Georgia Square Mall Cinemas 1 2 3 4

3700 Atlanta Highway,
Athens, GA 30606

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TLSLOEWS on December 27, 2009 at 7:05 pm

WE were not to Drop more than one bag at a time.Or deposit more than one at a time. We did sometimes just to save time,The Bank was right across Church Street from the Loews Crescent so we felt safe,as you could see us from the lobby.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on December 26, 2009 at 8:11 pm

Yeah, At GCC in the mall we were constanly making drops.Seems like a smart crook could have figured that out walking to the bank in the mall,often with thousands of dollars underour B.O. stained jackets.
WE did not have a policy at PLITT ABC .Make one deposit at night. Sometimes I could get the cops to follw me to the bank when i was at COLUMBIA 1 and 2.
One night JIM and TOM were making a deposit at the Bank near the IMPERIAL and they were robbed at gunpoint. Tom had two deposit bags and with smart thinking gave the crook one bag .Lesser money,Tom told the cops.JIm said he wasn’t scared,but just mad that someone robbed them. The next week Mr.Tinney gets robbed by the same Crook from what they think.
I tried to get Jim or Tom to put the whole story of the robbery on CT,but no such luck.They have all disappointed me to have loved the business as much as you and I and i cannot get any of them to get on CT.

TLSLOEWS on December 26, 2009 at 6:14 pm

We also could not deposit over $1000.00 at a time for the same reason.If we had a big show we could go to the bank 3 or 4 times a night.Money in the bank bags under my Jacket had to take another employee with me also.

TLSLOEWS on December 26, 2009 at 6:10 pm

Mike we also did not take any bills over$20.00,this was quite a complaint for some patrons,they did not realize that we had a drop box that all $20.00 bills went in a drop box that only the Managers could get to in case we were robbed.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on December 26, 2009 at 3:06 pm

Karen Shaw was the Box office girl. It surprized me because Karen worked alot of matinees with Mrs,Smith.She was the one to encounter Kenny Rogers with the 100.00 bill.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 13, 2009 at 8:57 pm

Nick, It is a pity if anyone is a hard core cinema treasurer does not see the great stories you have from TAMPA.

Nunzienick on November 12, 2009 at 1:26 am

Thanks for the plugs!! Will see if it does any good. “American Werewolf” was funny and frightening. And I never saw an uglier werewolf! It also did very well at every theatre it played in Tampa from first runs to the dollar house.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 6, 2009 at 11:38 pm

Big MIDNIGHT SHOW HIT….AMERICAN WERWOLF IN LONDON.As in Augusta,this film brings in the money. I would say while WIZARDS was one of our best performers at late shows at ABC PLITT THEATRES,while at GCC this is one popular flick.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 6, 2009 at 11:18 pm

I think i have another JAMES BROWN story posted at the REGENCY MALL 1.2.3. in Augusta.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 6, 2009 at 11:15 pm

As I said at COLUMBIA SQUARE CINEMAS one of best friends and fellow assistant manager< even though we were house managers.Basiclly, assistants since the city managers office was there. we were sipping a cold one after everyone had left and about midnight out walks a guy who had fallen asleep.Tommy and me standing there with our mouths open. I am sure it has happen alot. I have somthing posted on the LOWES VENDOME you might want to read.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 6, 2009 at 9:34 pm

Nick, I urge all theatre lovers to check out the fine history you presented for Tampa’s showplaces.

Nunzienick on November 4, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Mike…that’s a great story! I love the ‘personal’ touch in your descriptions of co-workers and various incidents that occured. The Kenny Rogers incident is priceless! But just as you said…you’re glad you’re not in the business anymore. I worked at a drive-in back in 1969 so I had a small taste of the business. It was fun back then but today it’s an entirely different world. Keep posting more of these great stories!!

