DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

Unfavorite 14 people favorited this theater

Showing 651 - 675 of 1,253 comments

BobDifino on October 13, 2005 at 5:24 am

Have you lost your mind? They didn’t vote on it in executive session, nor did I say they did. They all received their packets (kits) from the VOL that day, therefore they agreed in EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss it at the next meeting. How can people collude or collaborate on something they don’t even have info on? Stop being a lockeroom lawyer and harping about things you know nothing about. Duper Supporter has to be the Lombard
Village Idiot Jim DeWitt. Jim is the guy that caused the demise of this theatre. If he had read the instruction properly when he TRIED to run for trustee against Mr. Sebby, he would have won. Instead, he got so caught up in playing with his Caps Lock button he paperclipped his application instead of stapling it. He moved to another community in shame….

raymond on October 13, 2005 at 3:50 am

LombardDistrict4 Excuse me “SIR!” You are real close to INCRIMINATING yourself.You had better be carefull of what your are saying.Executive [closed sessions ]are priviliged.Like you don’t alreary know!The rules and reasons why the District 87 board goes into executive session are clearly stated in the minutes of every board meeting.Inner governmental agreements or questions about funding problems with any development project are not and cannot be discussed in executive session.
If it is not on the agenda,then it can’t be discussed in an open or closed meeting meeting.
Lombard District 4 says “They knew why we were there and came over to us on the break to tell us they would table their vote until at least the next meeting because they needed more information.This was done in the closed door executive session."
SPARE ME.No better yet.Spare all of us from this ridiculous display of "FOOT IN MOUTH."
Again, you are incriminating yourself.The pathetic thing is you are very close to accusing the GOOD PEOPLE on the District 87 board of COLLUSION.

DuPagefiends on October 12, 2005 at 9:33 am


Please wipe the egg off your face.

Also, please using the CAPS Lock key.

DMS on October 12, 2005 at 8:54 am

Put that in your pipe and smoke it – Duper..

Again – keep telling yourself everyone supported your plan and that the opposition had no real numbers behind it. Keep on living in fantasyland
if it makes your defeat more bearable.

Now get to work – the clock is ticking and your plan is a goner. Find another way to save the structure before it’s too late. Stop typing and start fundraising!

BobDifino on October 12, 2005 at 7:59 am

Here is the proper URL for District 87 board info.
View link

BobDifino on October 12, 2005 at 7:55 am

I was at the meeting and spoke to both 87 Board President Brown board member Voltaggio. They knew why were there and came over to us on the break to tell us they would table their vote until at least the next meeting because they needed more information. This was done in the closed door executive session. The issue was not even on the agenda that evening because the VOL had not sent them their kit until earlier that day. If you want to verify this you can call board president Dave Brown. You can find hi number or e-mail address at www.glenbard.dupage Do your homework before you make accusations Preservationist.

raymond on October 12, 2005 at 6:43 am

Dupe neighbor says “Stuper”-the meeting was May 23 at Glenbard West and there was a large group of residents there concerned about R.S.C.“ Dupe neighbor I went to the District 87 website and checked the MINUTES of May 23,2005 and I can’t find any mention of the inner governmental agreement between Lombard and District 87 being tabled.
There is no mention in the minutes of District 87 voting to table the inner government agreement until funding problems could be accounted for which were solved by the village staff,the Dupage Theatre Foundation and the developer…… People working TOGETHER.
There is NO inner governmental agreement mentioned on the consent agenda [action items],or discussion items ,or new busisness.
WHY ? check this url.

tm30 on October 12, 2005 at 6:14 am

A performing arts theatre is not a “destination” facility in this day and age. People are lambasting the benefit of Cruise Nights because it’s a one day event. I can’t imagine the theatre operating on anything but the weekend, either.

This is a destination for senior citizens and live theatre fans who don’t know about Drury Lane just a few miles away.

tm30 on October 12, 2005 at 6:12 am

Robert R:

If Lombard is dying, how come my tax assessments have gone through the roof in the last three years?

BTW, if you actually knew our village, you’d know that we already have a 7-11 just steps from the Dupe.

DuPagefiends on October 12, 2005 at 5:11 am


You obviously don’t have a clue as to what goes on in our town. Our town is not dead…in fact it is getting better…check out this link to our shopping mall which is being renovated.


