GCC Fashion Island Cinema

Fashion Island Mall,
Foster City, CA 94403

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Showing 26 - 27 of 27 comments

markp on April 23, 2008 at 11:17 am

Sounds a lot like the nit-wit I worked for, for Clearview. Always had perfect secret shopper scores for projection, but he just HAD to get rid of the union. So he brings in 2 guys who cost 50% more an hour than me, and couldn’t even thread the right movie each show. I just LOVE those pencil pushers!!!

tarantex on November 13, 2007 at 9:03 pm

i RAN THIS THEATRE FOR MANN, we opened it in 1981 the shopping center was State of the art, but with Hillsdale thriving the Anchors they had were Bullocks, JC Penny Montgomery Wards sees candies and red robin, oh yeah Ice capaels,a across from the Theatre a nice ice skating rink and behind that was the FOOD COURT, the teatres were boxs but overall Mann booked them well I was there for a year until they changed District Managers and then the idiot they brought in transfered me to Dublin were his offices were so i ran that dump till i quit on christmas day left him and his idiot wife to run the theatre