Comments from jbn6773

Showing 26 - 50 of 52 comments

jbn6773 commented about Odeon West Hartlepool on Aug 8, 2006 at 1:31 am

Hartlepool borough council have recently held a meeting with businesses and residents from the Odeon neighbourhood. This is part of a plan to find an alternative use for the building or consider re-development of the site (demolition of the grade II building). Attached is the agenda for the consultative forum from the council website. A structural survey has been carried out as part of the feasability study of the Odeon. Could the former Majestic/Odeon be coming to the end of its days???
View link

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Middlesbrough collapses on Aug 4, 2006 at 9:03 am

It looks like they are now taking it apart brick by brick, almost a week just to remove the top part of the tower where the ODEON sign was fixed and to demolish the projection room and upper corridor rooms. At this rate the building could still be there at Christmas!!! Poor old Mandale properties, they wanted their new shiny tower block to be ready for September 2007, hope they are not using the same builders that are doing Wembley Stadium!!!!!!!!!

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Middlesbrough collapses on Jul 26, 2006 at 10:41 am

After almost 2 weeks of little activity, demolition seems to have re-started, with the two bulldozers once again tearing at the building, contractors seem to be busy stripping out the balcony and upper floor(where the projection box is located). It was interesting to see today, that the ‘Jumpin Jaks’ signs have been removed from the tower, revealing the red ‘ODEON’ signage that was covered over. It seems that this building will finally disappear in the next few days (unless it has another suprise in store!!!). This will have been a costly demolition, with Fry Street still closed to traffic and the security costs to keep intruders out of the part demolished structure.

jbn6773 commented about Stockton Globe on Jul 12, 2006 at 5:34 am

A recent article in the local press has announced that Stockton on Tees Council and the buildings current owners, Jomast Properties are carrying out feasability studies on proposed uses for the building.

jbn6773 commented about Odeon Middlesbrough on Jul 11, 2006 at 11:56 am

re try the gazette link

jbn6773 commented about Odeon Middlesbrough on Jul 11, 2006 at 11:53 am

Part of Middlesbrough Town Centre was cordoned off today, when part
of the former Odeon Cinema (Jumpin Jaks) collapsed during demolition
works. The auditorium wall on Fry Street came down at around 10.30am
taking with it scaffolding, this fell onto the street below,
damaging cars. Luckily no-one was injured and work was stopped until
the Health & Safety executive surveyed the site. Corporation Road &
Fry Street remain fenced off and will not re-open until Wednesday
Evening to allow emergency demolition work to remove the remainder
of Fry Street and the Corporation Road Auditorium walls and
scaffolding. It appears the wall gave way when work to remove the
auditorium ceiling and roof from inside the building by bulldozer
was in progress. An article from the Evening Gazette can be seen
View link

I have also posted some photos taken tonight at :

jbn6773 commented about Odeon Middlesbrough on Jun 15, 2006 at 1:08 pm

recently taken photos inside the building, during demolition stripping out works..

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema For Sale? on Jun 15, 2006 at 1:06 pm

Recently taken photos of the exterior of the former Odeon Hartlepool (Caesars Palace / Joe Pools)

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 9, 2006 at 3:02 pm

if there is anything you can e-mail me on the building please do so

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 9, 2006 at 3:00 pm

I will see what I can do, a few more cans of beer should be enough to be let loose for another hour or so. Thanks for the info. I apologise that the photos are not the best of quality. I will get as many as I can, especially ones showing some of the original features on the upper foyer and if possible the ventilation grille above the balcony.

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 9, 2006 at 2:31 pm

the bar was on the first floor wasnt it? near to the offices? Haven’t been backstage yet. will go there on Wednesday with a torch . The auditorium is in a right state now, most of the false flooring put in for jumpon jaks is being ripped out, so it is difficult to get about. I will endeavour to record as much as possible on wednesday as it will probably be the last chance i get to go in before they strip out the rest of the building

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 9, 2006 at 2:26 pm

Can you confirm where abouts the following where taken and I will try to match them to photos I take next week, Probably on Wednesday morning

James JBN6773

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 9, 2006 at 1:52 pm

I will check that when I go back next week, I believe that it was still there and will get photos of the rooms. Unfortunately it is almost impossible to get any decent photos in the auditorium because all the walls have been sprayed black. (you can see some overspray on the doors at the back of the balcony) A lot of the ceilings in the upper foyer have been taken down to allow asbestos removal and the staircase from the lower foyer to the first floor foyer was taken out when it was changed to jumpin jaks. The only way to the first floor foyer is via the fire exit staircase. Thanks for the photos, I will try to take some ‘now’ pictures to correspond

