Comments from TrueClass

Showing 51 - 75 of 142 comments

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Dec 23, 2006 at 12:18 am

But my neighbor has never been wrong about anything yet.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Dec 22, 2006 at 5:34 pm

According to my neighbor, it’s 4-2 against this condominium plan.

TrueClass commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Dec 21, 2006 at 6:35 pm

And now it appears that the vote for total demolition has swung back to 4-2 against the partial preservation plan.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 21, 2006 at 12:42 am

I’m baking thumbprint cookies tommorrow for the firemen. They do such a great job keeping the fire trucks clean. I think it’s so cute to see them all shopping together at Mr Z. I adore fireman. What a noble job they have. Did you ever want to be a fireman when you were a little boy Kevin? I think you would make a great paramedic. Youe would do a wonderful job of saving people. I know you could do a better job at saving people than you are at saving buildings. It was a very nice try though. Would you like some of my thumbprint cookies Kevin?

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 19, 2006 at 9:37 pm

I would love to but my doctor won’t allow it. I have what you might say, a little bit of a weight problem. The corn syrup doesn’t help either. It gives me the wind like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve also been suffering from a mild case of angina lately. Have you ever had angina Kevin? You are such a big strapping man that it’s difficult to believe you could have become ill. You seem to have recovered nicely after your chemotherapy treatments. I see you have gained all of your weight back (and then some – tee-hee). I’m sure your hair will return soon also. I will say a little prayer for you.

Bless you

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 18, 2006 at 11:50 pm

Only a couple of fruitcakes left! Any takers?

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 13, 2006 at 4:42 pm

You still live on Lewis. Am I correct Kevin?

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 13, 2006 at 2:11 pm

I think this community needs to begin healing now that the theatre is gone. What better time of year to accomplish the healing than Christmas?

I will be more than happy to send you some fruitcake if that will help you to heal.

Have a Merry Christmas Kevin!

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 13, 2006 at 12:07 am

I sent that wonderful man Ray Mazzolini a fruitcake today to help cheer him up. I also sent 15 extra ones for his wife. She has a really big heart.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 12, 2006 at 11:47 am

Mr. Dude,
To what address can I send one of my special fruitcakes for you? I know you are sad about losing your theatre and I want to help cheer you up. Although a few of you are upset by the demolition, there are thousands of Lombardians that are rejoicing at the site of each truckload leaving for the landfill.

You will love my special fruitcakes. Where can I send one?

Happy Holidays and may God Bless you and yours!

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 11, 2006 at 9:53 pm

I brought some homemade fruitcakes to the wonderful workers of the demolition company today. They are such nice boys and they are doing a bang-up job taking down the theatre.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 10, 2006 at 7:24 pm

I just want to thank everyone that helped those of us in our neighborhood to get rid us of the eyesore that was the DuPage Theatre. People like Kevin Fitzpatrick have done nothing but tell lies and deceive. I would rather have 1000 condos there as long as the haunted flywall and hanging plastic are gone.

This truly is a time to celebrate. How timely that this building is being demolished during the holiday season.

Merry Christmas to all of you and may God bless!

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Dec 8, 2006 at 12:40 pm

My husband spoke with the demolition supervisor last night. They have already lost significant amounts of plaster from the walls of the ticket lobby.

They are going to have to take the entire structure down eventually…

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Oct 9, 2006 at 10:58 pm

I couldn’t agree with you more. The Friends mailed me an invite to their dinner. It was addressed to the previous owner of my home. He has been deceased for 6 years.

