DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

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raymond on October 3, 2005 at 8:19 pm

Challenger,more EGG on your face.For the VERY hard of reading [challenger] duper supporter is not a Fitzy.
$1.3 million in GRANTS {PLURAL}
Private donations ………100,000.00
Historic tax credits …..$700,000.00
A pretty good showing in FIVE YEARS considering the lack of support from some of the village board members who doomed the project from the very beginning.The Friends and the Foundation can be proud of their uphill struggle for preservation.
There is no malicious whining from duper supporter[not a Fitzy]
If you and your little ANTI-PRESERVATIONIST group think that your mis – information,lies and distortions will go unchallenged ,then you and your group are very much mistaken.
Don’t think for one moment that correcting your mis -information ,lies and distortions is malicious whining. One more time for the hard to understand [challenger]…..I am not a Fitzy
The fat lady hasn’t started to sing yet.

DuPagefiends on October 3, 2005 at 6:52 pm

Fitzy, you need to calm down. We all no you are a bitter little man over losing the only thing your group accomplished in 6 years…ONE STINKING GRANT.

Malicious whining seem to be your only forte.

raymond on October 3, 2005 at 2:07 pm

Challenger says “no egg on my face,just a big smile as I watch your group continue to make fools of yourselfs"
Nobody is crying over the 296,000 dollar grant except maybe those who voted to reject it and then found out that they didn’t have the authority to reject it.They were in such a hurry to DEMOLISH and reject all GRANTS that they didn’t do their homework.
The village of Lombard DECLARED the theatre an historical site in the year 1978.The theatre gained the respect of the National Landmarks Commission and was placed on the Nationat Registry of Historical buildings.The Lombard village board of trustees voted to demolish the building.
Kinda makes you wonder what is really going on.
Challenger you have put some more egg on your face.
For the hard of reading[CHALLENGER]For the third time now please don’t call me "Fitzy”. I am NOT a Fitzy.{Kevin)
Your comments on this message show you to be just the ANTI-PRESEVATIONIST that you are.You contribute NOTHING to the cause of preservation.All you do is show your hatred for the “Friends” and the Dupage Theatre Foundation.Malicious criticism is POINTLESS.
Malicious criticism seem to be your only forte.

DuPagefiends on October 3, 2005 at 8:05 am

No egg on my face, just a big smile as I watch your group (continue) to make fools of yourselves.

Crying over $296,000, frivolous lawsuits, the fact that your group has $0 to show for (almost) 7 years work, and now you guys are scrambling around looking for a fall guy and pointing the finger at anybody as long as it is not yourselves.

Fitzy time to drop it, the grants are gone and the RSC plan stunk, all the crying and whining in the world will not bring them back. And drop the CAPS we get your point.

raymond on October 3, 2005 at 7:53 am

Challenger you have more EGG on your face.
For the HARD OF READING[Challenger]My agenda is for SAVING an historical building that is on the National registry of historical buildings that has been voted to be demolished with no other plans or options for the development of that site.
Again I have no agenda against any trustee(s) other than that they be TRUTHFULL.
Makes you wonder JUST what is going on.

DuPagefiends on October 3, 2005 at 7:42 am

Duper, so your agenda is NOT the theatre, instead your agenda is against the Trustee(s).

No wonder your group failed.

Makes you wonder what’s really going on…

raymond on October 3, 2005 at 7:24 am

Challenger says “applications verses grants who cares."
There is a big difference between applications verses grants.The difference is $1,000,000.00 dollars verses $0 dollars.The difference is $296,000.00 verses $0 dollars.
I CARE because I don’t want a public servant of my community to LIE about such matters.I don’t want my public servants to cover their actions with a LIE. No matter WHO that PUBLIC SERVANT is.
The word is trustee.Trustee as in "truthfull.”

DuPagefiends on October 2, 2005 at 7:54 pm

It seems like duper is fixated ont the grants now. Applications v. grants who cares…six years of work = one grant. The $296 is only 3% of what you need.