TLSLOEWS on November 4, 2009 at 7:58 pm

Not me brother.I will check out the theaters you mentioned.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 4, 2009 at 7:16 pm

YEAH, TISLOEWS as i have said on my past withNATIONAL HILLS ,COLUMBIA SQUARE and THE IMPERIAL.I got in in 1974,just about the time the theatre business was about to change.At least in Augusta.I did get couple of good years in promotions and such at ABC THEATRES. Time I got to GEORGIA SQUARE it was pretty much run them in and out. I don’t think we could even fit into the business today.And with 20 screens! Run the booth,manage the floor. I mean here in Augusta i noticed cops on duty at FIRST RUN houses who wants the headache?

TLSLOEWS on November 4, 2009 at 5:42 pm

Mike appreciate your comment I am 52 years old now and wish I was still in that business,I had the chance to move to Dallas with LOEWS but turned them down, They were opening a new quad, looked it up on C.T. and it has already been closed and tore down.The new houses do not seem to last too long.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 4, 2009 at 4:28 pm

TISLOEWS, I read the comment policy on CT and honor it, but like any theatre dog will tell you i have R and X rated stories and i am talking mainstreem first run theatres. I only wish all my friends that worked with at ABC THEATRES and GCC that i am still friends with would add to what i post, I can only remember so much.
They enjoy the heck out of the old days, but are too shy or something.

TLSLOEWS on November 2, 2009 at 8:46 pm

Oh the good old days the stories I could tell you about my days with the “LOEWS” gang in Nashville, it would be rated at least a “R”.Our theaters also ways smelled funny and I do not mean popcorn.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 7:51 pm

Yeah, ROCKY HORROR did okay on MIDNIGHT SHOWS,but i can’t Leave out ANIMAL HOUSE which was a big hit with the UGA crowd. I still think this town is not a big LATE SHOW town.
I was able to get a few feet of Belushi from a bad cut in the print.Mr.Smith was going to toss it in the trash. It was right about where he yelled “FOOD FIGHT.”

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 6:53 pm

WE did it at REGENCY MALL and Mr.Zacker does it here he inventories the whole theatre everynght.I never understood why.We certainly did not do it when i was with ABC PLITT THEATRES.Maybe it’s a Zack thing.
But like i said the girls do most of it for me. I hate counting.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 6:50 pm

Getting something called a TELZON computer to inventory the stock.I prefer a paper and pencil,Almost always i get a Concessionstand girl to do it,It gets them away from the counter,They always do my BOR’S.Never did them in Augusta, ain’t going to start now, Heck, really when you come down to it i count the money and make sure it gets in the bank.{2009 now everything,i bet is computer,got out at the right time}.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 6:44 pm

You know i am glad we are the Cinemas of choice for the UGA Football and Basketball programs,Mr.Zacker gets comp tickets to any game and good seats. He gets about 10 tickets a game.I think he is a DAWG fan and not a FLORDIA STATE fan anymore.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 6:42 pm

Speaking of girls,Mr.Zacker wants Pam to train in management.He wants US to start showing her the ropes.Karen Shaw the Box office girl has been here a long time,but she is happy selling tickets.It blew my mind to find out she is a Lincesed Pilot.Mrs,Anne,Mr.Smith’s wife brings some the best food for us.I guess she knows we are living off those 89 cent pizzas at Kroger.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 6:38 pm

Doggone it,Charles has a girlfriend in the Mall. Flowers and such. She works upstairs on the far level.Of course,I handle the cinemas cause Mr.Zacker knocks off at 5 pm.Speaking of girlfriends mine comes in one night from Augusta,We met at REGENCY.Glad she didn’t catch me hugging a Concessionstand girl.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 6:34 pm

Electrical problems one morning! It was a bad 20 amp breaker,I told ZACK i could change out a breaker,but he called a Electrical company to change it. I could have saved GCC some money.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 2, 2009 at 6:31 pm

MR.MOM opened to good crowds.I was glad because i was a big TERRI GARR fan. But was nothing like THE BIG CHILL.People in that city loved that film.