Futurist Theatre

Foreshore Road and Blands Cliff,
Scarborough, YO11 1NT

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Showing 26 - 50 of 51 comments

Ian on December 14, 2007 at 8:08 am

A night time shot of the Futurist (both 2007) here:–

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and a close up (Mr de Mille!):–

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Ian on October 4, 2007 at 8:40 am

Exterior picture taken in September 2007:–

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Ian on August 31, 2007 at 12:22 pm

Sorry – trying to be clever and launch a larger image of the first one, not realising that you need Yahoo registration to see it!

For non-yahoo registered folk this is the smaller sized image:–

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Ian on August 31, 2007 at 12:19 pm

A few more interior shots of this large un-divided cinema / theatre:–

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Ian on August 25, 2007 at 7:49 pm

Night shot of the exterior here:–

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Ian on May 29, 2007 at 7:02 am

Side exterior shot here (shows the rear wall of the auditorium, which runs parallel to the street, and is excavated into the hillside down one side of the auditorium) :–

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Ian on March 10, 2007 at 5:02 am

A couple more interior shots here (both March 2007):–

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wingrave on December 1, 2006 at 3:51 pm

I’ve been to a few of the “live” shows at the Futurist and they have been well attended with over a thousand [but not 2,000] in attendance [e.g. Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat – Derek Acora] Barrie Stead has had the vision to put money into resources into the theatre and a passion to give it life. The live shows seem to be keeping the cinema going and it’s still a great joy to see a movie in this huge auditorium with excellent digital sound – just like being in the 70mm days but with even greater clarity. It would really be good to see the old facade reinstated and cleaned up – come on, Scarborough Council, give the exterior a good make-over.

Ian on July 21, 2006 at 8:45 am

Local paper (Scarborough Evening News)today reports:–

From Scarborough Evening News 21/07/2006

[i]People power saves theatre

A THEATRE will remain on the Futurist site on Scarborough’s seafront, council documents have revealed.

This change of thinking by the council follows protests by more than 1,350 readers who responded to a Scarborough Evening News campaign.

The venue has been threatened with closure and demolition for more than four years since Scarborough Council announced plans to sell off the theatre and surrounding site for redevelopment.

The council had said nothing in recent years in support of the long-term future of the Futurist, and was silent on a consultant’s report that backed the retention of the theatre as an option.

This led to the Evening News campaign last November to defend it, and many letters in response by readers.

Scarborough’s Renaissance team gave support to the campaign. It was also brought to the attention of regional development agency Yorkshire Forward, which will influence the type and scale of development on the site.

In acknowledging the strength of feeling of Scarborough people over the Futurist, and the work of Barrie Stead in operating the theatre since 2002, the report states:

“The main benefit of the refurbishment scheme is that it would respond to community wishes.

“In recent years, it has been managed successfully with a relatively small management cost to the council.”

In the new document, the council unveils its preferred options for the area â€"– and both involve keeping a theatre on Foreshore Road, either by refurbishing the existing building or by creating an entirely new one.

It has yet to be decided whether the current facade will be retained. A report which has been sent to the council’s ruling cabinet group finally rejects the idea of creating a commercial development without a theatre, or building a new theatre elsewhere.

But the report controversially says that the revamped theatre could have only between 1,000 and 1,500 seats. This would re-ignite huge protest because it has been proven that the 2,000-seat present capacity can be full, and a reduced capacity would deter big names and shows from including the Futurist on national tours.

21 July 2006

wingrave on January 13, 2006 at 8:17 am

Just received the BOROUGH NEWS from Scarborough where it states…. “Contrary to what you may have heard, no final decision on the Futurist has been made and the Borough Council is still keeping a very open mind. The council has NOT sold the site, but it is important to understand that any development that takes place is unlikely to happen without the assistance of the private sector in some shape or form” etc.

leeappleby on December 20, 2005 at 9:09 am

My Grandfather was the manager of the Futurist Theatre for most of his working life.He and Robert Luff bought the Futurist and made it the bigest theatre of the north.The Beatles and not forgetting the famous Black and White Minstrels and all the rest of the endless talent that came to such a fantastic theatre.It had the reputation of the best theatre in the north.Why because money that was made went back into the theatre.By the way the beautiful Italian marble was panelled because some of this was structurally unsafe and posed a danger to the genral public.Not before the rest was checked.Why did my grandfather decide this? Because he wanted to preserve the archtecture from the eliment because he would of turned in his grave at the thought of some one defacing and destroying this historic building.May i had that the Futurist was bought by Scarborough Borough Council in the hay day when it did make money and had done for more than 60 years.Were they under the illusion that a place this big would run it self with only the very minimum of money spent on it?Like most things the Borough Council creamed as much money out of it and let it rot.Then they turn round and say they can'nt afford to keep it running.Yet they can afford untold money for a consultant to come in and suggest a redevelopement of this site.Why don'nt they get another illegal contract drawn up and buldose there way through the listed building applacation system.They pride themselves on the historic architecture of this fantasic town yet seem to have total disrgard of victorian buildings.How many people look back and feel remorse for the vandalism of the Pavilion House,Floral hall,South bay swimming pool do i have to go on?