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 9, 2006 at 1:55 am

the link to the additional photos remains the same:

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 9, 2006 at 1:55 am

Just taken some more pictures from the balcony, first floor offices, upper floor including former projection area, the tower. Will be going back in about a week to get some more detailed photos and some from backstage. The contractors reckon there is about three more weeks of stripping out before the building will come down. They have not yet started on the upper floors as the asbestos removal contractors have only just finished. There is still a lot of the cinema fittings in place especially on the balcony where the seats have now been replaced by the air conditioning ducts for Jumpin Jaks,these lead to the old projection room which can just be seen in one of the photos.

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on Jun 2, 2006 at 5:12 am

I’ve taken some photos from within the building, foyer and auditorium, the upper floors are currently undergoing asbestos removel and i should be able to go back in about a week to get more. Photos taken can be seen on:

jbn6773 commented about Odeon West Hartlepool on Jun 1, 2006 at 2:37 pm

I have taken some photos of the former Odeon Hartlepool in its current sorry state. These can be viewed at the following:

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema Middlesbrough (UK) on May 19, 2006 at 8:21 pm

It appears that the final curtain is about to close on this building.
Contractors have recently arrived on site and fenced off the area to the left of the main entrance, in what appears to be the beginning of stripping out the interior since its closure as ‘Jumpin Jaks’
nightclub. The building is scheduled to be deomlished an replaced by a 375ft high tower block comprising of apartments & offices.

The owners ‘mandale properties’ have stated that work has been carried out to log the details of the odeon. It has been asked if there is an opportunity to get some photos from within the building before it is finally demolished.

jbn6773 commented about Funny Girls on Apr 7, 2006 at 12:30 am

I agree with richyb, I go to Blackpool every year, normally with my girlfriend and other couples. We always make a point of spending the Saturday night in Funny Girls, which is a fantastic night out regardless of your sexual orientation. The show is first class and the night is complete with the optional pre-show meal in the downstairs restaraunt (located rear stalls right, looking from the stage). When you walk into the main area of the auditorium, you can still see the magnificent decor that has been retained. The circle has been reduced to hold a small bar and a couple of rows of tables and chairs, this being the VIP balcony area. Behind and above that I assume is the New Flamingo Club. Funny Girls caters for all aged 18-100 (I have seen quite a few senior citizens inside) and is very popular for hen parties. Any one who has not yet taken the chance to have a look at Basil Newbys very well planned and symapthetic conversion should get along. for more info log onto:

It is far better to see the Odeon Blackpool in this form, than the Grade 2 listed, former Odeon Hartlepool, which closed in 1981 and apart for a brief spell as a nightclub (that never was, it had to close at midnight as it couldn’t get a 2am licence), which now stands almost derelict, up for sale, and gradually rotting away. Even now you can still see the painted ‘Odeon Theatre’ signage on the rear wall of the stage, thought this is fading away.

Well done In The Pink Leisure and Basil Newby.

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema For Sale? on Jan 29, 2006 at 3:01 am

The Odeon has again appeared in the Hartlepool Mail, with the local council now warning owners of all run-down buildings in the town to start tidying them up or be forced into action. With Capanac Leisure now insolvent and the building still up for sale (offers £500,000), it will be interesting to see what happens next. The mayor of Hartlepool, Stuart Drummond, recently held a meeting, which was open to the public. One of the issues being the re-use of vacant and run-down buildings in the town. There has been little action recently, with the shutters over the main entrance only being opened on a couple of occasions whilst Capanac staff have been inside. Notably the upper level windows (projection room level) have been re-boarded, after the boards fell into the building, allowing pigeons to access the property. I hope to take some current pictures of the exterior of the building in the next few days.

jbn6773 commented about Odeon West Hartlepool on Jan 29, 2006 at 3:01 am

The Odeon has again appeared in the Hartlepool Mail, with the local council now warning owners of all run-down buildings in the town to start tidying them up or be forced into action. With Capanac Leisure now insolvent and the building still up for sale (offers £500,000), it will be interesting to see what happens next. The mayor of Hartlepool, Stuart Drummond, recently held a meeting, which was open to the public. One of the issues being the re-use of vacant and run-down buildings in the town. There has been little action recently, with the shutters over the main entrance only being opened on a couple of occasions whilst Capanac staff have been inside. Notably the upper level windows (projection room level) have been re-boarded, after the boards fell into the building, allowing pigeons to access the property. I hope to take some current pictures of the exterior of the building in the next few days.

