DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

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MarisaSchoff on September 19, 2005 at 3:36 pm

Believe me Melders – I was not trying to sabotage the Dupe plan to put the library there. I was never a fan of the plan for all the reasons that have been mentioned time and time again on this board. The bottom line is this plan was the last resort for saving the structure as a whole and I and many of my neighbors thought it would be a disaster for our neighborhood and our town. My only stance on the library is that it should go before the voters to possibly use the site for the new library. If it doesn’t pass, so be it, but the residents should have a say. Unlike the condo plan where no referendum was ever put forth. The developer and the Friends DIDN’T want one. They KNEW it would fail.

I have always felt that if the theater could be sold and developed with mostly private dollars (and perhaps a reasonable percentage of TIF dollars) and could stay within current codes, I would have been all for it. This was FAR from that. The best chance the theatre had was when Classic Cinemas (York, Tivoli) came to take a look. It would have been a cinema again and would have been privately owned but they weren’t interested due to the severe neglect and damage to the building.

Also – the marquee and facade are not being destroyed but are being removed for a railway museum in a nearby city. That is, unless another group formally comes forward to pay for the removal and storage. Also, all items of value inside will be removed before demolition as well. This information came to me in an e-mail reply from the Village board. Perhaps, the Friends or the Historical society could throw their hat in the ring and acquire these items for future use. I would gladly make a donation if they made the effort.

Also – trying to compare the new convention center to the former theatre plan is ridiculous and not worth debating.

Have a great night all.

DuPageIsDone on September 19, 2005 at 1:36 pm

The theatre properties include the 86 condos that would have had their property tax dollars diverted for 18 years…that is clearly what it said but then you “friends” always miscontrue the truth. “To demolish and prepare the site for redevelopment” is the village direction at this point. And bringing the totally irrelevent Yorktown development into this theatre discussion is so typical of the Dupe supporters…they simply want their share and continually bring up any and every tax supported action in town claiming “it’s not fair they got tax dollars and we didn’t”.

DuPageDude on September 19, 2005 at 1:05 pm

It’s hard to believe that the Village Board DOESN’T have alterior motives considering the latest news in the Village…
DebDupe says “…The theatre would have been operating as a not for profit and, for the most part, village owned in the end”. A $195 million dollare convention center is being planned, that the Village is issueing bonds for, that will be run by a Public Facilities Corp (for tax reasons) that will run it and get ALL tax dollars rebated to it. At the point the bonds will be paid off, the Village will then (supposedly) own it. One of the Trustees was once quoted that “The Village doesn’t belong in the entertainment business” well, what’s a convention center? Mr. Tross also voted against a additional sales tax that would be rebated to the Yorktown Mall, a private development, to pay for infrastructure improvements, “Trustee Richard Tross opposed the measure because he felt it tantamount to the village subsidizing private enterprise, with no benefit to residents. He was not convinced the area qualified as “blighted” given the fact that redevelopment plans are in the works and at least one new restaurant has already spent substantial money toward constructing an eatery in the proposed area.

“I really think more thought should go into this,” Tross said. “This money is not for public good. It is not a partnership. It is a handout.”
All that hot air and yet he basically said there is no public good in a restored theatre and shops in the downtown. That does not seem to make sense to me…

raymond on September 19, 2005 at 12:41 pm

It’s a funny thing about all of those statements being presented about taking 18 years to pay off the bonds to restore the theatre.Quite mis-leading at best.
What was needed was an extension of the exising T.I.F. for 18 years on the Theatre properties ONLY. Just the Theatre properties ONLY.The rest of the properties in the T.I.F. DISTRICT
would NOT be included in the T.I.F. EXTENSION.
The same people who objected to this latest T.I.F. extension for just the theatre property only said nothing when the last main street TIF was extended for the WHOLE downtown T.I.F.district.
Adaptive reuse of history was supposed to happen when condos were built
on Lombard’s OLD village hall and the OLD Lincoln School properties.
Adaptive reuse never happened.But it what was supposed to happen.
About the over abundance of condos.I may have a tendancy to agree because I have seen an explosion of condos in Lombard
However condos, with a mixed use retail,and restaurants and a FULLY FUNDED restored historical theatre on Main St. downtown Lombard.What
can be be wrong with that kind of development?
Time will tell what FINALLY gets developed on the theatre properties.As of right now,for the record,Lombard has said PUBLICLY that there are no plans for the property.Time will tell us if more condos go there and if T.I.F.funds are used to entice developers.
As the theatre foundation and the Village of Lombard has stated “There is no funding gap in the current proposal”.The restoration of the dupage theatre will NOT RAISE PROPERTY TAXES.
There has been no support for a library on the theatre site by any of the village trustees as far as I am aware of.
However none of this makes any difference because as the law now states “to demolish and prepare the site for development.”