1 year since your last fundraiser.
4 months since the Board voted for demolition, and all you have done since then is file a lawsuit.

raymond on October 2, 2005 at 6:45 am

Dupe neigbbor ,the T.I.F. EXTENSION didn’t pass because Lombard DID NOT get approval from all of the taxing bodies in the T.I.F. DISTRICT,as is required by law.
The Illinois Senator from our district has said that there would be no trouble getting the T.I.F. EXTENSION passed in the spring session of Congress.
Dupe neighbor says “this town has waited YEARS for anything to happen at that corner and now we are to wait for another big maybe in spring."
This town has waited FIVE YEARS. FIVE YEARS since Lombard accepted the Dupage Theatre and adjacent properties free of charge from The Big Idea Corp.
In those FIVE YEARS, FIVE development proposals have come before the Lombard village board.All FIVE of those the development proposals WERE REJECTED by the Lombard village board of trustees.
Please don’t blame the Dupage Theatre Foundation or the Friends of the Dupage Theatre for the LACK OF DEVELOPMENT on that corner.
Dupe neighbor says that I have a fixation on the R.S.C. PROPOSAL.
I think that the R.S.C.proposal is a good proposal because it combines retail along with with residental condos and provides T.I.F. FUNDING for the restoration of the theatre.I think it is good for Lombard.
However the ONLY FIXATION that I have is SAVING an historical building that is on the National register of historical buildings and has been voted to be demolished by the Lombard village board of trustees.
Dupe neighbor doesn’t respond to my query about trustee Steven Sebby PUBLICLY stating that the GRANTS WERE NOT GRANTS. "JUST APPLICATIONS.JUST APPLICATIONS."
Especially now that it is EXPOSED that YES THEY were and are REAL GRANTS.

DMS on October 1, 2005 at 7:42 am

Again duper, I did not ask for a lecture on the history and background of TIF dollars – what I said, for those that lack reading comprehension(Duper), is that you FAILED to get that extension SIGNED and without it, you have no financing!!!

You said “The TIF extension could occur in the spring session..”

COULD??? This town has waited YEARS for ANYTHING to happen at that corner and now we’re supposed to wait for another big maybe in the spring??? As soon as I heard that extension didn’t go through, I knew that it would be lights out. You can keep telling yourself there’s some grand conspiracy against your cause, I think you need to come back to reality and realize, that plan is dead and rightly so. As for the theatre, we’ll see if it can be saved. I suggest that you stop posting about RSC and get to work with your fellow friends to try to save the structure. Oct 14 is coming quick…

Again, I hated the RSC plan, no egg on my face, just a big smile.

It seems you are so fixated on that plan that you are now incapable of looking for other options…do you love the theatre or the RSC plan?

Makes you wonder what’s really going on…

raymond on September 30, 2005 at 11:49 pm

Dupage neighbor you are getting like challenger.T.I.F. FUNDS were always part of a restoration effort.The VILLAGE PRESIDENT, honorable
William Mueller is in favor of T.I.F. FUNDS for the theatre restoration.
For the hard of reading [dupe neighbor]just read what I have previously said about the T.I.F. FUNDS.
You have a problem using T.I.F.funds for the theatre restoration,but you don’t seem to care if the village rebates T..I.F.FUNDS for the life of the T.I.F. and also sales,service and restaurant taxes to the developer of the condos and retail on the PARK DISTRICT PROPERTY.
The T.I.F. EXTENSION could occur in the spring session.That is if
the village does everything correctly.One never knows anymore.
Just a reminder to dupe neighbor…..The T.I.F. district extension
is only for the theatre property and adjacent South property.The WHOLE BLOCK IS NOT PART OF THE T.I.F. EXTENSION.
For the record I HAVE NO personal hatred toward trustee Steven D.SEBBY. I don’t even know THE MAN.However I do know of what he says.
Dupe neighbor, you are getting like that challenger fellow.
You just keep putting MORE EGG ON YOUR FACE.
One more thing for dupe neighbor.I am not “Fitzy” [Kevin]

DMS on September 30, 2005 at 6:52 pm

Why do you always evade the importent issues?

