DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

Unfavorite 14 people favorited this theater

Showing 526 - 550 of 1,253 comments

Broan on October 17, 2005 at 6:44 pm

LD4, you said he was RobertR too and that was easily proven wrong. Your boyfriend didn’t know you can click on aliases and see where else people have posted? And what email addresses are linked to DupageDude and Dupersupporter on this site that were traced? I see none. Also, if these e-mails originate from free web accounts – you say he will never email under a paid account – where is the IP coming from? But all this alias nonsense is totally irrelevant anyway; just another ill attempt at spin.

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 6:37 pm

I’m sorry, who has a vendetta? You need some help. Hey Duper Supporter, wanna tell him we’re NOT the same person???

BobDifino on October 17, 2005 at 6:34 pm

Dupersupporter/dupagedude/JimDevitt will never e-mail you under a paid e-mail account. If he has the testosterone to even respond to your request under even a free account, PLEASE post it here and I will call you to make arrangements for my boyfriend to track it. LET’S EXPOSE THIS PUNK FOR GOOD! My money says he will not e-mail you.

BobDifino on October 17, 2005 at 6:28 pm

Any IP can be tracked by e-mails. There are footers that can be traced even by e-mails. You do not have to be the site host. I’m telling you, Jim Devitt is the same person that posted on wurfwhile.com under HIS OWN name, on this site under at LEAST two names and on Lombardvillagevoice.com under over 25 names. Here is the link to the post he made on wurfwhile.com. Posting on this blog is what has allowed us to track him: http://www.wurfwhile.com/archives/000613.html

It took us about 5 minutes to track him to his Ameritech account. The same IP address was tracked to literally hundreds of posts as a guest on the lombardvillagevoice site. We were even able to find out his Woodridge address, Il address.

Maybe someone out there will understand that this man is the sperm of the devil.

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 6:16 pm

Good question Brian…The reality of it is that they aren’t sure if all they have done to destroy the theatre is enough, and they are also trying to get support in the community because you can count their numbers on both hands. That doesn’t stop them, however from posting on web sites under mutiple aliases. The were caught by Hiram Wurf, a politican with a web site who tracked multiple posts,all under different names, to the same computer!

You didn’t know Mark or Doug, but you know what they would be doing now, just like you knew what really happened at the Taste, huh? Like I said then, nothing was going to happen, but most of you believed the wrong person, and look at the result. I hope it made you all happy. Then, when I volunteered to do an ambitious project that could have very well turned the tables, YOU shot it down…

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 6:09 pm

I don’t know.My theory is that they are REALLY not sure they did the right thing by supporting the demolition.It could be that they are looking to get support for their desires to see the theatre demolished.

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 6:01 pm

You’re right, Dude. I didn’t know Mark or Doug. But I know Pete Kramer quite well and am working alongside him to save the theatre.

You know, maybe you’ve been out of touch with our group. Were you at our last meeting? We discussed the issues we face and the approaches we wish to take. If you had been there, you would know these things. And you would know our “policy” and “position.”

I guess you emailing me will make no difference if you have to ask…

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 5:59 pm

Dude.Pay no attention to LD4..Humor.Humor him.Maybe he will go away!

Broan on October 17, 2005 at 5:58 pm

Yeah, that was a real desperate attempt right there. One thing I don’t understand is why the diehards on this site who want to see the building sown are sticking around if they’re so sure demolition is coming. Can anyone explain that?

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 5:53 pm

LD4, you boyfriend is soon to be out of work if he’s in IT!! Isn’t that right, Duper Supporter? Anybody with half a clue knows any schmo can’t look at IP addresses unless they run the site!!!

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 5:50 pm

Here we go again.Just humor him folks.He needs it BAD.
Actually LD4 I am Santa Claus.Yes.ld4 there really is a Santa Claus.
Get some sleep.

