DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

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Showing 551 - 575 of 1,253 comments

DMS on October 17, 2005 at 3:28 pm

When will some of the true preservationists around the country who read this site respond to the devisive insanity that pours out of this guy’s mouth? Isn’t it obvious he is creating more problems on purpose?

Devitt/Dude – I asked WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW, RIGHT NOW, TO SAVE YOUR THEATRE?? Other than sitting at your computer causing trouble? The answer is, NADA. So why rip on Ms. Dynako for trying open a dialog? It’s SO obvious you are nothing but a troublemaker seeking to fan the flames of discontent. PROVE ME WRONG – tell me what you are doing NOW to help your cause. The answer is NOTHING, so back off and get a life.

This guys game is easy to see – do you agree, preservationists?

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 3:19 pm

What do you have to loose? Let me remind you! The building on the corner of Main and Parkside, as well as the National Register of Historic Places. The building that people like Doug Christensen, Joan Destephano and Mark Barry tried to saave until the day they left this world! I wish they were around today to see this sad state of affairs. Doug would have smoke pouring out his ears, Joan would be screaming on the top of her lungs, and good old Mark would just be shaking his head.

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 3:15 pm

Once a demo company is awarded for being the low bidder, what they do with the building is up to them. If they are smart, they will sell it off a piece at a time (or chunk). Or in the case of the Union museum, they can donate it and the tax write-off would more than make up for what they lost as low bidder, and they look like heroes…Then get ready for the high-rise!!!

LISTEN! If you sleep with dogs, you will get fleas!! Make nice-nice, give away all your secrets, then stand there mouths agape as the building comes down!

Do you really think that Shoff and some of her anti-theatre “neighbors” like Bib Defeno, Kurt Lynch, Bob Bidle and othwers will be willing to sit around with the Friends and sing Kumbaya and tell theatre stories? Do yo0u remember their purple flyers?

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 3:04 pm


Give me a break. I do NOT want the theatre destroyed!!! My point is that Ms. Schoff evidently petitioned the board and someone LISTENED. Listening is a good thing, which is what I want to do now.

Really Dude, what do we have to lose at this point?

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 2:44 pm

So now the Friends position is that it’s OKAY to destroy the theatre, as long as a few remnants are saved? Are you crazy? This is not a dialog, this is a JOKE!!! Since you say there was a vote for you (I don’t remember hearing any “vote”), does this mnean that your comments here are the feeling of the Friends of the DuPage Theatre, from the top on down? Does the entire membership know that you are trying to make a deal with the devil here?

Do you really think that Shoff and some of her anti-theatre “neighbors” like Bib Defeno, Kurt Lynch, Bob Bidle and othwers will be willing to sit around with the Friends and sing Kumbaya and tell theatre stories? Do yo0u remember their purple flyers?

Why have I not seen any press releases stating that the Friends are leliving the 60’s and trying to “love everybody”? Make no mistake about it, based on their track record, the Board wantrs the theatre down, the sooner the better, for whatever the reason. Look at all the roadblocks they have put up, all the inside information people like Lynch and Defeno have gotten over these past months, now you want to work with them? Insane! I thought all that theatre supporters had to fight were those opposed, not those involved too!

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 2:31 pm


Why snipe at me? My goodness, I was NOT self-appointed. I was appointed by the Friends Board with an unanimous vote. I’m sorry if you don’t agree with the direction of positive dialog. I completely understand what has occurred on both sides of the issue. But to me, it doesn’t matter anymore. I want to take this to a new level of cooperation and I’m not naive to think that EVERYONE will buy into it. I’m just hoping MOST people will.

Now, you did just reminded me of one thing with your post a few up. Ms. Schoff said she petitioned the Board to save Theatre artifacts and the fascade. One of the three bids for demolition is set up to do just that. During the September 1 board meeting, Tross in particular said “no” to saving anything. Apparently someone heard what Ms. Schoff had to say and made that one of the requirements for bidding out demolition. The Friends didn’t do that. The Board wasn’t listening to us. So I give credit where credit is due. Maybe if Ms. Schoff and some of her neighbors were to sit down with us and discuss their concerns and ideas for the theatre, maybe it would help us find a solution —– together —– that the Board could allow.

We’d love to have you on board, too, Dude, but you gotta do what you gotta do…

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 1:41 pm

Dupe neighbor.I have proved nothing.Are you willing to committ yourself to the preservation of the Dupage Theatre?Yes or no.

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 1:26 pm

I had lots of good ideas, just as the self-appointed communications director. I do care about the theatre, I put in countless hours on the project, well before the election(s) too. They (the Friends, at least certian ones) thought they knew better. Look where it got them. Now an olive branch is out to those who fought to level the building…insanity if you ask me.

DMS on October 17, 2005 at 1:16 pm

Thanks for proving my point duper – very predictable.

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 12:32 pm

Deb Dynako.Maybe you should extend your olive branch to dupe neighbor.
Good luck.You will need it.That’s FOR SURE.
I will stand on what I have said.I also don’t look for the LAST WORD.

DMS on October 17, 2005 at 12:02 pm

Devitt- What’s your strategy other than to stand around screaming and whining until demolition day?

Are you a quitter? Have you given up? Clue us in to your grand plan.

At least someone still cares enough about the theatre to try to open a dialog. What’s your suggestion to save it?

You definitely are in it just because you like a good fight and the fact the 2 sides may come together ruins all your fun.

If that’s not the case, what are you doing RIGHT NOW to save the building you claim to love? The clock is ticking..

DuPageDude on October 17, 2005 at 11:52 am

Get your last gi
limpses of the DuPage while you can folks, it appears the new Friends strategy is to snuggle up nice and cozy to the very people who worked so hard to defeat RSC’s fully-funded plan.
Take a read at this, a post from Mrs. Shoff, the new olice branch holder for the anti-theatre bunch… “Excuse me, Mrs Dynako but I would appreciate if you would kindly leave my name out of the childish accusations that take place on this website. This is the second time you have assumed a poster here was me so I felt the need to finally speak out. I have never posted under the name DebDupe and I don’t appreciate you throwing my name into your mudslinging game.

You don’t like my editorial? That’s fine because I don’t like the way you and Ms. A have treated the village board and I certainly take offenses to the lies printed in our yellow local paper.

For those of you who haven’t read my editorial, let me clue you in. I am petitioning the board to SAVE the historical elements of the theatre INCLUDING the marquee and facade for use at a future time and I challenged the editor of our paper because she lied and told the readers that this was no longer a possibility. Boy – you’d think “preservationists” would follow suit and do the same but they haven’t and who knows what will happen next? You see Mr. Fortini, this is more about pride now. No one wants to lose.

The theatre is being torn down and yes, I fought vehemently against the condo plan developed by the Friends. I also support and will lobby for a new library on the site. I would love to see if the marquee and facade could be saved for use on that or on another development. There is no middle ground on this issue for either side and I personally think they are all acting like children.

We’ll have to see what happens next – the board meets again tomorrow. In the meantime if Mrs. Dynako or any other of the Friends would like to make accusations about me – make sure you have the right target next time and anytime you want to talk about joining forces to save portions of the theater, send me an e-mail Otherwise – please leave me out of this pettiness."

I also recomend reading this…
“Heavy political pressure was put on Senator Cronin to hold off on the TIF extension until the Spring. He complied (Early May 2005)

The failure to get the extension through General Assembly opened the door for the June 2nd resolution to demolish.

Several District 4 residents and community leaders met with 5 of the six trustees individually to garner support for a vote to demolish (All of this ocurred in May) We explained the importance of getting the resolution passed before the Spring. We knew killing the TIF was critical to stopping the RSC Plan. …Remember that?

Once we got the necessary 4 votes to keep the vote away from Mr. Mueller, the resolution was written and passed.

The next step was also important. The TIF probably would have passed in the Spring. We knew that. What we had to do was stop other funding sources that were in the RSC plan. Through our Springfield contacts we discovered that the Governor was going to release a slew of “pork” funds in October 2005. Included in this was the $1 million dollar America First grant. Knowing this, we had to make sure the village voted to reject the funds prior to October. Had this not happened, residents may have warmed up to the RSC plan and supported it. Residents tend to get happy feet about State and Federal support money coming in to their town. The resolution to reject the funds passed and and demolition will happen in either the Fall or the Spring, depending on how the judge rules. There is a contingency plan in case something crazy happens. "

Now the Friends want to buddy up with these same people. Personally knowing the Friends, I bet I can guess where the idea comes from, and it’s going in the wrong direction, and badly. The Board has thrown up roadblocks all along, they DON’T listen to residents, just ask those around St. Johns, they only look at the almighty dollar—how’s your tax bill? Or your water bill? Now you think by being buddy-buddy with the Defeno crowd something will be accomplished? I’m sure it will, the destruction of the DuPage!

DMS on October 17, 2005 at 11:41 am

It seems duper always needs to have the last word, so let him have it.

His tune is changing now that someone on his own side is pointing out that his words are antagonizing people.

As usual, the discussion is going nowhere. I agree, it’s time to move on.

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 11:11 am

Deb.Dynako .Exactly my point. “Exactly where there are preservationists who can help us with some ideas."
If the preservationists that read this website think that our fund raisers are just "pot luck dinners, pancake breakfasts ,and lemonade stands,then they must be told the truth.If they are told that there hasn’t been a fundraiser for almost year then they must be told that since Demolition became law, fundraisers would be useless. The list goes on and on.The truth must be told to all of the presevationists that read this website,otherwise we {the "friends”)just look like a bunch of ridiculous activists with no direction and no public support.I am sorry.Too many people have worked very hard for many years to fulfill this dream.It shouldn’t be ridiculed by a few theatre haters on this preservation site.
“ Especially where there preservationists who can HELP us with some ideas."
That is the ONLY REASON that I post messages on this website.
So the preservationiists who read these messages will know the TRUTH.
Deb, again may I suggest that you read all of your previous posts.There isn’t much difference between what you and I have stated as the truth time and time again.Over and over.

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 10:09 am


Again, I’m happy to have your support and ideas. It’s just that we’ve all been hard on one another. Let’s get past the rhetoric and try to form some sort of truce. On this board, especially, where there are preservationists who can help us with some ideas.