Where’s the TIF extension that accounted for more than 70% of your financing?

Stop whining about Trustee Sebby with whom you have a personal hatred for because of past instances and tell the whole story.

Grants or no grants, this plan was a failure…

raymond on September 30, 2005 at 4:15 pm

Dupe neighbor.
Again you are mis-informing.All of the grant dollars were always part of the restoration of the theatre.The village of Lombard PRO FORMA
of the R.S.C. PROPOSAL and the theatre restortation funding would include those grants.Any restoration plans always did include GRANT MONEY.
Wasn’t it the DEMOLITION trustee Steven D.Sebby who said PUBLICLY
at the village board meeting that the grants were not GRANTS.
Didn’t he say that they were “JUST APPLICATIONS.JUST APPLICATIONS."
The qusetion is, was he lying, or does he not know the difference between an application and a GRANT?
Makes you wonder what is really going on.

DMS on September 30, 2005 at 3:41 pm

Additionally, the TIF extension getting passed at all is a long shot. Our senator said in May that one of the reasons it did not go through before session ended was “there wasn’t a solid voice behind the plan”

Does it sound like there’s been much solidarity since then?

DMS on September 30, 2005 at 3:25 pm

Don’t forget that the grants totaled $1.3 million… only a fraction of the $8.5 million MINIMUM estimated to restore the theatre.

A majority of the rest was to come from a TIF extension that was NOT passed by the end of session in Springfield and won’t be passed until next spring most probably.

Don’t act like all the money was waiting in the bank – that’s far from the truth…besides I thought the grant $$ wasn’t necessary for the “fully funded” plan to balance?

DebDynako on September 30, 2005 at 12:41 pm

From today’s Chicago Tribune:

$300,000 provides a plot twist
State grant restored for DuPage Theatre

By Lyn Niemann
Special to the Tribune
Published September 30, 2005

While a judge in DuPage Circuit Court reviews whether to grant a six-month stay for the DuPage Theatre, the theater foundation received word last week that a $300,000 state grant has been reinstated through a technicality.

But although it appeared the money would be available for another year, the funding may not be available because the village already rejected it.

The Lombard Village Board formally rejected the “Save America’s Treasures” grant, along with a federal grant, on Sept. 1. But the DuPage Theatre Foundation, a non-profit group dedicated to saving the theatre, said the village never had the authority to reject the state grant.

“When the Village Board took a vote to reject the funds one of the things that struck me was that they didn’t have the authority to do that since the DuPage Theatre Foundation applied for the grant,” said Martin Carroll, chairman of the DuPage Theatre Foundation.

Carroll said a representative at the U.S. Department of the Interior confirmed that and sent a letter on Sept. 21 to Village Manager William Lichter.

Carroll said the letter read: “Only the grantee, the DuPage Theatre Foundation, can request cancellation of or refuse the grant.”

“So, the money’s been reinstated,” Carroll said.

And with news this week that Gov. Rod Blagojevich is releasing $195 million in Illinois FIRST funds, of which $1 million was earmarked for the DuPage Theatre restoration, it seemed to supporters they had overcome the biggest hurdle in saving the theater.

However, the village is no longer on the list of Illinois FIRST recipients.

“All the projects on the list have executed grant agreements, and this project does not,” Andrew Ross, spokesman for the governor, said when asked if the theater’s absence on the list was because the village had previously rejected the funds.

“I think it’s tragic,” said Deb Dynako, communications director for the Friends of the DuPage Theatre, another non-profit group dedicated to saving the theater.