Ken Roe
Ken Roe on September 20, 2005 at 5:37 am

Another auditorium view here:
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Ken Roe
Ken Roe on August 16, 2005 at 2:50 am

Here’s a link to an excellent interior view of the Futurist Theatre:
View link

Ian on July 16, 2005 at 9:06 am

Sorry SBC in the above post refers to Scarborough Borough Council – I sometimes forget this is an international site and simply use local vernacular!

Ian on July 16, 2005 at 8:41 am

I agree that purely on architectural terms the Futurist is far from ideal – the problem is that anyone who knows SBC will also be aware that any replacement multiplex or theatre will be on the cheapest possible scale, multipurpose (and ideal for nothing) and will be to the detriment of the town.

The Spa is wholly inadequate as a theatre – either the theatre or Grand Hall – and as a listed building cannot be altered to the extent that would be needed to provide decent facilities – and it would cost even more that the Futurist!

You only have to look at Bridlingtons lamentable “Forum” cinemas (a place I absolutely refuse to add to Cinema Treasures) to imagine what Scarborough would get in place of the Futurist.

Crowley on July 16, 2005 at 4:25 am

What a surprise. Senior council figures have made up their mind that the building has to go and damn the jumped up consultants who’s opinion they … er … paid for can go hang. The twist to this tale is that the ABL report pointed out there would be no large theatre provision left in the town if they bulldoze the futurist. That would have to be taken up by The Spa, which they admit would need a total re-vamp to handle the capacity needed. All the work that Barry Stead has done would be lost. The acts which play here will have nowhere to perform. They’ll go elsewhere and then we’ll have to fight again to get them back. The ABL report wasn’t just about the futurist – it was a complete audit of the whole town’s theatre provision – a fact which goes mostly unnoticed. The council appears to favour the plan which is mostly likely to castrate the local tourist economy. Marvelous. Stand firm Mr Lee. A public inquiry will give me two more years of viewing pleasure in a spectacular auditorium and the chance to see SBC’s grandees squirming under the one thing they really dislike; Public Scrutiny.


brighton84 on July 16, 2005 at 4:15 am

Ian, as I said in another posting I’ve no love loss for the Futurist. However, your local Council members, as with members of so many other Councils, seem to live on a different planet from ourselves. Councils pleading poverty seem always to find sufficient funds to pay the inflated fees charged by ‘Consultants’. The Futurist will, in all probability be demolished, but that which is put in its place is the prime concern. Mentioned in the Scarborough Evening News is a ‘multi-screen cinema’. Multiplexes all over the UK are having a rough time. Some have reduced operative screens by 50%, in some cases a higher percentage and, as you’re probably
aware, some have closed completely. A ‘Lord of the Rings’, a ‘Star Wars’ or a ‘Spiderman’ is available only occasionally to boost the coffers, from which staff, business rates etc., in the not so good times have to be paid. The replacement for the Futurist must be a multi-purpose hall of between 750/1000 seats with attention given to character, as opposed to the construction of a box and, most importantly, with a viable business plan – such as provision of attached retail units etc. It must be constructed with state-of-the-art facilities for live theatre in all its forms, cinema and conferences. Anything other than a full-time occupation of any new building won’t pay the bills – nor be of any benefit to Scarborough. As a footnote, it’s interesting to read that business in independent houses of one or two screens is increasing.

Ian on July 16, 2005 at 1:58 am

A shock report has been drawn up for the demolition of this cinema/theatre - against the conclusions of the consultants appointed to review the future of the building.

From the Scarborough Evening News 15 July 2005:

SHOCK DEMOLITION MOVE Demolition plans for the Futurist Theatre on Scarborough seafront are being drawn up, it has been revealed. A special report has been commissioned into the cost of knocking down the venue and not replacing it with a theatre.

The move comes months after consultants from ABL Cultural Consulting told the council that their preferred option was to save and redevelop the site.

Now regional development agency Yorkshire Forward, which is working with Scarborough Council on the proposed redevelopment of the theatre, has commissioned specialists to draw up the demolition report.

The option of demolishing the Futurist and redeveloping it would cost £10 million – that is half as much as keeping the building and redeveloping as a theatre.

Theatre operator Barrie Stead took over the running of the Futurist two years ago and has brought a host of comedians and musicians to the venue since then.

He said he is confident the historic seafront theatre will still be open next summer and that he wants to be involved after the redevelopment of the site.

Mr Stead has a contract to run the Futurist until the end of year but that could be extended and he has already started booking acts for next year.

He said: “We have established that there is an audience out there, and if the facilities were better then we would be able to book bigger acts and get bigger audiences.

“It looks to me as if it will be a couple of years before anything is decided and we would like to think the Futurist will still be there next summer. We would love to be there after the redevelopment.

“My connections with Scarborough and the Futurist go back 20 years. I love Scarborough and so does my wife Brenda and we want to be part of the future of the Futurist.”

