Comments from Vito

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Vito commented about Pantages Theatre on Nov 2, 2006 at 11:57 am

Recently, on television, I saw the magnificent Pantages in a horror/sci fi award show which was held there. I had not seen the theatre since the last time I was in LA back in 1958. What a beauty she is! I was not interested in the award show but watched it in order to see what the theatre looked like. I must say, seeing it restored and looking so grand was a thrill.
William mentioned in another post that the theatre was still capable of showing film and I wondered if that was still the case and when the last time the theatre was used for that purpose. Are those Norelco’s still in the booth? Also what type of stage curtain is in use now?

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 26, 2006 at 3:32 pm

Thanks Jay, I kinda thought I was not imaging things, I enjoyed reading you tell the whole communications story. :)
Oh yes, you are quite right “those were the days”. Indead!

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 26, 2006 at 12:47 pm

Jay, what fond memories you have, I was one of those people who from the late 50s untill about 1972 never missed a Thursday opening.
I seem to recall the ushers had a unique mwthod of calling attention to one another by making a cluck sound, was I crazy or did you guys actually get one anothers attention that way?
Vincent same question

Vito commented about Century's Plainview Theatre on Oct 25, 2006 at 12:46 pm

Good point Warren, in addition, during my 50+ years in theatrical exhibition I have seen many newspaper ads with errors pertaining to theatre location.
Of one thing I am sure, Century’s Plainview theatre was located in the village of Plainview which is in the Town of Oyster Bay.
Michael, for heaven’s sake, let it go :)

Vito commented about Paramount Theatre on Oct 22, 2006 at 1:57 pm

Garth, you are correct, the sign referes to the empty store fronts.
I was told that some sort of apartment complex was planned for the area that was the Paramount theatre.
Oh yeah, just what Stapleton needs, Madness if you ask me.

Vito commented about Paramount Theatre on Oct 20, 2006 at 3:32 pm

I would agree, but to be fair the biggest fault with the death of the Paramount has to be laid at the feet of the Steckman family, the previous owners. Their total ignorance of what was going on inside the theatre allowed tenants using the facility for concerts and a dance club to basically destroy it.
I know of two parties, including the owners of the St George, who were interested in saving the Paramount until they saw the horrible condition that it was in. As one gentlemen told me, “ the theatre is dead”
I toured the building several times between 1982 and 2002, and was appalled by the disrespect of that once grand theatre. I actually scolded one of the Steckman brothers for allowing the desecration to occur.

Vito commented about Century's Plainview Theatre on Oct 12, 2006 at 10:57 pm

Michael,perhaps this will help,_New_York – 36k

Vito commented about Cinemark Hazlet 12 on Oct 12, 2006 at 12:53 pm

I would like to comment on the new listing for the Hazlet Multiplex. It is listed as a 10 screen Megaplex but it is in fact a 12 screen Multiplex

I was involved in the post construction work at Hazlet Multipex and also served as Managing Director from opening in August 1992 till February 2002.

Built on the grounds of the old Route 35 drive-in, the twelve screen Multiplex opened in August 1992.

The complex has 2960 seats, and is equipped with DTS and Dolby Digital sound

Opening day was Fifty Cents Day; admission and all concession items were 50 cents. The event was a huge success with box-office lines that stretched out to Route 35 for most of the day.

Vito commented about Century's Plainview Theatre on Oct 12, 2006 at 12:42 pm

Yes Michael the theatre was in Plainview. I worked there for a while and lived in nearby Hicksville.
There also seems to be some confusion over the D-150, which is listed as Syosset but in fact was located ib Woodbury. In addition there was of course the Syosset theatre located in Syosset. The two theatre were located very close to one another but in two different towns. Hope that helps

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 10, 2006 at 5:34 pm

CinemaSightlines, I am total agreement with you. Rob will be able to tell us the process that enabled RCMH folks to perfectly time both the opening and closing of the travelor and waterfall curtain in perfect sync with the start and end of the movie.
No blank screen ever!
As a matter of fact, in the early days of CinemScope we would always close the curtain between flat and scope shows as not to let the audience see the masking opening, exposing a partical white sheet.
We never had any problems with the studios in those days. If a studio exec attended a technical rehersal (dry run) of a big movie, and made a lot of dumb suggestions, we would just yes them to death and then after they left we would do it right.
Of course in todays theatres, few have curtains, but when you do,