The leaders of the Friends never should have let Mr. Mueller talk them out of the referendum last year. It was their biggest mistake. The Village did not want the question on the same ballot with their precious sales tax referendum proposal. Bill Mueller wanted his sales tax hike so that his job would be easier. Lombard and the Friends were sold out.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Oct 1, 2006 at 1:27 pm

LOL..Ray has a problem that goes beyond his unemployed status.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Sep 30, 2006 at 10:25 pm

I assure you our village president does not think your threats are amusing Mr. Mazzollini. I have spoken to him about your antics on this board.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Sep 30, 2006 at 10:20 pm

We keep waiting sir, to open up the newspaper to read about one of our trustees being served with a subpoena. It never happens. You have a very active imagination Sir.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Sep 30, 2006 at 10:14 pm

I have been after the Village and the church to demolish the Maple Street Chapel if they ask for ANY more taxpayer assistance to maintain that building. If their congregation can’t pay for it, the building should come down. The Peck House is fine. It has been restored with private funding and donations. The Chapel is nothing more than a blind spot at a very busy intersection, only it requires paint every three years. If every church in Lombard asked for taxpayer assistance to maintain their properties we would be broke.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Sep 29, 2006 at 2:42 pm

Finally the eyesore will be eliminated. We can’t wait to see the Heneghan bulldozers rumble down Main Street. We should have a ticker tape parade. The flywall eyesore will soon be gone. I would personally like to congratulate the Friends of the DuPage Theatre for signing off on the demolition of the Grand Dame.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Sep 27, 2006 at 4:10 pm

IffyTiffy learned that the condos at St Charles and Grace got $400,000 in TIF for their project.

IffyTiffy learned that the theatre project wants nearly $10 million in TIF.

IffyTiffy did the math…..110 units and nearly $10 million in TIF. That is a lot of money…nearly $91,000 in tax subsidy per housing unit. Can I have $91,000 towards an addition on my house and pay it back with my property taxes for the next 18 years? Oh but wait using “theatre speak” TIF is not really tax dollars.

IffyTiffy learned that the villlage is offering loans to business owners for investing in downtown Lombard…and that the loans are likely paid from TIF…but none are in the millions like the theatre project.

IffyTiffy did the math….no matter how you slice it up, this TIF thing when it is in the millions screws the Lombard taxpayers until 2024.

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Sep 21, 2006 at 6:21 pm

Dear President Mueller and Village Board,
I would like to bring to your attention some of the threats being made by Raymond Mazzolini of the Friends of the DuPage theatre. For months Mr. Mazollini has been posting defamatory statements on a public message board about many of you. He has been making threats that one or all of you will be srved a subpoena in public if the theatre auditorium is demolished as part of the new RSC plan.

When making these inflammatory comments on these websites, Ray goes by the handle of “Follow the Money”. When he posts messages as himself, he goes by “Ray Mazzolini. Please take note that Ray never puts a space between new sentences and punctuation marks. I have attached examples and a link to the website for your review.

Please take this negative and possibly illegal behavior into consideration when listening to the Friends plea for tax dollars. They have already sued the Village once and Mr. Mazzolini appeared in court to watch the proceedings twice.

Please stop this out of control organization now.

Anne Puzan

TrueClass commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Sep 21, 2006 at 6:11 pm

Mr. Mazzollini,
The reason why Lombardians know you are both “Follow the Money” and other aliases, is because you are the only person we see on here that does not put a space between sentences or punctuation marks. Please take a look back and see for yourself. You probably are not aware that you are doing it.

Now don’t you just feel foolish and ridiculous? Notice how both your “Ray Mazzolini” and “Follow the Money” moniker consistently make these 5th grade typing and grammar errors?

Don’t you feel the least bit guilty about embarassing Judy with your childish behavior. I’m sure our Village board will enjoy my cut and paste of this page and others showing them how you are threatening to have them served with a subpoena. I’m sending it today. Once again you have damaged your cause and embarassed your organization.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 28, 2005 at 7:15 pm

Duper Dude,
What is your next move? There is a guy trying to tear down his treehouse on Maple Street. It has been there for years. Can you stop him.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 28, 2005 at 5:51 pm

I think HDTV would like to read about how other preservationists can avoid the same fate as the Lombard group did. If you would like to know what happened, got to www.lombardvillagevoice and click on message boards.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 7, 2005 at 1:56 pm

Duper Supporter. DuPage Dude. Restoration Rita and Unconcerned taxpayer are the same person….Jim Devitt. He does not live in Lombard and has not done anything constructive to save the theatre. These are FACTS!