The demolition and redevelopment of the Futurist Theatre site into a leisure complex including a multi-screen cinema, restaurants, hotel and other leisure activities such as bowling or a fitness centre is estimated to cost £10 million

The second option to retain the current Futurist auditorium and revamp the building, incorporating all the same attractions as the first plan would cost £20 million.

The redevelopment plans are still being hindered by businessman Peter Lee’s refusal to sell the Mermaid complex to Scarborough Council has made for his property.

The council needs to buy the Mermaid in order to get complete ownership of the Futurist site. Without it, any plans to demolish the Futurist and build a leisure complex including a multi-screen cinema, or to retain the building and give it a major overhaul, will stay on the backburner.

Mr Lee’s refusal to sell makes it impossible for the site to be redeveloped, and although he could be forced to sell the legal process could include a public inquiry and take up to two years to complete.

Scarborough Council officers will tell members of the council’s land and property overview and scrutiny committee, who meet on Tuesday, that more work is needed before decisions on the future of the site are made.

In a report to councillors, the council’s head of property services Graham Price says: “An economic feasibility and viability report on the development is being carried out by consultants and their report is imminent. This will add more information and enable more informed decisions to be made on the components of the redevelopment to achieve the best balance between commercial and subsidised elements.” 15 July 2005

wingrave on April 27, 2005 at 4:49 pm

Futurist is continuing with more live shows than ever before – Barrie Stead seems a real enthusiastic leasee and it shows. Digital sound in the 2,200+ cinema [though only stalls are used] and a super large screen makes it a really enjoyable experience seeing a movie here. Scarborough Council have decided to sell the site so it will be in the hands of a property developer – but the cinema/theatre may remain, though whether intact is being very optimistic.

Crowley on February 1, 2005 at 1:33 pm

What guts me is the original facade of the building is still there under all those horrible yellow boards.
Seems senior members of the council are hell bent on detsroying it without looking at the possibility of turning it into a really interesting attraction.

Step up ABL – Consultants charged with coming up with a redevelopment plan for the site. They seem to favour keeping the main building and adding up to 5 more screens. Consultation coming soon.

How that must have made the architectural vandals fume.


PS: Does anyone out there have a picture of the original front of the building?

freezingnics on January 24, 2005 at 8:57 am

I’ve no idea what the current state of affairs is with Futurist redevelopment plans but would like to say that if the recent packed Status Quo concert there is anything to go by then this is ample indication that with the right events this venue can be vibrant and viable. It was a real pleasure to see the old place brimming and buzzing as the band did their stuff. Why shouldn’t it always be like that?
Too often in the past, Scarborough council has obliterated both interesting and beautiful old buildings, eg. Pavilion Hotel, Opera House, in the name of modernity much to Scarborough’s detriment. Please don’t let this happen to the Futurist too!

boogascool on July 25, 2004 at 3:35 pm

Here is a link to all the plans that scarborough council want to do with the futurist site once they have torn it down. booga
View link

boogascool on July 25, 2004 at 3:29 pm

just found this on the scarborough newspaper website. A shame if the building goes. Where else in north east england is a single screen cinema available- booga.
Council warning over Futurist

THE leader of Scarborough Council has warned that the local authority could step in and compulsory purchase seafront properties to speed up redevelopment of the Futurist theatre and adjacent land.

Cllr Eileen Bosomworth said: “We are negotiating with those who have interests down there, but if all else fails we will look at compulsory purchase.

“We won’t hang around too long.”

The council has already agreed a deal which could lead to the demolition of the council-owned theatre because it will cost about £1 million to keep the 83-year-old building open as a theatre.

It is paying out around £66,000 a year on essential maintenance and repairs while also subsidising the current operator of the Futurist, Barrie Stead, who provides film and live entertainment.

The council has agreed that Malton-based Harrison Developments should be its developer/partner.

The council is looking to buy the adjacent Mermaid site whose roof area was once the dressing rooms for the chorus girls who appeared at the Futurist.

The site includes a fish and chip shop, three shops at the front of the complex and some flats at the rear so that it can offer one huge site to anyone interested in taking it over.

Another part of the site is the King Street car park and a nearby warehouse which are both owned by the council.

Graham Price, the council’s head of property services, said: “The warehouse is to be demolished within a few weeks because it is derelict and potentially dangerous.We are seeking to acquire properties so that the site can be developed.

“We are in discussions with all parties and are in the process of acquiring the flats at the back where some of the stars from the shows have stayed in the past

Ian on February 28, 2004 at 7:41 pm

The Futurist has had a short stay of execution with a new operator, Barrie Stead (taking over on a short lease – currently running only to the latter part of 2004).

A new screen, projectors and sound system has been installed (“Lord of the Rings” was awesome on the huge new screen and drew good sized crowds into the cinema for a four or five week season!)

However the local Council are adamant that it has to go – and soon!

brighton84 on January 31, 2004 at 1:44 pm

Neo, I played summer season at the Futurist ten years or so back and as with the rest of the cast, could find nothing vaguely attractive about it. The building nowadays is impractical. I’m very suprised it hasn’t been demolished or multiplexed before now.