Picwood Theatre
10872 W. Pico Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
10872 W. Pico Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
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Rememeber when the train used to rumble down Exposition Blvd?
I don’t remember the Scotch and Sirloin, but I do remember The Velvet Turtle very well. That was on Sawtelle, between Pico and Olympic. My parents took me there for my birthday in 1985. I remember Oshman’s Sporting Goods also. Also, Damiano’s Mr. Pizza on Pico, down the street from the Apple Pan. There was also a Damiano’s on Robertson, near where I grew up. My parents and I used to eat there quite often, and the only Damiano’s still remaining, on Fairfax, across the street from Canter’s Deli. The owner’s daughter went to Uni, and graduated in my class.
That was on the north west corner of Pico and Westwood Blvds..
Before it was Flakey Jake’s, it was a place called the Scotch and Sirloin. The Velvet Turtle and Victoria’s Station were down the street. Remember Oshman’s Sporting Goods?
Hey JoelB, if you grew up near Pico and Sepulveda, you’d definitely remember Flakey Jake’s. That was a really good place. By the way, I graduated from Uni the year after you did, ‘85.
JoelB, The Metro is now called the Majestic Crest Theatre.
The Picwood was a great place to work. The brown jacket and tan pants are far better than the bright blue and orange colors of the earlier uniforms Pacific used in the 70’s era.
Well, I started as an usher at Picwood the day after I graduated from Uni High in 1984. I took tickets, swept up after shows, sold popcorn (bagged, not fresh) and eventually worked my way up to cashier (Yay). I grew up just off of pico and sepulveda (my parents still live there) and remember all these fond memories of the places I visited in my youth. Captain Video’s was especially fun and I must have spent a fortune in quarters while I waited for, and usually missed, the bus home. The theater was a special place and working there was a one of a kind experience. The management, staff, and loyal customers made it feel very comfortable. Every show was an theatrical event as we tried to make the movie going experience special for every customer. The only thing I regret was the brown polyester uniforms they made us wear. They were only cleaned once a week. I worked there until the closing and then transfered to another Pacific Theater on Westwood Blvd, The Crest. I think its called the Metro now. I worked there right up until I got my BA from UCLA. Now I teach at the middle school in west la I used to attend as a 13 year old kid. How’s that for comming full cirle?
House of Pies rocked. As I stated above, I worked at the Picwood during Apocalypse Now and E.T. and also worked for a time at the Capt Videos. I remember the dollar-size burger joint on the corner and when it was a bank. I didn’t think many would remember the Drug King or JJ Newberrys. Good times!
Mike L: You’ll find links to the Cinema Treasures pages for various theaters in Culver City on this page.
Neither of the new multiplexes is on the site of either the Meralta or the Culver. The Meralta’s site is now occupied by an office building, and the Culver is still operating, as a live performance venue called the Kirk Douglas Theatre. The Culver Plaza multiplex is across Culver Boulevard from it.
Also, the Fox Wilshire still exists, and presents concerts and live theater events as the Wilshire Theatre Beverly Hills. Here’s a link to its Cinema Treasures page.
I also remember going to the Palms Theatre on Motor Ave with my parents, the Meralta, or Miralta(can’t remember how it was spelled)in Culver City, and the Culver Theatre. I’m not sure if the Pacific Stadium Culver Theatres that are in Culver City now is where the Meralta was, and the Culver Theatres down the street from there now, is where the old Culver Theatre was. Does anyone on this site know? My sister worked at the Fox(I think that’s what it was called)on Wilshire, 1 block east of La Cienega, in Beverly Hills, back in the mid 70’s. That theatre’s long gone now. I think the one on Beverly Blvd, near Fairfax, is still around. The Stadium on Pico, near Robertson(not far from where I grew up), the Picfair, on Pico and Fairfax, and The Carthay Theatre, in the Carthay Circle area, were all before my time, but I’ve heard that those were great theatres too.
Wow! What great memories! I know I’m a little late on this site, but I did a search on Google for the Picwood Theatre in West LA, and it brought me here. I grew up in West LA(Beverlywood area), went to University High(even though I lived 2 blocks from Hamilton, there was no way my parents would let me go there). I was a little kid in the 70’s, and a teeneager in the 80’s. I saw Earthquake with my older sister at the Picwood, when I was a little kid, Apocalypse Now, and ET with my parents, and the Jazz Singer by myself. I remember the other things that used to be on that block, across the street, and down the street. There was the old Westland Mall(I think that’s what it was called), where the Westside Pavilion is now. There was the May Company, of course, at the east end of the mall, a Baskin Robbins, and I believe, a Wherehouse Records, in the courtyard, next to the May Company. The old strip mall itself had a Vons Market, a See’s Candies, a J.J. Newberry’s, a Little Folks Shop, a Chess & Games, and a Drug King at the west end. There were other businesses too, but those are the ones that I remember. Next to the Picwood was the bowling alley, the Captain Video Arcade in the early to mid 80’s, a Blue Chip Stamps, which went out of business by the mid to late 70’s, and across the street, on the north side of Pico was the House Of Pies. I have great, great memories of all of those places!
Don’t forget “The Next Voice You Hear”, with Nancy Reagan, where God speaks to the people through a radio. Early fifties, I think.
Mostly about the one-man shows, Will Rogers, TR, Harry Truman.
That’s odd. Them! is one of his classics.
I didn’t see Them! mentioned in any of the obits for James Whitmore the other day.
Does anyone know how I might find out some of the movies that screened here in 1954? I’m wondering if the sci-fi Them! played at this theatre in 1954. I’m writing a book. Thanks.
You guys missed the SENSURROUND earthquake showing..,,it was incredible!!
From what i understand some theater in Germany will be showing Rollercoaster, Midway and Battlestar Galactica in Sensurround in 2010
Now the dark times are ahead
I arrived late at the Chinese to see “Earthquake” and was forced to sit in the 2nd row, right in front of the Sensurround speakers. Thought I was gonna die. My head hurt until noon of the following day. Think I’ll skip the Egyptian screening.
LOL D Packard: “This will the last great show of all time, after that everyone will be broke and all businesses will fold from bankruptcy, we’ll be on the streets in a Mad Max atmosphere killing each other for food.”
Sounds like a plot of a major blockbuster movie :)
New FLASH….EARTHQUAKE in SENSURROUND will be at the Egyptian Sat Jan 3rd, that’s coming up very fast. I think less than 2 weeks away.
Repeat Earthquake in Sensurround at the Egyptian Hollywood Jan 3rd!!! If you missed it at the Picwood in 1974 you can STILL see it in 2009! Whooooo-whoooo!
This will the last great show of all time, after that everyone will be broke and all businesses will fold from bankruptcy, we’ll be on the streets in a Mad Max atmosphere killing each other for food.
Strangely enough there is also a strong window of possibility for a major REAL quake sometime this month, but don’t quote me on that
Now, The National is gone too…
i can remember so fondly opening night of DUNE at the Picwood, getting into the first show (at midnight i believe) My friend Paul had to quit his job at Straw Hat Pizza in Westwood that night so we could go. I was working at the Mann National and a bunch of us who were eagerly looking forward to it (for many months) went over that night. Those were the days.
All those…moments, will be lost ..like tears…in rain.
Michael, Wasn’t the engagement for the “The Jazz Singer” starting 02/13/81 a move-over from the Cinerama Dome. Cause that were the print came from.
Hi LisaN
Oh, wow, Michael! How funny! I first started working there in 1979. APOCALYPE NOW played there forever, it seemed. I used to know how much time we had til intermission and restocking the snack bar based on the movie soundtrack.
First-Run 70mm Presentations at PICWOOD
THE JAZZ SINGER (02/13/81)
WOLFEN (07/24/81; “Only West Coast Engagement in 70mm 6 Track Dolby Stereo”)
QUEST FOR FIRE (04/02/82)
E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL (07/16/82; 22 weeks)
DUNE (12/14/84)
LIFEFORCE (06/21/85)
70mm Moveover and Return Engagement Bookings at PICWOOD
APOCALYPSE NOW (12/20/79; 26 weeks)
FAME (08/15/80)
FAME (04/03/81)
SUPERMAN II (09/04/81)
ROCKY III (05/06/83)
THE RIGHT STUFF (04/04/84)
AMADEUS (05/31/85 for 3 weeks; then again beginning 07/19/85)