Comments from nonsportsnut

Showing 51 - 66 of 66 comments

nonsportsnut commented about Hamid's Million Dollar Pier Theatre on Oct 7, 2007 at 6:06 pm

I’m a member of the Three Stooges Fan Club in PA. The fan club headqarters is at the Stoogeum ( ). Gary Lassin, the FC President, is trying to document the Three Stooges live appearances. One in particular has been difficult. It is an appearance in, probably, late July, 1937, at the Million Dollar Pier in AC.

Any suggestions on verifying that appearance? It would have been Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard.



Frank Reighter
501 West Court Apt A1
(Andalusia) Bensalem, PA. 19020-7773
267 523-5166

nonsportsnut commented about Cameo Theatre on Oct 7, 2007 at 2:55 pm

I’m trying to find information on the Roxy Burlesque in Cleveland in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Joe DeRita, the “last” third stooge of the Three Stooges, was featured there for 32 weeks in late 1935, and married a dancer/chorus girl there, Bonnie Brooks. The Three Stooges Fan Club is trying to find out whatever happened to Bonnie Brooks
You can email me direct at:
Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Hippodrome Theatre on Oct 7, 2007 at 2:13 pm

I’m trying to find information on the Roxy Burlesque in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Joe DeRita, the “last” third stooge of the Three Stooges, was featured there, and married a dancer/chorus girl there, Bonnie Brooks. The Three Stooges Fan Club is trying to find out whatever happened to Bonnie Brooks
You can email me direct at:
Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Euclid Theatre on Oct 7, 2007 at 1:50 pm

I’m trying to find information on the Roxy Burlesque in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Joe DeRita, the “last” third stooge of the Three Stooges, was featured there, and married a dancer/chorus girl there, Bonnie Brooks. The Three Stooges Fan Club is trying to find out whatever happened to Bonnie Brooks
You can email me direct at:
Frank Reiighter

nonsportsnut commented about Globe Theatre on Oct 7, 2007 at 1:37 pm

There used to be a great group of posts here, but I guess an internet glich wiped thm out. Hopefully, the automatic email system will forward this poet to the former posters, and they will re-post.
I’m a Three Stooges researcher, who finally found out what happened to Burlesque dancer & talking woman Dorothy DeHaven, who was in the Stooge’s 1946 short “Three Little Pirates”.
I have been searching for information about the Globe, and the filming of a Burlesque ahow there in 1961, called “Scanty Panties”. It starred Virginia “Ding Dong” Bell, Billy “Cheese and Crackers” Hagan, Maxie Furman and Alma Maiben, among others.
Anyone with ANY information, please email me at Thanks,
Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Trocadero Theatre on Sep 24, 2007 at 4:52 pm

As I was researching some other Troc stuff, I came upon the name of the pit orchestra leader during the last years of the Troc (Before canned music). Maxie Furman must have had a close relationship with him, because he would always segue into a dancer’s routine with a reference to “Strike up the band, Merrick!”

Merrick Valinote was born in New York on Feb 27, 1898. While at the Troc (And, I assume, the Globe in AC in the Summertime), he lived in Oaklyn, NJ. He was a Philadelphia resident at the time of his death in Feb, 1976.

Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Hudson Theatre on Sep 1, 2007 at 7:24 pm

To: Douglas Cohen: Who was the Burlesque Queen who Sam Cohen married? I’m partly an Abbott & Costello buff. Mainly The Three Stooges; I search for supporting players who worked with the Stooges. Thanks. Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Hippodrome Theatre at the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center on Aug 25, 2007 at 5:39 pm

The Three Stooges Fan Club in Pennsylvanis is trying to document all Three Stooges personal appearances. Since the Hippodrome was one of their favorite venues, we hope someone can document (tickets, programs, newspaper ads, etc.) or approximate dates, their appearances from 1935 and the next ten years. My email is

Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Capitol Theatre on Aug 21, 2007 at 9:41 pm


I’m a member of the Three Stooges Fan Club in Pennsylvania. The Fan Club also has a museum:

The Fan Club is presently trying to compile a list of all Three Stooges personal appearances. We’re sure there were personal appearances in the area. The era may range from 1930’s to 1980’s. Please let us know how a search like this could be done. The 1960’s to 1980’s appearances may have been in connection with Officer Joe Bolton.

Frank Reighter

Frank Reighter
501 West Court Apt A1
(Andalusia) Bensalem, PA. 19020-7773
267 523-5166

nonsportsnut commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Aug 21, 2007 at 9:25 pm


I’m a member of the Three Stooges Fan Club in Pennsylvania. The Fan Club also has a museum:

The Fan Club is presently trying to compile a list of all Three Stooges personal appearances. We’re sure there were personal appearances in the Asbury Park area. The era may range from 1930’s to 1980’s. Please let us know how a search like this could be done. The 1960’s to 1980’s appearances may have been in connection with Officer Joe Bolton.


Frank Reighter

Frank Reighter
501 West Court Apt A1
(Andalusia) Bensalem, PA. 19020-7773
267 523-5166

nonsportsnut commented about DeWitt Theatre on Aug 21, 2007 at 9:13 pm

Hi Lost Memory,


I’m a member of the Three Stooges Fan Club in Pennsylvania. The Fan Club also has a museum:

The Fan Club is presently trying to compile a list of all Three Stooges personal appearances. We’re sure there were personal appearances in the North Jersey area. The era may range from 1930’s to 1980’s. Please let us know how a search like this could be done. The 1960’s to 1980’s appearances may have been in connection with Officer Joe Bolton. If you’re able to document any appearances, please email e at:

Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Adams Theatre on Jul 30, 2007 at 8:09 pm

Apparently, I. Hirst Enterprises and the Adams Newark Theatre Co, lost a Supreme Court appeal against the City of Newark in May 1957. Anybody have any additional information?
Hirst Enterprises also owned the Globe Burlesque Theatre in Atlantic City, NJ.
Also looking for information on the 1961 70 minute film called “Scanty Panties”, filmed at the Globe.
Frank Reighter email:

nonsportsnut commented about Trocadero Theatre on Jul 18, 2007 at 9:08 pm

Hi daughter, see my post above yours. I’m well aware of “Scanty Panties” Email me at , or call me at 267 523-5166.
Who was your mother in the film, and were Maxie’s archives donated to one of the local Universities? I’m getting a bunch of articles on the Troc from a collector who had 2 binders full of Burlesque articles. So many questions; so little space!
Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Seeking Performers Who Worked Burlesque for Documentary on May 31, 2007 at 1:36 pm


Can you email me at about the Trocadero in Philly; the Globe in AC; my search for Dorothy DeHaven; trying to locate Debra Dante; Jade Green; Lee Clifford and other performers who worked at the Troc, and Bob Adler’s project?
Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Trocadero Theatre on May 29, 2007 at 1:45 pm

Hi Rader,
See my post above re: Dorothy DeHaven and the Three Stooges. I also have suggestions and questions re: your project. Email me at , maybe we can come up with something.
Frank Reighter

nonsportsnut commented about Trocadero Theatre on Nov 2, 2006 at 2:20 pm

I’m a localite who remembers Maxie Furman and Jade Green well. I’m a member of the Three Stooges Fan Club and research supporting players who worked with the Stooges. One of them had a (West Coast) burlesque connection (Follies in LA). I’m trying to find out what happened to: Dorothy DeHaven. She played in the Stooges 1946 short “Three Little Pirates”. I can send an email picture of her. Please contact Frank Reighter at 267 523-5166 or email me at: