Comments from DavidZornig

Showing 6,176 - 6,200 of 6,452 comments

DavidZornig commented about Bertha Theatre on Dec 23, 2008 at 4:25 pm

Thanks for the description of the layout. I initially thought Mr. Degerberg’s rear office wall, (directly behind his desk), faced Lincoln Ave., but with no windows that faced out. I do remember the two-way glass overlooking the workout area.

When we showed up to tape there, we went up the stairs from the 1st floor, then I thought turned back towards Lincoln into his office/the former projection booth.
It was rather small, for such a larger than life figure.
When he took us out of his office to give us a tour, I thought we were then facing East, towards the blue mats. I guess I got turned around if his office actually faces North. So the screen would have faced South then, or West? I guess I have no bearings on what space encompasses the former auditorium.

I do not recall the boxing ring being in place as of yet then, just mats. It was 2003 or 2004 now that I think about it.

His office was filled with pictures and vintage armory of sorts. Flourescent lighting, but maybe a tin ceiling. Almost taller than it was wide.
He was very pleasant and even witty, a gentle giant of sorts.
Yet at the same time, extremely menacing looking.
Even the youngest and smallest of students were highly disciplined and respectful of others as classes proceeded.

There was a Degerberg retail store with workout clothing, t-shirts, etc. on the 1st floor. Which we must have cut through to access the stairs to floor 2.

DavidZornig commented about Kent Cinema Twins on Dec 23, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Oh, and remembering to click on the “Notify Me” box. Computers…Ha!

DavidZornig commented about Kent Cinema Twins on Dec 23, 2008 at 1:42 pm

Greetings Sontaran6. Great post, and may I say that is exactly, what I feel anyway, that the Cinema Treasures “Comments” pages are for.

Were it not for the many memories of the folks that attended or worked at the various theatres over the years, we’d only be able to visualize from the initial description and whatever changing era photos get greatfully supplied, as the list grows.

I’ve only been gently informed once that a subject was a bit off topic.
It was about a large non-theatre building that had long ago functioned as a niteclub.
But ironically, in that reminder about the off topic subject, I was provided with even more great info about it, and I was reminded of another theatre BEHIND the very non-theatre I had mentioned.
Which sparked a whole new set of memories I could then add to THAT theatre’s page.
So it was a bonus for me and hopefully the list.

I too had difficulty at first with posting to Cinema Treasures.
First it was a WebTV thing-(incompatible server), then once that was solved, it was remembering to “Log In” everytime I posted.
The latter being the most frustrating. As everything you’d just painstakenly written, gets wiped out if you hadn’t Logged In.
I remind/warn any folks that I forward Cinema Treasures pages to, of that very “Log In” criteria.
Now that’s, off topic!

Anyway, thanks for sticking with it, and adding your vast personal life experiences and memories to Cinema Treasures. They will now reach other generations for ever.
I’m confident that’s how CT’s creators meant for it to be used and enjoyed.
All the Best!

DavidZornig commented about Wollaston Theatre on Dec 23, 2008 at 12:40 pm

Thanks for the link. Great news, local community arts related folks are the potential buyers for a change. It should be noted that the posted Boston Globe link also includes a recent picture. A bit deceiving that an 1100 seat theatre exists behind that small facade. But the article claims the sale includes several storefronts, so the auditorium and such must run sideways behind them all. Instead of straight back and up. Since no large auditorium building is visible behind the facade. Only a chimney.

You can tell from the ornamentation within the brickwork over the storefronts, that it was likely all built as one. Thanks again.

DavidZornig commented about Werba's Brooklyn Theatre on Dec 22, 2008 at 4:40 pm

Correction, it was the “Marx Brother’s Scrapbook”. An extensive late life pictorial history compiled by Groucho. Which I’ll try and find, and help identify the theatres when I can.

DavidZornig commented about Werba's Brooklyn Theatre on Dec 22, 2008 at 4:37 pm

The last post reminded me that the Marx Brothers would do a similar exercise, even after they were established film stars. But their trial-runs were mini tours deliberately designed to retool material for use in their then upcoming films.
Since they came from a live stage/ Vaudeville revue background, they were at ease testing out jokes to a live audience. Then change up whatever got the bigger laughs there, before the new routines were subsequently used in films.
I seem to remember reading they did this up until Irving Thalberg’s death. After which the fun had gone out of making pictures for at least Groucho according to his book “Why A Duck” I believe. It’s the only autobiography I once read by just him.

Not sure what various theatre’s this practice was done at, by I think they went back to New York from Hollywood to do so. If anyone can connect them to specific New York theatres, maybe they could post it here first.

DavidZornig commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Dec 22, 2008 at 3:58 pm

Since my shoe store/boot analogy went over so big, I’ll spare everyone anything about the watch repair guy running out of time.

Good luck with the Conservancy angle Nushboy. Maybe you could scan a few of the items & post them for the list, before parting with them.

DavidZornig commented about State-Lake Theatre on Dec 22, 2008 at 3:48 pm

Not to mention the presumed cost of heating & air conditioning a giant space, whether it had much of an audience or not. I remember some cold days at the State-Lake and a few others. Alienating what little audience you did have, was the next to last step to closing.

I don’t remember the State-Lake becoming as run down cosmetically as say the McVicker’s in the end. But no vandals is no people, either way.

DavidZornig commented about Odeon Bolton on Dec 21, 2008 at 11:40 pm

That was a huge building. Is it me or does “The Aristocats” always seem to be on the marquees of these places?

Nice pic. An old Ford Anglia I believe parked in the middle. With the opposite angled rear window. Like some early `60’s American Mercury’s had.

DavidZornig commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Dec 21, 2008 at 11:33 pm

Maybe some of those who attended/arranged the Landmark Commission meetings would be interested in your vintage items. Might help them scan some to put together a booklet or something about the Nu Wilshire. Especially if the facade gets saved. Best of luck in your efforts.

Is it too soon to say Buster’s Shoe Repair next door got the boot?

DavidZornig commented about Peso Drive-In on Dec 21, 2008 at 11:25 pm

Wow. This place was actually pointed out to me when I was in Phoenix a few years back. The car rental place was 4 blocks from here on Van Buren. I got the mini-tour by the courtesy driver who picked me up at the airport.

Phoenix had an insane 28 percent tax on all cars rented “AT” the airport. So we always rented from a outfit several miles outside the airport property. Literally saving hundreds.

The driver drove us past the trailer park and indicated it was previously a drive-in. As well as the apparent colorful past of the rest of Van Buren Street. Once ripe with run down motels, and apparently no shortage of working girls to fill them.
I can only assume this illicit activity helped hasten the end of the Acres Drive-In as well.

There were also many `50’s looking roadside buildings along Van Buren as well. Steak & Egger restaurant, public pools, etc.
It was attempting a resurgence of sorts with newer motels and the like last I was there. Trying to erase the once seedy image of the area.

One of the major concert venues of today is not far from the former Acres site. Might be the Dodge, but if not, it’s the other one.

DavidZornig commented about State Theater on Dec 21, 2008 at 11:08 pm

Well, I reread the “Source” again, and somehow I missed that it pretty clearly says “the State Theatre currently houses the Islamic Center of Chester”. So I guess in Chester’s eyes, it’s still standing.

I was wrong,(a lot today), in that the picture above the Islamic Center in the “Source” link, is from the another angle. And the two rooflines are not as easily comparible.

It is the very top Old Chester PA link that has the `60’s photo with roofline.

I personally am still suspect that the Islamic Center is actually in a/the old neighboring building. But the Chester website folks should definately know better than I.

I think it’s time for my nap.

DavidZornig commented about State Theater on Dec 21, 2008 at 10:46 pm

Though to perpetuate the confusion, the Islamic Center is also pictured within the same link that says the theatres are all gone except two.

Other than a perfect example of the two rooflines pictured above each other, I’m still confused. Is there a reason the Islamic Center isn’t included in “beautifully utilized as churches”? Or is it an admission that it is indeed not the same building, only pictured with it.

Lost Memory’s “Source” link is still the BEST source, for what was and is now. I defer to Lost Memory for the final determination, if the status should be changed from Religous Services to Demolished. The wrong address is a given. Especially since the town of Chester seemed to change things around at one point or another.

DavidZornig commented about State Theater on Dec 21, 2008 at 10:28 pm

Thanks Lost. I still was, until I read the link you posted as “Source” completely to the very bottom.

It ends with the quote: “All the theaters are gone now, but the Boyd and Roxy are beautifully utilized as churches.”

Since the State Theater is not included as one of the two theaters remaining, we can assume it was torn down. And that Ken Mc’s link of the vacant Islamic Center is most likely the building next door to where the State Theater was, and is not the former State Theater itself. Regardless of address. Given the identical roofline in the `60’s picture and the Islamic one.

DavidZornig commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Dec 21, 2008 at 10:14 pm

Neat looking theatre. It’s a shame it’s ended up in the condition it is.

Years ago in Chicago, some owners deliberately did little to prevent the desecration of buildings they were interested in tearing down. It sometimes gave them an ironic upper hand in court, if any preservationists were seeking landmark status of “their” properties.