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 5:48 pm

Don’t need “approval”? Really? You mean policy has changed? What difference does e-mailing you make? I might as well e-mail Bob Defeno! You would not be bringing the community together, you will be tipping your hand. Do you really think the same people that have openly BRAGGED about defeating the Friends are now going to help them? NOT A CHANCE!! But go ahead, make nice-nice with them, then watch what happens. By the way, you never answered, is that the official position of the Friends, to do a big Lombard group hug about the theatre? If you have only been on the Friends since the RSC proposal, you wouldn’t have really known Marc or Doug, so how would you really know anything about them.

Community wide support is NOT necessary, just a majority, or bags of cash. Look at the convention center, there’s next to no support yet it is going ahead…

BobDifino on October 17, 2005 at 5:45 pm

Just so you all know. Jim Devitt is dupersupporter and dupagedude. My boyfriend is an IS Tech. He was able to track his IP address to several places. Signing off for good. JW.

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 5:35 pm

Deb.Dynako.Don’t worry about anybody at this point EXCEPT those who voted to DEMOLISH.The rest is moot at this point in time.The squeeky wheel should get the oil.

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 5:30 pm


Thanks for the sending the supportive letters. No one needs our “approval” to send them, by the way.

Look, why don’t you email me at We can chat between ourselves and maybe I can convince you that there are some people who still want the theatre even though they didn’t care for the last proposal. Maybe if we chat, you can see that bringing the community together on this IS the only way to save the building.

And lastly, I wish that Joan, Doug and Mark were still with us. I really do. But unfortunately we must go on without them. I know that they would do anything within their powers to keep the building standing. At this point it’s clear, we need community-wide support to be successful.

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 4:51 pm

Well, here’s one from last week…That recent enough for you?
As someone who has followed the DuPage Theatre controversy very closely, I am concerned and confused by a few things I have read lately, and would like to get some clarification from you. I have read that you are actually not going to be supporting the DuPage Theatre Foundation in their efforts to restore the theatre, as well as not going to support the TIF extension any further in the State legislature. I know there have been a few people out there who are opposed to the project for whatever reason, but believe me, there is overwhelming support for the project, and I hope you continue to support the project.

Here’s the thing…If more money can be found for the theatre, couldn’t the RSC plan go ahead with one less floor and a few less units?

There’s plenty to loose by talking to the anti-theatre crowd, like any chance in the world of succeeding!!!

Reconsider the theatre for another use? You mean like the 2 you people have? 1. A pile of rubble. 2. The opportunity for a demo company to look like a hero “donating” a historic facade and marguee.

P.S. What I WILL NOT post are the corporate and other high profile letters I have sent out, but there are dozens out there!

njmoviefan on October 17, 2005 at 4:47 pm

I’ve been reading this thread with detached bemusement until I realized I can’t tell who is who any longer. Obviously, people are posting using similar-sounding names to confuse the issue – really, are there two “Debs” in this small community who just so happen to be posting? And every other person both for and against is using some form of “Dupe” (an apt nickname, actually). Get a grip, people, and please post a scorecard of names and “for” and “against” so that those of us laughing at you know just who you are.

I’m reminded of the great PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE and the following quote: “All of you of Earth (Lombard) are idiots. Your stupid minds. Stupid! Stupid!”

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 4:30 pm

Dupe neighbor.Would you committ yourself to the “preservation” of the Dupage Theatre?Yes or no?

DMS on October 17, 2005 at 4:25 pm

July 3 was a long LONG time ago pal.

To quote an 80’s hit “What have you done for me lately?”

Talk is cheap. What are your plans now?

At least some Friends are realizing they have nothing to lose but to talk to others? That’s not in your plan though, you want to become the next Joan of Arc when demolition day comes. Either you’ve given up or you’re too cowardly to try.

PS I would not reconsider that condo plan but maybe another use for the theater itself – who knows?

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 3:42 pm

Aww what the heck! I’m feeling generous! her’s a letter I sent dated JULY 3, 2005. So much for your theory about me not doing anything. Sorry, this was NOT cleared by the Friends to send, but since they kicked me out, it doesn’t matter, right? LOL!!!