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 10, 2006 at 11:19 am

REndres, I wish we had known one another back in the day, we would have made a great team.
Speaking of the St.George, as you know shortly after the time you wrote about the theatre it closed for many years, a couple of years ago I was approached to help in the restoration and re-opening. My primary job was to get the booth up and running again, the spot light is still there but some parts had been taken out and it needed work. A few other things were sabotaged, like the amplifiers had missing parts, and someone had cut the take up belts on the projectors, silly childish stuff. I figured out where the power came from with all those knife switches and breakers all over the booth and it was a great deal of fun bringing life back into the place. I wish you had been there, I could have used your ideas and help fiquering out where evrything was, I used the rectifiers, did you use those or the generator? It looked to me that generator had not been used in a very long time.
I dropped the screen and found the cable coming from the booth for the speaker connection and I was able to run film on the two Century projectors. I also found an old Brenkert projector in the backroom and wondered if that was part of the original booth, we had Brenkerts at the Paramount and Ritz. I had to laugh when you spoke of running down to the stage from the booth, that’s quite a run! I used to get all out of breath just climbing to the top of the balcony and then up those stairs to the booth, I can’t imagine running. We would hold meetings sitting at a table on the stage, and I would open all of the fire shutters in the booth and turn on the lights, so from the stage you could see all three projection ports as well as the spot port from the stage, I just liked looking up at that.
I am no longer involved in the theatre, but it is running successfully. It is a very functional stage with a great red curtain (rag) that although it functions in an up and down fashion it used to be able to open as a traveler as well. I hope that some day we can run classic films there along with a stage show.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 9, 2006 at 4:56 pm

We have written about the stage and screen shows at the Roxy, RCMH as well as the Capital and Paramount. Another one was the Palace, I used to enjoy the movie and 8 vaudeville acts that went on untill the late 50s. REndres, I sure wish I had taken a different direction in my career, and instead of working for Fox I sometimes wish I had worked those stage/screen shows, it must have been a blast. I did work a few palaces that featured live organ between shows but I missed out on the big stage/screen theatres. I remember the stage/screen shows at the Loews and RKO theatres all over NY, perhaps Warren or someone has ads to share from those days.
Yes Archie and Edith…“those were the days”

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 6, 2006 at 4:56 pm

I have to put my two cents in here. I never ran three strip Cinerama, my only experience was in the 70mm version, I think the last one I ran was “Grand Prix”. The last big screen experiences I had before I retired was with IMAX, THAT was scary. During my last years as a projectionist I grew to despise platters, and here I was running IMAX 3-D with two platters running simultaneously at what to me super-sonic speed. It was all very new and we had problems galore. The humidity level in the booth had to at Rain Forest levels to prevent the print from warping, the projectors had to be thoroughly cleaned after every show or you had trouble. In addition, the sound would occasionally go out of sync, and oh yes, a couple of times the print jammed and we had brain wraps, we also had on going problems with the software. Because the print is 70mm running at a fast speed, it would be shipped to us on cores and took hours and hours to assembled.
No wonder I retired!
In fairness, I have been back since to visit and things have improved considerably, they seem to have gotten most of the bugs out and problems are few. I would also like to mention we had outstanding support from IMAX, as a matter of fact we had an IMAX tech in the booth from opening to closing the first 2-3 weeks after installation. So mostly I chained him to a chair and would not let him leave except to use the bathroom. (that’s a joke)
I would have to say for me the best experience I had in the booth was running 70mm Roadshows, putting on a show with the overtures and intermissions, and playing with the lights and curtains was fun.
You have to understand, running a show like that to a packed house with 1000+ people was a rush, and I can only imagine what it must have been like for REndres running the booth at RCMH. My God, making those changeovers had to be thrilling.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 6, 2006 at 10:54 am

Bill, As far as I know, “Inland Empire” does not have a distributor as yet, however I believe it is currently scheduled to be shown at the NY Festival, probably at Alice Tully Hall, sometime next week. It is also going to be shown at the AFI festival in LA.sometime in November. Although it was shot in digital format it is being shown in 35mm for now.
Perhaps some smart executive from Universal, the studio that released the David Lynch production of “Mulholland Drive”, will see it and pick it up.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 5, 2006 at 5:15 pm

Well Ed, looks like you have joined REndres and I to the “dark side"
We have to be realistic and accept the fact that we must consider preserving our treasured films to a Digital format for future generations to enjoy. The jury is still out, and I often get into discussions, about the possibility of film going the way of vinyl records and replaced by digital technology. I hope we will always have film but as new generations less interested in film begin to take over the movie business, I believe we will see less and less film. Think about it, a lot fewer people are using film to take pictures today.
I have only one concern, and that is the preservation of theatres and the movie going experience, and if that means a complete transformation to digital, then with a heavy heart I say, so be it.
The plus side for me would be the end of the dreaded platter.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 5, 2006 at 3:32 pm