DuPagefiends on October 17, 2005 at 9:59 am

Deb & duper,

Fair enough. Please note that I can only speak for myself.

Now all we need to do is get devitt to take it down a notch.

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 9:49 am

Deb Dynako, I wasn’t being antagonistic.However if you think that is the case then I will refrain from responding to Challengers messages.
I wish you the best of luck extending your olive branches.I hope and pray that you succeed.
May I suggest that you take your longest olive branches and present them to the Lombard village board.That is were the REAL ISSUES began.
Deb if you think that responding to the anti theatre group is being unconstructive then perhaps you should review your own message posts.
Deb,don’t forget just how we got to the point where DEMOLITION became the law.

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 9:22 am

Challenger and duper,

Really, let’s turn the corner and try not to antagonize anymore. Does it really make you feel better, duper, to say these things to Challenger or anyone else? Challenger, I challenge you to be more constructive and ignore posters when they are being antagonizing. Remember the whole “sticks and stones” thing.

Since I’ve been a part of the Friends, I have asked our group not to engage on this or other sites unless they were saying something constructive. As communications director, I have been trying to communicate and answer questions posed. I feel though that sometimes I was ridiculed no matter what I said. And that was a waste of time for me. But it also helps me understand why the temperature of the discussion has risen so high. Personal attacks like the ones we’ve seen here make it personal—-not about the theatre. However, if we can get back on track and try to solve some real problems, I think that would be a great thing. Come on duper, we need to look forward from here on out.


raymond on October 17, 2005 at 8:27 am

Challenger, fair enough.While we are at it,please refrain from calling me
“duper stuper”, “petey k”,“fitzy”,“Kevin”,“ and "dupage dude"
Fair enough?

DuPagefiends on October 17, 2005 at 7:54 am


Fair enough. While we are at it, please refrain from calling me an “anti-preservationist”

raymond on October 17, 2005 at 7:34 am

Challenger maybe you should stop all this “Sillieness."
The election was two years ago.Forget about it.
Let the "HEALING ” begin.Let’s all be a little more “Friendly"
I don’t know why we just can’t all just get along with each other.
BTW Challenger.Again I am not "Preservationist” Jim Devitt.

DuPagefiends on October 17, 2005 at 7:21 am

duper stuper babbles:

“Challenge (sic) sounds like a "BITTER MAN” who has a personal grudge against Preservationist Jim Devitt."

No reason for you being an antagonist duper…Devitt is the bitter guy…he is bitter he lost the election. I have no grudges and you don’t even know me.

I agree with Deb and Marisa let’s stop the negative postings. I will stop unless I get bashed some more.

DebDynako on October 17, 2005 at 6:51 am


All I really want to do is turn the dialog in a more positive direction. There will always be people that won’t agree with any tactic, but I think that again, if we do get the six-month stay, it will be an important time for this community. Some people never thought the board would actually go as far as they have. It has opened people’s eyes to what could actually be lost. Once it’s lost, we can’t get it back and we will have regrets. One regret I think we’d have is that we didn’t have the opportunity to come together as a community about it. The way the Village had set the ground rules around the theatre was that it asked the Foundation to come up with a plan that the board would vote on. The Foundation did that. The Foundation was focused on finding a plan that would pay for itself without raising property taxes—-the RSC plan. The Foundation never had time to go out into the community and rally support. And the village never thought that was an important step, either. The reason I think the community involvement is important is because the Theatre was a GIFT to the community. That’s another reason I think it’s wrong to bulldoze it. We, as a community, never really got a say (I know you’ll bring up the prior attempt at referendum, but supporters of it have said it was a slanted-against-the-theatre question). And again, things on all sides happened so quickly.

I know people wonder why the Friends haven’t put this to referendum. If we did, it would be non-binding. But I wonder why the Board voted against a BINDING referendum as well. If the Board thought the support WASN’T there, they wouldn’t have anything to worry about. But they voted it down, so they must realize people don’t want the building gone. That’s my opinion, anyway.

Again, I would look forward to having a productive and constructive conversation regarding the theatre, and how this gift could best serve the community it was given to.

And Marisa, I will be contacting you.



raymond on October 17, 2005 at 6:36 am

Deb Dynako.Go for it.Maria Schoff may be the best “Friend "that we can get.I like her style.GO for it.I give it two thumbs up.
But stay clear of LD4.He is "bad news."
BTW to Maria. "Again ,I am not "Preservationist” Jim Devitt.

MarisaSchoff on October 17, 2005 at 6:25 am


I, too agree that comment was uncalled for. Mr. Devitt (duper)seems to bring out the worst in people. He’s not a “preservationist”, it’s all personal to him. He has said some false and hateful things about me on the other board. Fortunately, I could care less about the opinion of someone like him, who behaves like he belongs in a gutter.

I can’t believe you are being attacked for wanting to bring both sides to the table on this issue? You are the voice of reason and I question the motives of those who are against your good sense.

It’s clear that there are people who have personal agendas and those that really care about preservation and their true colors show through every time. Anyway – the offer still stands if you want to talk.