The subsequent graffiti and damage could bolster both arguments. Protect it before it’s damaged more. Or grossly remodel or tear down to prevent an “ongoing” eyesore. Like the owner would be “helping” the city out.

Sadly, some municipalities seemingly more often side with building owners than preservationists.
Because it is a faster route to increased tax revenues on “developing” properties.
New construction permit fees, business licenses of the ultimate new tenants, increased individual property taxes if something ends up as condos, etc.
Especially if everything around it in the neighborhood is simultaniously taking a dive too.

Nothing happens by coincidence when landmarking is thrown into the mix.

DavidZornig commented about Cadillac Palace Theatre on Dec 21, 2008 at 9:43 pm

An honest mistake. I was just making light humor of the x3 in both.

Thanks for the additional link to the Cinerama page.

Hats off to your insightful contributions to CT.

DavidZornig commented about State Theater on Dec 21, 2008 at 9:37 pm

Hmmm. I think you are right. A possible mix up on the East/West address distinction.

However, NOW I notice that the roofline of the vacant Islamic Center in Ken Mc’s Dec.19th post, mirrors that of the building NEXT to the State Theatre in the `60’s photo from the Old Chester PA— “New” State Theatre link. Under the very top description. (The photo with the construction equipment parked in the middle of the street in front of Henry’s.)

Maybe the marquee/entrance and auditorium were in neighboring buildings. Or it could just be coincidence, and the marquee helps hide the roofline we need to distinguish. Beyond any wrong addresses.

Hope I didn’t confuse things worse.

DavidZornig commented about State Theater on Dec 21, 2008 at 9:02 pm

Correction, silly me.
“New building on the site of the old State Theatre & Washburn, etc.”. As referenced in the Old Chester PA link under the State’s description.

DavidZornig commented about State Theater on Dec 21, 2008 at 8:56 pm

Oh, I get it. Thanks for the clarification Lost Memory.
Seems the Chester Time’s folks tried to throw a curve back in 1939, by posting the words “Old & New” in reverse order, over the Newest & Old State Theatre pictures. So whether they were built on the same site or not remains a mystery, no?

DavidZornig commented about Chicago Theatre on Dec 21, 2008 at 6:18 pm

I just saw a promo on VH1 for something called “Fall Out Boy-Live from the Chicago Theatre”.
Apparently “hometown” band Fall Out Boy filmed a live concert at the Chicago Theatre very recently, to be broadcast via FuseTV and/or VH1. In conjunction with a Dec.16th CD release.
It apparently has aired several times since.

As when Conan O'Brian was here several years back, maybe some of the interior architecture will get camera time.

Sure wish the recent Brian Wilson show had been filmed too. I know nothing of Fall Out Boy.

DavidZornig commented about State Theater on Dec 21, 2008 at 5:56 pm

Though the architecture appears similar, the 1939 picture & vintage 1890-ish website picture is clearly a 2 story or better building.

The recent shot of the vacant Islamic Center, is that of only a one story building. With a similar type of ornamentation across the top. Coincidence most likely due to like construction styles in the area at the time.

Sorry if this analogy is redundant.
I don’t see it clarified as two different buildings though, in previous posts.

DavidZornig commented about Le Laurier on Dec 21, 2008 at 5:30 pm

FYI to those interested. If you go to Wikipedia and enter “Laurier Palace Theatre Fire”, it gives a synopsis of apparently hard fought Canadian cinema laws that at one time banned children.
I mentioned on CT’s Colonial Theatre page, that we had encountered such a ban when we visited Montreal during Expo `67.

DavidZornig commented about Colonial Theatre on Dec 21, 2008 at 5:27 pm

The Laurier Palace Thearte in Montreal, was the theatre that a 1927 fire apparently impacted laws for over 40 years regarding children attending cinemas. If you Wikipedia “Laurier Palace Theatre Fire”, it gives the entire story. The subsequent laws seemed even more complex than just a reaction to that fire.
Expo `67 is also mentioned in the article, and that is when we were in Montreal.

CT only has a “Le Laurier” Theatre in Montreal listed. I will post about the Wiki story there as well.

DavidZornig on Dec 21, 2008 at 5:06 pm

Wow. The sordid tail of this theatre could be a movie in of itself. Except it should be called “Bold Mountain”. Given the lengths the players all allegedly went to, in order to fulfill their greed.

DavidZornig commented about Cadillac Palace Theatre on Dec 21, 2008 at 4:52 pm

Maybe the computer was trying to correct the typo of Cinerama film number eleven.
Which should read “Tora! Tora! Tora!”.

Otherwise CINERAMA would have had quite a task in 1970, showcasing lawnmowers or Oldsmobiles.