“It makes us infamous because no one’s ever rejected the funds before. And the rush to demolish has been quite a travesty to this whole village. That’s why pursuing the six-month stay is so important. Two weeks ago the village rejected the funds. And two weeks later, they became available.”

Village Trustee Richard Tross, a former theater supporter, is one of several trustees who think there are issues involved other than money.

“I’m not going to rehash history,” Tross said. “In five years' time, neither a viable development nor combined partnership could be found. It is tim
e that the final curtain be called.”

Copyright © 2005, Chicago Tribune

melders on September 29, 2005 at 3:58 pm

Sorry about the double posting, I tried to correct my spelling and accidentally sent it twice.

melders on September 29, 2005 at 3:55 pm

Yes Fiscal, have the city accept the grants. Then demolish the theater. Do you want to see this get really ugly? Get the state and federal government involved because the city used that grant money for a project it was not intended for. Fiscal, I must say that you are an idiot.

melders on September 29, 2005 at 3:55 pm

Yes Fiscal, have the city accept the grants. Then demolish the theater. Do you want to see this get really ugly? Get the state and federal government invovled because the city used that grant money for a project it was not intended for. Fiscal, I must say that you are an idiot.

raymond on September 29, 2005 at 1:43 pm

One million dolar Illinois First grant gone! Thanks to the Lombard
Village Board of Trustees.
296 THOUSAND dollar Federal grant that the Lombard Village Board TRIED unsuccessfully to REJECT.
Challenger says" smokescreen alert".
Looks like there is a maelstrom of smoke being generated by the powers to be on the village board.
Makes you wonder what is really going on.

DuPagefiends on September 29, 2005 at 1:16 pm

Smokescreen alert!!!

In 7 years of work all they could muster was ONE grant for $300K (actually $296K). Now they probably lost it and they are crying about it.

Bids coming in from 9 demolition contracters, contract to be awarded Oct. 6. Demolition could start immediately.

raymond on September 29, 2005 at 12:45 pm

For the hard of reading(Challenger )I do believe that I have already said that the village of Lombard released T.I.F. FUNDS to be used by the Dupage Theatre Foundation for the purpose of seeking and getting grants.Grants. The Federal Save America’s Treasures Grant.
I do believe that the year was 2003.March 20,2003 approval was given by the village board to seek the Federal Save Our Treasures
The Save America’s Treasures Grant.The Illinois First Grant.[“GRANTS] Challenger,your math along with everything that you say is fuzzy and distorted.
Challenger maybe you should get your facts straight.
Again for the hard of reading [challenger] I am not FITZY {KEVIN}
You just keep putting more EGG on your face.
The DEMOLITION trustee Steven D.Sebby said that there were no grants,just applications.Now it is EXPOSED that NO they were REAL Grants.
Makes you wonder what is really going on.

tm30 on September 29, 2005 at 11:58 am

This place is like Freud’s jungle gym. I’ve never seen so many adults in one place who can’t accept reality.

I think the Village gov’t should definitely accept the grants, and THEN demolish the theatre.

DuPagefiends on September 29, 2005 at 11:44 am

It’s grant (singular) not grants. The Village paid out between $50,000 and $70,000 (or more) for a Professional grant writer and a lobbyist (back in 2001). In 7 years of work all they could muster was ONE grant for $300K. It was going to be a $8.5 million dollar project so $300K was hradly a dent.

Get your facts straight Fitzy

raymond on September 29, 2005 at 10:59 am

Wasn’t it the DEMOLITION trustee Steven D.Sebby who said that the grants were “just APPLICATIONS?APPLICATIONS.Nothing more than applications.” Now it is exposed that NO they were REAL GRANTS.The residents of Lombard should know that those were GRANTS issued.
Not just applications.
The readers of this comment board should know that the village board INSTRUCTED the Dupage Theatre Foundation to persue as many grants as was possible.Then the village board votes to demolish the theatre and refuse all of those GRANTS (NOT APPLICATIONS.)
Makes you wonder what is really going on.