Comments from Mike Rogers

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Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Miller Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 8:32 pm

Mike D. i have just about wrote all i can on the Imperial NATIONAL HILLS and COLUMBIA 1 and 2. I did get a set of blueprints from the MILLER when we were cleaning it up in the 80’s for the ballet.I could not see throwing them away.I told TIM CAMPBELL at the IMPERIAL when i locate them in a basement ful of theatre stuff I want the MILLER to have them.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 8:19 pm

TIME CAPSULE in front of NATIONAL HILLS placed 1966 opened 1996.Bill Barkley was the only rep. from our theatre era. Bill saw it open.He videotaped it i am sure,but we let him down even yours truly did not make it.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Columbia Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 8:04 pm

The Drive in in THOMSON was called THE MELODY DRIVE IN no REBEL DRIVE IN. My mistake.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Florida Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:50 pm

You know as i posted onCOLUMBIA SQUARE we played WAIT UNTIL DARK at COLUMBIA TWO. I can’t remember why, unless we were tying it in to some movie or star.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Hillsboro Eight Cinemas on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:47 pm

A paying customer should not have to even think about having to walk upstairs. Hey. it was CARMIKE.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Modjeska Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:38 pm

I have added history of the MODJESKA in Augusta.For you info.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Imperial Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:33 pm

1977 CHRISTMAS PARTY and SEMI-TOUGH Party. At the IMPERIAL.Large group from all our theatres except ME. The conessionstand was full of food and drinks. I must have been on a date with Bev.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Imperial Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:28 pm

Everyone is excited about THE SWARM coming to the IMPERIAL. Hey, I just saw the trailer and man this thing is lousy. About killer bees hasn’t this been done by ROGER CORMAN? We are talking WARNER BROTHERS. Micheal Caine stars.Boy, he will be big pull down town.

{2009 THE SWARM died a quick death. About as bad as Billy Jack fare.}

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Imperial Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:22 pm

MR.Jordan wants me to dress up like CAPTAIN MARVEL and promote his late shows here at the IMPERIAl.

Tommy Capers called and said he is upset he did not get more than $ 2.75 an hour.He said Mr.Helms was the reason. He is not only the Assistant Manager at the IMPERIAL,but Mr.Tinney has him closing up the late shows at NATIONAL HILLS. Charles got the right idea and quit.


Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Imperial Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:16 pm


1975 We are shipping BARRY LYNDON to Southgate Cinema. I do not see how that side of town will watch that movie. It opened here at the IMPERIAL first run. And i never did get downtown to see it.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:12 pm


A CLOCKWORK ORANGE is next weeks NATIONAL HILLS late show.But they still have FRITZ THE CAT on the Bottom part of marquee. I pointed it out to Charles and he told me"I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN" He told me that !

I see JUNGLE BOOK is set to play here.Saw it right here as a kid First run at NATIONAL HILLS THEATRE.


THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME. WE could call it theSOUND REMAINS THE SAME. More sound problems on this.SO bad Charles had to call two cops to deal with two late show moviegoers. All this over sound. Why can’t we just go back to plain old movies.

The next weekend Mr.Jordan was out of town and Charles ask me to come up to NATIONAL HILLS to help him again he feared sound problems on THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME. We simply put up a sign on the box office explaining the Sound may not be 100%. WE had no trouble AT ALL !

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Well. over beers Tommy Capers tells me John Mackey since Mr.Davis.NATIONAL HILLS Always seemed to have good men there until the last year or so.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 6:58 pm


Well, i am back on the marquee friday.Seems their usher was slow thursday that the road marquee did not get changed. I ended up taking care of it for Mr.Jordan. I could do a great Marquee on the theatre and have plenty of time for the Road Marquee. They do not care.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 6:54 pm


{ in 2009 i hate to post this } NATIONAL HILLS THEATRE is now one of the worst theatres in Augusta.It hurts to say that! After i left NATIONAL HILLS for COLUMBIA SQUARE I had everything in order. I walked upstairs after seeing Mr.Pete and peeked in the FURANCE/POSTER/ MARQUEE LETTER ROOM. Boy, MArquee letters ,posters thrown all over the floor!IT looks like a stinking fire hazard. A DUMP.
Even the MARQUEE in front of the theatre i counted several misspelled words. And this is NATIONAL HILLS the theatre that prides itself on being Augusta’s best.It is clearly a management problem.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 6:46 pm

NATIONAL HILLS my theatre journal 1977

A complete sell out on REEFER MADNESS .We oversold more than 781 seats. The HINDENBURG is doing good business at the IMPERIAL. BUT LUCKY LADY at the MILLER is dead.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 4:42 pm


LATE SHOW problems on YESSONGS we had to refund forty tickets.I know Mr.Pete in the booth did all he could do on our sound.I think the RCA SOUNDMAN IS coming in. But, It is like i told Mr.Tinney on regular features no one says a word.

HAWMPS is playing At NATIONAL HILLS to great KID business. Makers of Benji. I see MOTHER , JUGS , and SPEED is set next with RAQUEL WELCH. Have not seen alot of her on the screen.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about National Hills Theatre on Oct 24, 2009 at 4:29 pm

Boy, Bill are you right. I almost did not want to include that little error on my part because i always had a good track record on this market. I did not want some"DISNEY" space caper. Well, it went to the WEIS CENTER CENTER here and played all summer,But they seated less than COLUMBIA ONE probably over a hundred seats less. I did get a great advance one sheet that I want back in the poster room and kept after i realized STAR WARS was far from a “DISNEY” flick.


Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Masters Value Cinemas 8 on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:21 pm

In 1975 CUCKOO’S NEST opens the four cinemas and it is still running strong on it’s 12 th week.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Masters Value Cinemas 8 on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:20 pm

1977 this called MASTERS 4 cinemas and THE END with BURT REYNOLDS is doing great business.This is a Burt Reynolds town.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Daniel Village Theatre on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:18 pm

AFTER STARTING the DANIEL VILLAGE TWIN CINEMA with the opening of SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT in may ;here it is August 24 1977 and that silly movie is still playing there.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:15 pm

COLUMBIA TWO is getting CASEY’S SHADOW a horse movie.I bet it will do well in Aiken S.C. Big horse country. COLUMBIA one is getting FOR THE LOVE OF BENJI. the first BENJI cleaned up at NATIONAL HILLS.

1977 COLUMBIA TWO is picking up THE OMEN 2 from THE IMPERIAL. It should do okay out here since most of the folks out here will not go downtown. COLUMBIA ONE is playing a funny PETER FALK film THE CHEAP DECTECTIVE. SPOOOF on BOGIE movies.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:10 pm

April 2 1977 COLUMBIA TWO is still playing SLAP SHOT. COLUMBIA ONE IS getting THE LATE SHOW with ART CARNEY and LILY TOMLIN. I think this film will die. WE got word we are getting something called STAR WARS and THE DEEP. {we got the DEEP}

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:06 pm

COLUMBIA ONE is getting EASY RIDER for a Late show. I love working with Tommy. He helped me with the display. No one sheets at all!

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:04 pm

1977 Would you believe i just saw the booking sheet and we are getting the 1969 movie MAROONED with GREGORY PECK.I saw this on NBC SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES. That is an 8 year old film.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:02 pm


1977 The big wigs at ABC THEATRES gave ue THE GOODBYE GIRL.But 3 other theatres are playing it here. Two Drive ins and SOUTHGATE CINEMA which is now charging 99 cents a seat. We are charging $3.00 a seat first run prices.


well.It is tuesday and i will be in the box office again. and then again on thursday. GENERAL CINEMA IS looking good when the mall opens.Charles swears he is going to GCC.