Harwan Theatre

7 N. Black Horse Pike,
Mount Ephraim, NJ 08059

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Showing 26 - 50 of 58 comments

cmartinstutzman on February 10, 2007 at 11:36 am

They are taken from the parking lot of the “Super Ultra mega CVS”, and from the pizza shop on the other side. They knocked down The Harwan Theater, “D'nicks” a corner sandwhich shop, a row of businesses and one or two homes.

CVS, Walgreens, and Eckerd all have this thing about building directly across from each other. You know about The Century that is currently an empty Eckerd, and when I was working for The Westmont Theater company, developers for CVS or Eckerd would come in periodically to check the place out. Ive even seen old theater converted into these mega drugstores. It is the strangest thing.

There is talk that the owners of The Trocadaro in Philadelphia are going to open a club at The Westmont, Im not sure if that means they are going to use the facade, or knock it down. Working there for the time I did, I know the roof is completly worthless. Both the Harwan and the Westmont are very special to me, I would hate to loss both of them.

Killerwithin on February 10, 2007 at 11:25 am

The pics are correct, I can verify that as a Bellmawr resident. Look like most were taken across the street from the CVS parking lot. I took a few pictures of my own there.

FeverDog on February 10, 2007 at 3:40 am

Are those pics right? ‘Cause they sure don’t look like they’re taken from the Black Horse Pike..

heatherhedyjon on January 22, 2007 at 4:17 pm

I can’t believe it. I’ve recently moved to SoCal via Ohio and Florida but I grew up in Runnemede. A freakin Walgreens?! Directly across from a CVS and within a mile of another Walgreens and a host of other drugstores? We’re losing our history South Jersey. Pretty soon all we’ll be known for is Camden

jerseywizard on January 17, 2007 at 2:25 am

Yes it should be gone by the end of the week.Very sad I grew up in Glendora so as a kid The Harwan was a 10 min bus ride to go to the movies.
A Walgreens took out a Block in Glendora a few years ago. how many drug stores do you need.
So to see the Harwan it is sad if you love these old Theatres and you live in S.Jersey if you get the chance go to The Broadway in Pitman and enjoy it someday they may all be gone.

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bmatlosz on January 16, 2007 at 8:47 pm

IT’S GOING DOWN !!!!! The Harwan was being demolished today 1/16/2007 !!! I rode by it and there were two large construction shovels ripping down the surrounding structures. There were pieces of the roof over the lobby missing and a large hole in the wall above the marquee. I took what will probably be the last pictures of it on my camera phone. I will post them to a site shorty. Sad, very sad indeed…..

bmatlosz on December 13, 2006 at 8:03 pm

Went by it today… it is boarded up and there is a temporary fence around the whole building. It looks like the end is near for another one of these treasures….

Killerwithin on November 8, 2006 at 12:43 am

The Century in Audubon was torn down to become a Eckard, not a Walgreens…. but it doesn’t matter – the nicer pieces of the face of the Harwan were salvaged ( who owns them now I don’t know ) and soon the place will be history.

elahrairrah on September 15, 2006 at 5:46 pm

I just took some pics of the Harwan when I heard it was marked for demolition like the Century was:

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WCFieldsFanClub on August 15, 2006 at 12:10 pm

According to an article in today’s (8/15/06) Courier Post, the Harwan Theater WILL razed to make way for a new Walgreen’s! With a large CVS store under constructed across the street and another Walgreen’s less than one mile down the Blackhorse Pike what we really do not need is another drug store! What a shame!

The Walgreen’s in Audubon caused the demolition of another old theater, The Century Theater along with a theatricatical supplies store, which occupied the vacant theater building. The Audubon Walgreen’s closed approximately one year after its construction in 2003. Could it be the neighborhood did not want to support such a store?