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema For Sale? on Sep 9, 2005 at 1:00 pm

There have been some more developments in the last couple of weeks. Capanac Leisure, owners of the building and numerous bars (42nd Street, Shades, Longscar Centre, Horden Big Club, The Legion) have been reported as applying for insolvency. The bars have all closed suddenly. A plumber has been seen working in the Odeon recently and in the last couple of days,Hartlepool Water have been digging up the road outside the building. One only hopes that there hasn’t been any sort of flooding problem inside the already delapidated building. In another twist, Hartlepool Borough Council have warned owners of run-down buildings in the town to do something about them or risk being forced into renovation. New powers give councils the opportunity to enforce owners of buildings that are becoming an eyesore to do something about it. Strange that within a week of two of Capanacs buildings being featured (Odeon & Longscar Centre) in this list that they appear to go ‘belly-up’…. Also, the former Odeon CInema in Middlesbrough (re-opened as Jumpin Jaks nightclub) has again closed its doors, the owners, luminar leisure, have refurbished another nightclub in the town, known as lava & Ignite. The entrance doors to the odeon have been covered with a poster advising customers to go to the new club. Worryingly, I noticed the other day, that one of the side doors, below the tower that showed the Odeon sign appears to have been forced open. This could cause untold damage if vandals manage to get into the building. I will keep you posted. Its suprising what you notice whilst driving a bus!!!

jbn6773 commented about Odeon West Hartlepool on Sep 9, 2005 at 12:55 pm

There have been some more developments in the last couple of weeks. Capanac Leisure, owners of the building and numerous bars (42nd Street, Shades, Longscar Centre, Horden Big Club, The Legion) have been reported as applying for insolvency. The bars have all closed suddenly. A plumber has been seen working in the Odeon recently and in the last couple of days,Hartlepool Water have been digging up the road outside the building. One only hopes that there hasn’t been any sort of flooding problem inside the already delapidated building. In another twist, Hartlepool Borough Council have warned owners of run-down buildings in the town to do something about them or risk being forced into renovation. New powers give councils the opportunity to enforce owners of buildings that are becoming an eyesore to do something about it. Strange that within a week of two of Capanacs buildings being featured (Odeon & Longscar Centre) in this list that they appear to go ‘belly-up’…. Also, the former Odeon CInema in Middlesbrough (re-opened as Jumpin Jaks nightclub) has again closed its doors, the owners, luminar leisure, have refurbished another nightclub in the town, known as lava & Ignite. The entrance doors to the odeon have been covered with a poster advising customers to go to the new club. Worryingly, I noticed the other day, that one of the side doors, below the tower that showed the Odeon sign appears to have been forced open. This could cause untold damage if vandals manage to get into the building. I will keep you posted. Its suprising what you notice whilst driving a bus!!!

jbn6773 commented about Odeon West Hartlepool on Aug 25, 2005 at 9:16 am

I think it was even earlier than that, I cannot recall them being open much after 2000. There has been some activity in the last week or so, with capanac leisure vans appearing outside, although I haven’t seen anymore fittings being removed. I will keep you informed as I pass almost everyday being a bus driver.

jbn6773 commented about Odeon West Hartlepool on Jun 28, 2005 at 11:47 am

The Odeon was not converted into a bingo hall. There were plans to open it for various schemes including a snooker hall, but none ever came to fruition. It remained boarded up and out of use until it was bought by a family from Billingham (Anne Marie-Bell I believe) in the early/mid 90’s, they planned to turn it into a cabaret venue/ nightclub with 2 cinemas in the upper sections,(To be called Park Avenue). Unfortunately, they ran out of money before it was completed and the building was again sold (by auction) to Hartlepool based Capanac Leisure. They turned part of the former stalls area into a bar called ‘Joe Pools’ with the remaining stalls, stage and the front section of the circle all being opened as Caesars Palace. The two cinema rooms built by the previous owners are understood to remain empty behind the balcony of Caesars Palace. The entire complex closed a few years ago and is now up for sale for £500,000. It is in a very sorry state with water damage on the front wall, near to the stage area. Most of the windows located on the upper foyer and floor above have never been replaced since it closed in 1981 and the building is rife with pigeons. The smell from inside is so strong it is very noticable from behind the roller shutters on the main entrance. Capanac workers have been removing various furnishing and sound/lighting fittings in recent months, so it appears they are stripping it out. There has been a study taken on behalf of the council to try and find alternative uses for the building (conversion to appartments being one suggested).