DuPagefiends on September 19, 2005 at 10:09 am

I don’t think anybody wanted the current building for the Library. I think the plan was to incorporate the facade/marquee. 90% of the outside of the building is just plain old ugly brick, only the 30, or so, feet pictured above is worth saving. It would be cheaper to build a new building that try to fit the library into the old one.

A library is a long shot, at best. Referendums are 4-letter words around here, and that is what will be needed to be passed for a library. BUT the location makes sense, AND we need a new library.

Please note that I am NOT speaking for Marisa, but I think you are making more assumptions melders. I believe she was against their ‘plan’, for the same reasons as the rest of us. She was NOT out to destroy the theatre just for the library (correct me if I am wrong Marisa).

Melders, just scroll up a few and read, where is deb dynako’s apology? She attacked somebody, called them out by name, got caught being wrong, and then signed off.

DuPageIsDone on September 19, 2005 at 9:54 am

You are wrong there Melders..the theatre plan was dependent on the saturation of condos to provide the TIF dollars that would pay to restore the theatre. It would have taken nearly every penny of property taxes from these proposed 86 condos until 2024 to pay off the bonds needed to get enough funding to “restore” the theatre….and that’s if it did not go ever budget! The theatre would have been operating as a not for profit and, for the most part, village owned in the end. It was a losing proposition from the beginning and not a fully funded plan as they continually stated. The sad thing now is that the wrecking ball is coming and no plans for creative reuse are even being discussed. Once the supporters realized the game was up they should have jumped in on the adaptive re-use bandwagon but instead they jumped on the “accusations and name calling” bandwagon and caused all kinds of grief. We can count this one as a loss for preservation causes and as a tough lesson learned….something saved would have been better than nothing (which is what Lombard has ended up with)

melders on September 19, 2005 at 8:52 am

I understand the reasons people opposed the condos, and I don’t have a problem with that. It seemed to me though, that she opposed the condos because she wanted the building for the library. If that is the case, then I have a problem with that. Those that wanted the building for a library should have stayed out of the debate until the “Friends” lost. Then they should have gone after the building. I think that since both sides tried to sabatoge the others plans, they both have now lost.

DuPagefiends on September 19, 2005 at 7:30 am

Melders, I will not speak directly for Marissa, but many people opposed the condo plan for many reasons, here are just a few:

  1. 5-story building does not meet code(s).
  2. Too close to Charlotte St. residents (8 feet off lot-line, I believe).
  3. Too many condo’s (86) in too small a place.
  4. Too many condo’s already downtown, many unsold.
  5. Traffic congestion.
  6. Parking problems.
melders on September 15, 2005 at 12:46 pm

I should have written “their side winning” in my previous comment.

melders on September 15, 2005 at 7:16 am

Robert I must agree. It is sad that this theater will now meet with the wrecking ball. I just hope that they do keep something from the theater so future citizens can see what a big mistake they are making. It is too bad that both sides couldn’t agree and where so set on seeing there side win that this theater will be destroyed. And a question for Ms. Schoff, Why did you opposed the condo plan?

RobertR on September 15, 2005 at 4:56 am

Is this Lombard or Peyton Place? I never was a big fan of saving a few historical elements of a theatre or a marquee or facade unless the place is structurally unsound or unsaveable. It’s sad in 2005 a good 45 years after the Roxy was demolished we are still letting this happen. In Europe they preserve treasures thousands of years old and here people want to tear down a great old theatre to build a Walmart or condos.