Your voice can be heard…The Mount Ephraim zoning board and planning board is scheduled to conduct its regular meeting at 7:30 pm on Monday, August 21st at the Borough Hall, 121 S. Black Horse Pike. Please attend and let the board hear your feeling about the impending loss of another old theater. Remind them of the Walgreen’s Audubon store!

willow2k on June 26, 2006 at 5:29 pm

Not sure how long this link will work, but….
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It looks like the Harwan is, unfortunately, on it’s way to becoming a Walgreens. Which of course will be directly across from a newly rebuilt CVS. So, it seems that the whole block will be torn down to accomodate yet another drugstore!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news…

wizzack on May 16, 2006 at 9:12 pm

I’m wondering the same thing. still looked closed when I drove by. hopefully opening soon!

raymondgordonsears on March 28, 2006 at 6:36 pm

Did this theater ever open? I see NO postings after July 2005. WHAT’s UP?

dave86a on July 8, 2005 at 2:57 am

The organ was most likely removed from the theater during it’s 1970’s facelift…

teecee on July 5, 2005 at 6:15 pm

A Kilgen organ, opus 4271, was installed in the Mt. Ephraim Theatre in 1929.

teecee on June 8, 2005 at 4:00 pm


I found this information on the running of Rocky Horror in 1993-1994:

Harwan – Mt. Ephraim, NJ
Saturday, midnight, $5.00
Comments: One of the oldest casts in the country (15 years old), and
the only cast in South Jersey and surrounding Philadelphia area. The
Transducer Players are pictured on pages 120-121 of Sal’s 15th
anniversary book, as well as pictured on the back cover with the
eastside cinema cast. (That was just after they lost the 8th street
playhouse in the village.) Shows EVERY saturday night at midnight,
admition is still only $5.00. The theater itself is a single screen,
600 seat vaudville theater complete with stage. An average show is
150-250 people. Virgin of the week every week. Theme nights and
prizes all the time. Origonal pre-shows. Professional cast. Highest

recomendations. Phone: 609-931-8869

For more info on the Transducer Players, or to subscribe to our weekly
newsletter, (Non-profit. Just pay the postage. A stamp a week.) mail
The Transducer Players
110 Warren Avenue
Voorhees, NJ 08043-1235

PS – No, I’m not a fan of this movie, I’m just trying to help others with this post.

RickB on June 7, 2005 at 12:30 pm

Before about 1968 the Harwan was known as the Mount Ephriam Theatre.

mkbnett on June 7, 2005 at 3:55 am

Hey Dave, just wondering if the Harwan would be ready for a one-night rental in mid-July, and if not, if there was any way that folks can volunteer to help renovate in time


ps – this is the same “‘matt” that sent you an email about a week ago, heh

Fable on May 19, 2005 at 7:46 pm

Will do—and just did.

dave86a on May 19, 2005 at 7:34 pm

Hey Fable.. please contact me offsite —

dave86a on May 19, 2005 at 7:32 pm

I agree that classics on the big screen would be wonderful, but between rental rates and low-turn out they prove no profit. Since the Harwan is not a non-profit organization yet I doubt a film series will be realistically possible. I believe the new incarnation will be for small shows and celebrity performers, as that was the plan about a year ago. Shameless plug: I’ll be screening some classics outdoors on an 8 foot screen this summer as part of “The Lawn-Chair Drive In” in Northern Liberties park, Philadelphia, they’ll be screened off of 16mm film prints complete with cartoons etc… No admission costs!

Fable on May 17, 2005 at 3:03 pm

I wonder what the hold up is? And whether the people trying to reopen it have considered making it a 30’s/40’s house? There should be a market for seeing quality b&w films, since at least two cable networks are devoted largely to that—but on a big screen, how much more impressive the films are. Not to mention the experience of going to an older theater: the shared audience appreciation, the celebratory experience of a night out, etc.

smut666 on May 17, 2005 at 2:53 pm

Would love to see the theater from the inside and take some pics.
Went to alot of movies at the harwan in the 70’s.
I hope they fix it up.