Comments from cinemad

Showing 26 - 29 of 29 comments

cinemad commented about City Cinema on Jan 17, 2008 at 8:18 am

the cinema is going to close unfortunatly. It hasnt been viable for many years. It only costs £2.50 admission per person through the week
the cinema is just not busy and its a miracle that it is open at all. there is a large cineworld multiplex nearby and most people go there now.
I can remember queing around the block to see a film at the ABC and that wasnt to see a blockbuster either it was just popular.
the ABC Newport was always run in an “old Fashioned” way it was run as a 1960s cinema until it closed in 1999 and I loved it for that.
the cinema decor and furniture was all 1960s
the usherettes had there own uniforms the doorman and manager wore suites befitting their positions.
and the usherette would sell ice cream in the auditoium before the main feature. and they would shine their torch to show late comers to their seats.

There are plans to keep the exterior of the building as is and to cut holes in the brick work for windows. as the building may gutted and refitted be used as a hotel.
the delay in closure is i think due to a delay in gaining planning permission although that is hearsay.


cinemad commented about City Cinema on Jan 17, 2008 at 12:20 am

the cinema has had a slight extention on its lease, so is now due to close in May.

cinemad commented about City Cinema on Jan 9, 2008 at 2:03 pm

the cinema closes on thursday the 17th so if you want to go and see a film there before it closes better hurry. I went to see I Am Legend in the large screen 1 this week .You do really feel very small sitting in the huge auditorium.

cinemad commented about City Cinema on Jan 2, 2008 at 10:39 am

HI Peter
I noticed that the Cinema had reached its 40th year. the Cinema is exactly the same age as me.
it is amazing that it has lasted this long really, espescially during the last 7 year where I think that the various owners have had a real struggre to keep it open.
I visited the cinema Last November to say farewell and to visit the projection room one last time.
The manager came up half way through the films and told the projectonist to turn off the bulbs on all three projectors as there wasnt a single person in any of the screens watching the fils. Very sad.
The cinema has had a few different names sice the year 2000 including “metro” “city” and “reel”. but it will always be The Newport ABC to me. “GOODBYE ABC"
Martin trainer