MarisaSchoff on September 15, 2005 at 4:08 am

Trustee Sebby stated at the meeting that he looked into using the SAT grant for a portion of the building and he was told that it was not possible, that it was very specific on how it could be used. That’s why it was rejected.

By the way, I accept your apology for making false accusations against me – oh wait, you didn’t give one…

DebDynako on September 14, 2005 at 5:11 pm

If the trustees were going to save any part of the main building, then they shouldn’t have rejected the Save America’s Treasures grant. Because if they kept any part of the building standing, they could have used it to restore whatever they decided to keep. But since they cut out the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency and were too obtuse to allow them to negotiate out of the normal terms of the grant, the grant is now gone. If you ask me that is egotistical and petty.

Challenger, you’ve got a strange fascination with numbers—-and so far all of them are wrong.

Now, I’ll be signing off for a few days. But I’ll miss ya when I’m gone…

DuPagefiends on September 14, 2005 at 4:37 pm

Marisa, that was a great editorial. Very well written and 100% accurate.

Deb, please wipe the egg off your face (again). The friends sure have trouble getting their facts straight. That was very unprofessional to call somebody out by name and then be wrong.

Let’s face it, the ‘friends’ attitude is “My way or the Highway”. They ONLY want their plan, all 20 people of their special interest group.

MarisaSchoff on September 14, 2005 at 1:09 pm

Excuse me, Mrs Dynako but I would appreciate if you would kindly leave my name out of the childish accusations that take place on this website. This is the second time you have assumed a poster here was me so I felt the need to finally speak out. I have never posted under the name DebDupe and I don’t appreciate you throwing my name into your mudslinging game.

You don’t like my editorial? That’s fine because I don’t like the way you and Ms. A have treated the village board and I certainly take offenses to the lies printed in our yellow local paper.

For those of you who haven’t read my editorial, let me clue you in. I am petitioning the board to SAVE the historical elements of the theatre INCLUDING the marquee and facade for use at a future time and I challenged the editor of our paper because she lied and told the readers that this was no longer a possibility. Boy – you’d think “preservationists” would follow suit and do the same but they haven’t and who knows what will happen next? You see Mr. Fortini, this is more about pride now. No one wants to lose.

The theatre is being torn down and yes, I fought vehemently against the condo plan developed by the Friends. I also support and will lobby for a new library on the site. I would love to see if the marquee and facade could be saved for use on that or on another development. There is no middle ground on this issue for either side and I personally think they are all acting like children.

We’ll have to see what happens next – the board meets again tomorrow. In the meantime if Mrs. Dynako or any other of the Friends would like to make accusations about me – make sure you have the right target next time and anytime you want to talk about joining forces to save portions of the theater, send me an e-mail Otherwise – please leave me out of this pettiness.

raymond on September 14, 2005 at 12:07 pm

I will answer the question this way.I have heard bashing the actions of the trustees who voted for the demolition of the theatre when there was a plan for development of the south property that included the theatre restoration.I have heard of no plan for the demolition site once it is demolished.I have heard that some developers may be interested in the site but no specifics.
That is what is wrong.Demolish without an alternative.Demolish a historical site without any plans for the site.Once it is demolished
who knows what could be considered for the site
Another thing that puzzles me.If the majority of the village board were dissatisfied with the friends or the foundation,the village board could have come to a consenses and requested that a entrely new foundation group of members be installed ,if they really wanted to save the theatre.
To say that the friends were unhappy and would do their best to defeat those who voted to demolish is politics.I defend their actions to work for and support new candidates.
As far as the $1million grant.One should never say never.
It is quite evident that the vote was decided 2x2.
There are 2 ways to count to four.

DuPagefiends on September 14, 2005 at 11:28 am

Please! duper the $1 million was NEVER coming anyway, and the other 300K had so many stipulations it was not even worth it.

I have already answered you question, but I will answer it again. Yes! I think another group would at least stand a chance. Face it your group is done, so let somebody else try.

Again I am waiting for your answer! I will ask again.