But I do agree with your comment “If you people spent half the time raising funds that you do posting moronic claims”. Just look at Duper’s ramblings…same stuff over and over again…They have NOT had a fundraiser in a year.

raymond on October 12, 2005 at 3:54 am

Deb dupe, a library.What is that going to do to stimulate business activity downtown? Glen Ellyn’s new library is just west of downtown Glen Ellyn.Works well for them.
How could or would a library be expediting “THE CREATION of a VIABLE TAX-GENERATING project on the former Dupage Theatre Property?”
Spare us all.What nonsense.
You make it sound like a library is a cure all for the lack of business activity in Lombard.
Headline Lombard Spectator.2003.
“Something needs to be done"
"Shop owners,village look to revive downtown.”
Now Lombard wants to bribe new businsess development downtown with GRANTS. Grants.Grants funded with T.I.F. MONEY.
Most peculiar.Given the fact that the ANTI-PRESERVATIONIST theatre opponents M.O.used against the theatre is that T.I.F.is a tax.

DuPageIsDone on October 12, 2005 at 3:16 am

Not so fast…the only “dying town” and decay is the fenced in long rotting theatre. Thanks for the vote of confidence RobertR. You “preservationists” are a strange lot…must be brain rot from the mold and mildew of the old run down theatres you spend way too much time in. New condos, new retail space, few empty storefronts, more vibrant than ever….all this without a restored theatre. Why raise the funds when the taxpayer were going to be left holding the bag? That was the attitude of the supporters for five plus years. And a new 7-11? We already have that right around the corner. How about a Starbucks?

RobertR on October 12, 2005 at 3:05 am

sorry thats die not dye

RobertR on October 12, 2005 at 3:05 am

I have changed my opinion tear this place down. Hopefully it will cause your dying town to dye even quicker. If you people spent half the time raising funds that you do posting moronic claims on here the theatre might have stood a chance. In fact make the Dupage a giant 7-11 so your wait time for a “Slurpy” is not so long, I see where your priority and tastes run.

DuPageIsDone on October 12, 2005 at 1:40 am

Wow, we can finally agree with “duper supporter”….you are so right that downtown Lombard needs a destination facility. A new library would do just that. Thanks for the support.

raymond on October 11, 2005 at 8:56 pm

Challenger says Glen Ellyn and Wheaton’s downtown’s are constructed in a GRID PATTERN.
What possible difference can a grid pattern make? I DON’T hear people say “I will only shop in Glen Ellyn and Wheaton because their downtowns are in ” A GRID PATTERN" ……Spare me from this NONSENSE!
Challenger says Naperville has the best downtown and they don’t have a theatre.Naperville has a RIVERWALK [supported by the city of Naperville by the way] that attracts people into their downtown all year.
Challenger says try getting a table at the Praga restaurant on cruise nights.“Wait time over 1 hour."
Try getting a "SLURPY” at the Seven Eleven on cruise nights.Wait time 20 minutes.
What about the other 6 days of the week…..GIVE ME A BREAK.
Cruise nights …Saturday 6-10 pm during the summer.That is it .
Downtown Glen ELLYN and Wheaton have traffic jams due to commuter and freight trains because they have no railway underpass.Doesn’t seem to stop businesses and shoppers. Yes—— both have theatres.
Lombard has an underpass [Funded largely through a GRANT from the Illinois Dept.of Transportation I might add] and no new businesses and not many shoppers.
GRID PATTERNS! Again , spare me this nonsense.
Downtown Lombard needs a destination facility..The Elmhurst medical facility just doesn’t cut it.

melders on October 11, 2005 at 8:17 pm

I ment to say restored in my comment above, not rested!

melders on October 11, 2005 at 7:32 pm

So a rested theater will not bring in restaurants, retail, and other businesses? As to the “terrible looking theatre which is such an embarassment”, wouldn’t a restored facade, even if there isn’t a theater in it, be a good way to show off the city to the commuter’s going through town?

BobDifino on October 11, 2005 at 12:49 pm

Jim DimWitt is not a Preservationist. He works at a 7-11 in Woodridge (he wears the smock with pride). Just something we needed to clear up.

DuPageIsDone on October 11, 2005 at 11:26 am

Several small side streets with many, many businesses? Really? Besides the dead ended Park Avenue, what other side street has many businesses? None. The downtown core is mainly St Charles Road from the post office to Elizabeth (where the new Walgreens is going). Main Street south of the tracks is made up mostly of the long vacant theatre, a funeral home, a run down office/apartment building, and the now vibrant Elmhurst clinic. And oh yeah, the offices for the local tabloid next to the run down building with the florist and yet another hair salon. Don’t forget the drive-in bank. North on Main really does not offer much…other than the bank and the neon signn store. Glen Ellyn and Wheaton have blocks and blocks that comprise a REAL downtown. Lombard’s is basically a few long blocks.

