Develop the block (Library or other)only if the stuff removed is incorporated into it.”
posted by Challenger on Aug 3, 2005 at 1:56pm

“As for the rest of you "theatre-preservationist” don’t start bashing me until you have all the facts. As far as preservation goes, if this can be done with no TIF’s or taxpayer money than I would support it 100%, but we all know that won’t happen. IF the building gets torn down than I do support saving the marquee for other uses. “
posted by Challenger on Jul 27, 2005 at 6:33am

Boy, that sounds to me like you were “thinking along those lines” about restoration ans selling the south lot…