Comments from Scrabble

Showing 26 - 36 of 36 comments

Scrabble commented about Marbro Theatre on Jun 17, 2010 at 9:26 am

I remember the A&P Store very well. My Mom used to shop there. Also, I remember a store which I believe was called “High-lo” on Laramie and north of Madison Street — my Mom used to get cans of vegetables for 10 cents. Remember Polk Brothers on Madison Street just east of Pulaski? Also Goldblatts on the SE corner of Pulaski & Madison? Lots of memories for sure!

Scrabble commented about Marbro Theatre on Jun 11, 2010 at 3:59 pm

Scott, I can totally relate. Pulaski and Lake is where I had my purse snatched while standing on the SE corner (outside the bar) waiting for the Pulaski northbound bus to take me home after working all day downtown. Also, while standing waiting for the bus, I would see folks (waiting for the bus next to me) toss their cigarette butts down on the ground, and then people from the neighborhood would start shouting and screaming at them to pick the butts up and stop messing up their corner. I witnessed so much and it was all very frightening, and believe me, this expresses it mildly.

Scrabble commented about Marbro Theatre on Jun 7, 2010 at 8:30 am

My Mother took my two sisters and I (we were just young children) to the Marlboro Theatre on Madison Street (located a couple of blocks west of Pulaski) to see the Movie with Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason about pool and we had a most awful experience. We left the Theatre after the movie and we stopped in a small restaurant near the SW corner of Pulaski and Madison called “Good Food”. We were sitting in the restaurant waiting to be served and there were a couple of fellows standing outside the glass windows making faces at patrons inside. We paid no attention but all of the sudden a terrible fight broke out and glass was flying all over and it was like a total riot. We got out of the restaurant and my Mom hailed a cab, and we were all actually shaking. We learned later that one of the employees of the restaurant had his ear sliced off. It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jun 7, 2010 at 7:56 am

My Mother took my two sisters and I (we were just young children) to the Marlboro Theatre on Madison Street (located a couple of blocks west of Pulaski) to see the Movie with Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason about pool and we had a most awful experience. We left the Theatre after the movie and we stopped in a small restaurant near the SW corner of Pulaski and Madison called “Good Food”. We were sitting in the restaurant waiting to be served and there were a couple of fellows standing outside the glass windows making faces at patrons inside. We paid no attention but all of the sudden a terrible fight broke out and glass was flying all over and it was like a total riot. We got out of the restaurant and my Mom hailed a cab, and we were all actually shaking. We learned later that one of the employees of the restaurant had his ear sliced off. It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jun 6, 2010 at 6:47 am

Where was Vito’s Pizzeria? The name sounds so familiar but I cannot place it. I remember Al’s Pizzeria on about the 4100 block of Armitage Avenue. We lived in the 4000 W. Kamerling block for so so many years and the neighborhood was great when we first moved there in the early 1950’s but I sure was glad to get my Dad out of there in the mid 1980’s as there were numerous attempts to break into our house, garages being burned down, rocks being thrown at our windows, and I had my purse snatched at the corner of Lake & Pulaski while waiting for the CTA bus on my way home from work and had my bus pass grabbed from my hands — all very upsetting and extremely frightening.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jan 25, 2010 at 10:28 pm

Helene Curtis, at Kostner and North, exploded in 1963. My family and I ate at Al’s Pizza on Kedvale & Armitage many times. Also, there was a Tastee Freeze just west of Al’s Pizza where they served the most delicious chocolate dipped cones, and then there was Butera’s Foods at Kostner and Armitage.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jan 23, 2010 at 5:59 pm

Very interesting, I never knew that about the bank — yes, sharing memories is always good. Have a great day.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jan 23, 2010 at 2:15 pm

Hi Artista, Thanks for your reply. We went to the Public Library on Pulaski next to the alley many-a-day however I do not remember the Pioneer Bank being where the Public Library was. I recall that when we first moved to the area, we were poor and in the back of a pick up truck, which my parents rented, and we were driving west on North Avenue from our previous residence at North and Sedgwick Streets, and from a great distance away we could see the huge Pioneer Bank sign which stood above the bank at Pulaski & North. We felt so fortunate to move to a new address as my parents lived in a rather run-down apartment building on Sedgwick St.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jan 23, 2010 at 11:03 am

A few movies which we saw at the Tiffin which really stand out to me, are “The Last Time I saw Paris” (with Eliz. Taylor), “Born Free” (about the Lioness and her cubs) and “Covenant with Death” with George Maharis. I loved the popcorn and cherry cokes at the Tiffin, and my brother ushered there for awhile. Such fond memories.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jan 23, 2010 at 10:59 am

I have so many fond memories of the area. My family moved to Kamerling Avenue around 1952 and I attended Nobel School. I remember Kreske’s dimestore, Woolworth’s, and I remember Demar’s Restaurant, a Shoe Store, Pioneer Bank, Crawford Dress Store, Dr. Moldenhauer’s Dental Office, Christine’s Beauty Shop (one door east of the Tiffin, Ferndell’s Restaurant, Pioneer Bank, Vollendorf’s Fish Store, Maternity BVM Church, St. Philomena’s, the Record Shop, a VFW Hall where my Mom used to take us for Penny Socials. I recall after we moved to the area, Jimmy’s Hot Dog Stand opened up and my Mom said that they must have known that we liked hot dogs.

Scrabble commented about Tiffin Theatre on Jan 20, 2010 at 8:12 pm

I remember the Tiffin Theater so well as my Mom and my sisters and I spent many a Friday night there — they had such good popcorn.