Once the theatre is redeveloped it will finally bring some foot traffic to that side of the viaduct with retail, restaurants, and the like. No need for the theatre since there is no many to pay for it.

DuPagefiends on October 11, 2005 at 11:24 am

Dude, (aka JD)

I said “BASICALLY” a straight line….How many people walk under the tracks to go to the flower shop or the hospital, or a run-down theatre? Call me out on a technicality…please! Not many…Main street does not really count. That’s the problem right there, the other towns have grid patterns, where you can walk up and down either way, not true in our town. That’s just how it is laid out, a poor design, it’s just an observation and a fact.

There is one side street (Park) about 200 feet long and about 8 small businesses on it (Tavern, chiropractor, coffee house, antique store, etc.), hardly “many, many businesses on them” as Dude has stated.

If we are going to call each other out on technicalities here’s one: Try going to Praga on a cruise night and get a table…wait time over 1 hour.

DuPageDude on October 11, 2005 at 11:09 am

“Our downtown is basically a straight line, with very little shopping, and it mostly consists of businesses (Real Estate office, cabinet maker, insurance agent, etc.) and not shopping.”

This is a direst quote from Challenger on Oct 11. Apparently he doesn’t know Lombard too well, but he knows the theatre is a bad idea, how funny! The downtown also, like most downtowns, has 2 major streets, Main and St.Charles Road. There are several small side streets of St. Charles with many, many businesses on them…

By the way, always ample seating at Praga, NEVER a problem geting a table…

DMS on October 11, 2005 at 10:35 am

Dude – I believe you know what’s there but for the benefit of LTS and others I’ll answer;

Right now, there is a gourmet restaurant in downtown Lombard called “Praga”. That was the one that got a 4 star review in the Tribune. The other restaurant is part of a local chain called “The Texan BBQ” ( It is not a national chain as I stated before but part of a Chicago-area chain known for their fun atmosphere and excellent ribs). The name of the antique shop is the “Antique Cellar” and it has been in Lombard for at least 20 years. There is an upscale salon called “Effigy” and an adorable old fashioned candy store called “Sweet Street” which is a favorite stop for many families. There are many other storefronts, 2 popular coffeehouses that are always busy especially with commuters, a greek coffeeshop which has been on the corner forever as well as a Chinese restaurant that has at least 20 years at it’s location. There is a music store, a large Catholic book and gift shop, a barber shop, local family run video store, old fashioned liquor store, gourmet take out/diner place called .“Amazing Graze”, a collectibles shop called “Fairy Tales”, pizza joint and much much more. You may not be “impressed” LTS but we have a lot to be proud of and like I said before, a lot of our growth came from despite that terrible looking theatre which is such an embarassment, especially from the Metra train as it passes through town.

Dude- You are right about “Bill” (who is in fact a pro-theatre advocate), anyone who would discredit a lovely theatre venue like the Drury Lane without proof is seriously disturbed. He’s just a troublemaker we generally ignore or laugh at.

DuPageDude on October 11, 2005 at 9:22 am

DupeNeighbor, you said “It now includes a restaurant that was featured in the Tribune as a "must try” and has been booked nightly ever since. It includes a restaurant from a major national chain and many other shops, hair salons, candy store, antique store etc" Can you tell me what the names of the restaurants are? I was just curious. What national chain is in the downtown? Where is the antique store in the downtown as well? What’s the name?

The anti-theatre crowd rotates throught the same 3 or 4 objections to the theatre. I think the only ones they haven’t tried are that A. The theatre sits on an ancient indiam burial ground and B. There is nuclear wast stored in the basement.

Their M.O. is to try and to discredit any one who tries to give an opposite (and normally factual) rebuttal to their ramblings! Look at the postings lately by “Billa” claiming another theatre is paying off the trustees to tear down the theatre. Think about it, if some one had proof like that, why wouldn’t they go to the media first, instead of an anti-theatre web site working in conjunction with said trustees?

DuPagefiends on October 11, 2005 at 7:04 am

Dear LFT,

Not trying to be antagonistic, just stating facts.

You said “But it (theatre) is certainly a big step in the right direction.” equates to “Build it and they will come”. Whether you meant that or not is not important.

I do agree with your Statement #4 however regarding Condo’s.

The current (failed) plan called 86 condo’s in a small area. There are already available condo’s throughout the downtown.