Do you think your constant threats, bashing, name-calling, and parade of mindless drones at each Board meeting will get you one vote?

raymond on September 14, 2005 at 11:10 am

Challanger I have assumed nothing.
Let me rephase.Do you think that an entirely new group completely void of any old group members would be able to influence the village board to reverse their decision to demolish the theatre and prepare for development?
I find it ironic that when you say that the “friends have burned to many bridges” you don’t mention the BRIDGES that the Village of Lombard burned when they formally refused $1.3 million in federal and state grants awarded to Lombard for the restoration of the theatre.If there is even the slightest possibility of saving the theatre,Lombard blew $1.3 million .
That money is gone.Won’t come back.That money won’t even go to another municipiality.That is the bridge that the village trustees burned.Not the "friends”.

DuPagefiends on September 14, 2005 at 10:17 am

duper…there you go..more assumptions. I never said they would reverse their decision.

What I said (again) is that your group has burned too many bridges. Perhaps another group of individuals could do a better job. They could stand before the Trustees and present their ideas with professionalism, something you group has lacked from the beginning. Maybe they could work WITH the Village and the Trustee instead of against them. Maybe they could bring harmony to the Village.

All I have seen your group do lately is flood the local paper with your threats and name-calling.

Perhaps another group, one void of any friends, could get the trust of people and the Trustee’s, and maybe get that vote.

Now I answered your question, please answer one from me; Do you think your constant threats, bashing, name-calling, and parade of mindless drones at each Board meeting will get you one vote?

Whose plan sound better now?

raymond on September 14, 2005 at 9:17 am

Challenger I am amazed that you could possibly think that the village board would even entertain any thoughts of reversing the ordinance to demolish the theratre and prepare for redevelopment.
Do you think that you could influence the trustees to reverse their decision? It would take a new resolution and the change of 1 trustee vote.Do you really think that it is possible?

DuPagefiends on September 14, 2005 at 9:04 am

duper, I already answered that so I will again fro the hard of reading:

I sad that a new group of residents given a very short specific time period give it one last go…No ‘friends’ involvement whatsoever. You guys have burned way too many bridges, so maybe a new group with some logical, professional, and mature people might be able to do in 30 days what you guys failed to do in 7 years.

I answered your question, and as I stated this is just an idea I had, so I tossed it out there. BUT as with the big ego’s you guys have if an idea did not come from you then you don’t want to hear it.

It’s better than sitting around waiting for the bulldozers which is all you seem to be doing. All the while you stick with your failed plan.

raymond on September 14, 2005 at 8:53 am

Challenger,maybe you should drop the remark “whiner”.Sounds like bashing!
Just answer 1 question for me.
You said" I am talking about giving the theatre another chance.“
How can you possibly have said that in light of the passed resolution to demolish and prepare for re-development.

DebDynako on September 14, 2005 at 8:37 am

DebDupe, I think you finally outed yourself. You sound just like Marisa Schoff who got her letter to the editor printed in our local “tabloid.” You spout nothing but angry loathing. Name calling? You guys are the best at it. And it actually sounds like you want the building saved, you just don’t like the people trying to save it.

I am not on a high horse. And I repeat that the only people to be blamed for the wrecking ball are the four trustees—-Sebby, Tross, O'Brien and Soderstrom who voted in favor of it. Tross wants absolutely nothing saved. Now that’s a HIGH HORSE!

DuPagefiends on September 14, 2005 at 8:32 am

Blah blah blah…Sorry duper I get you and that other friend dupagedude mixed up…he is the basher you are the whiner. Ask a question and I will answer if I can.

Paul Fortini
Paul Fortini on September 14, 2005 at 8:32 am

It’s too bad that the NHL is no longer locked out. Because we really need their referees and linesmen to separate both parties from all the fighting going on here! (And, by the way, BOTH sides should sit 5 minutes in the penalty box). It truly amazes me that both sides think they’re right and neither one is willing to see the other’s point of view.

This “all-or-nothing” approach is actually hurting your cause. When you go “all-or-nothing”, “nothing” is what you usually get! Would you not be willing to see the theatre put into adaptive re-use? Don’t you think that using the facade and marquee for a libary (or something else) is at least better than total demolition?

BOTH SIDES should have stopped the bickering and name calling a long time ago and met with your city council and tried working out an amicable solution.