I must thank you for the support you have shown for the DuPage Theatre project, and ask that you continue to show that support in the future. The DuPage Theatre is a historic gem that should be preserved for the ages. I look forward, as do many other taxpayers, to be able to take my daughter there to show her the way thing used to be, if only for a little while. Lombard should take a cue from Wheaton, which is restoring its Grand Theatre to help their downtown. To quote from yesterdays Daily Herald “The Wheaton City Council has supported the restoration efforts of the Wheaton Grand Theater to this point, viewing it as a possible cornerstone for future downtown growth.” Lombard has the same opportunity, if not more because new shops and places to live are included.

I’m sure you have heard from a few detractors who complain about size (the flyhouse, at just over 50 feet, has been there for the entire life of the building, with no complaints), the proximity to their properties (if you look at the actual lots and location of the homes, they are al more than 50 feet away, and trees screen their rear view, as do garages) and tax drain. These people will try to use every excuse in the book to prove their point. My question is, why should a handful of residents hold the future of the Village of Lombard in their grasp?

You have no doubt heard Trustees say they have not seen the support of the residents, which is a flat out lie unless the Trustees never leave their homes. Drive down any street and you will see signs of support on the lawns and in front of local businesses! In fact, a former Trustee, Karen Koenig, always said the support was there in her district. The new one, Jack O’Brien, claims he can’t find any support. Either all the residents in that district moved out, or there is a problem. I think there is a problem here. The entire Board had voted to pay a lobbyist to get the TIF extended, then Trustee Sebby got his resolution passed. How can the Board go from hiring a lobbyist to tearing down a historic building? Something doesn’t seem right here.

Most people didn’t understand TIF, but when I explained it to them and they saw that their property taxes won’t go up to restore the Theatre, they were more than happy to support the idea. Then Steve Sebby comes along and says he can’t find support. His own neighbors have signs in their yards supporting the project.

I ask you that as a person of influence, you do whatever you can to help this project survive, grow and flourish. I believe there is a reason this gem has managed to stay around this long, all we need to do is to polish her up to make her shine again.

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 3:41 pm

Dupe neighbor.Are you willing to committ yourself to the “preservation” of the Dupage Theatre?

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 3:35 pm

Deb.Dynako.If you think that saving any portion of the facade or the marque is part of some preservation plan by the village then you really are naive.The only reason that anything might be salvaged is because the village or the contractor to demolish has a potentiial buyer for them.
Don’t loose site of what trustee Tross said on April 27.
When DEBATING the RSC plan and whole block development.When HE didn’t have his votes.Tross said,
“WE could END this tonight.But I can count to "FOUR."
That is what Tross said.Then on June 2nd when the new trustee against the theatre{O'brien )was on the board then Tross could count to FOUR his way Then came the votes to demolish.
Handing out olive branches is fine.But First things first.
The trustees are the people who voted to Demolish.First things first.Passing out olive branches to other than the trustees is moot. Nobody can change the vote to demolish except the trustees.

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 3:34 pm

DuPageDude here,

Dupe Neighbor, don’t you DARE consider yourself a preservationist!!

I would be willing to post the letters I have written to politicans, the media as well as many, many corporations, but I think it would make a few people on the Friends upset, since they didn’t get to read the letters and approve them before I sent them.

By talking with the anti-theatre crowd, all that will happen is the demise of the DuPage. The saying “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” should not be taken so literally, and this will be the end of them

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 3:29 pm

Dude, I don’t blame you for being skeptical. I’m sure even as we do chat with the “other side,” trust will be a hard thing to build. But it won’t hurt to try.

Right now, the building IS positioned to come down. Again, what do we have to lose in trying to save it as a COMMUNITY?

As far as the Friends “from the top on down…” knowing what I’m saying, of course! We’re not that good at playing “nasty.” It’s just not our nature. You would know that if you were really part of the organization. Did you turn in your dues this year, Dude? But I digress… There’s no need to continue a dialog with you in this manner, either. It’s wasting my time.

By the way, what secrets are left? We’ve played our “lawsuit” card and everything else we’ve done in the light of day…