Rob, I completely agree with you regarding Digital for movies and stage presentations.
It took me a while to fully appreciate and except the changes in technology, but as I see and hear all the new innovative and improved methods of projection available now, and in the process of being developed, I have come to accept and welcome theses changes.
I will always love film but I loved my 78-rpm records as well, times of course are a changin and very much for the better.
I am a bit concerned about the future of theaters, attendance is down and continues to drop, we have good weeks and bad weeks, but the growing trend is folks are not going to the movies as they did in years past
Other threats are a shrinking window of release dates from theatre and DVD and Internet downloadable movies. We need to make it worth their while for people to start going back to the theatres,one way I see to move in that direction is to improve the quality of the presentation, perhaps try and give them what they can’t get at home on DVD. I was not happy to see Digital Cinema come along, we had a lot of problems with Pixels along with computer problems such as not being able to load the proper media or not being able to select certain media to play. We had a lot of lost shows and in the beginning it was necessary to have a 35mm print in the booth as back up, my feeling was who needs it. However I have seen many improvements in Digital, and if theatre owners and studios ever settle on who is going to pay for it, I now believe it will be a good thing for us.
I am especially impressed with Digital 3-D, Yes I know, we have tried that before with film going back to the early 50s, but the Digital presentation is quite amazing.
As you know, old 3D films typically did this with two projectors. The new generation of digital projectors does it with just one machine, alternating rapidly between images meant to be seen by the right and left eyes.
The technology shows 144 frames per second, and the alternating left eye, right-eye images are projected with polarized light.
Another technique is about to be used by George Lucas who is going to create 3D versions of the “Star Wars” films. This system is primarily focused on creating 3D masters of 2D originals, but it is also backing a technology using “active” glasses, in which each lens actually goes rapidly dark in turn. This may be easier for theaters to use, since it doesn’t require installation of a silver or reflective screen. However, it does require a significant investment in glasses, which currently cost about $15-20 a pair.

It is also very important for the Music hall to change with the times, we want the old girl to be around for generations to come, it is good to hear they are moving in that direction with conversions to Varilights and other innovations in stage presentations.
As for Digital projectors in the booth, well I suppose you would have my blessing, I have not run across the Heresy projector as yet, my experience has been mostly Christie/Technicolor. As you said we may have some losses in the beginning but I already see vast improvements over the last two years.
I recently saw a Digital version of “The Departed” and was very impressed with the quality, the movie is a knockout as well.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 4, 2006 at 3:01 pm

Rob, I had not realised it has been eight years since you left, my goodness where does the time go?
I hope you are going to consider the head of production’s offer to get you back, there are only a few of us “showmen” left, and RCMH would ne lucky to have you. I am also happy to hear about the use of the surround system, in the old days I believe most if not all the surrounds were in the ceiling, the effect was minimual, but now with the speakers placed everywhere in the hall it is very impressive,
I was also glad to see the speakers were covered in gold fabric.
Good luck to you, I hope you come back home to the hall soon.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 3, 2006 at 5:16 pm

Thanks Bill, what a treasure! I love seeing those again.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 3, 2006 at 5:10 pm

Rob, glad to hear you are “back home” at the hall.
I will be sure to watch the “Jeopardy” shows when they air, I am a big fan of that show.
7kw lamps!! they must put out a magnificent image, are you going to work the Christmas show?

Ed, as to the 70mm festival I am sure with REndres aboard it would be presented with class and perfection. However, somehow I doubt it would ever happen, but we can dream.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 3, 2006 at 3:40 pm

Robert, I love the ads from the 50s movies. Thanks for that!
Have you posted any in other theatre threads? Warren has posted some great ads from the 30s and 40s as well. It just feels so good to go down that memory lane.

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Sep 30, 2006 at 2:13 pm

This should be fun

NEW YORK, Sept. 27 (UPI) — A bevy of stars will battle it out with their brains this fall when the venerable U.S. television series “Jeopardy” marks its 5,000th episode.
The two-week “Celebrity Jeopardy” tournament will be aired in November and will feature actors Martin Short and Susan Lucci, TV hosts Rachel Ray and Nancy Grace, and Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling.
Also on the roster are Paul Schaefer, Neil Patrick Harris, Soledad O'Brien and Regis Philbin.
Host Alex Trebek said in a news release issued Wednesday that the celebrities will compete for some $1 million in prize money, which will be donated to their favorite charities.
Taping will take place at Radio City Music Hall in New York Oct. 5, 7 and 8. The tournament will be aired Nov. 8-21.

Vito commented about Roxy Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 1:15 pm

Sorry, that should have been Gae Foster Girls

Vito commented about Roxy Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 1:13 pm

Warren, one has to wonder if the bike act completed by the Gew Girls was more difficult than the Rockettes “March of the Wooden Soldiers"
How many times did either of them fall down :)

Vito commented about Radio City Music Hall on Sep 25, 2006 at 11:05 pm

I saw “Fashion Rocks” and it was great to see the Music Hall restored back to normal after the desecration commited by the
Video Awards people. Christien Aguilera even used the curtain.