Islip Cinemas

410 W. Main Street,
Islip, NY 11751

Unfavorite 4 people favorited this theater

Showing 76 - 100 of 192 comments

wally 75
wally 75 on May 12, 2009 at 6:55 am


drummer on May 11, 2009 at 4:36 pm

OK, I have someone who wants to inquire about how to take over the theater and get it up and running…….. does anyone know who he should contact and what their contact info is? Thanks!
Ken from the Spoonful-O-Blues band

Bill Huelbig
Bill Huelbig on May 11, 2009 at 4:07 pm

Could the Islip Theater have presented the most hilariously mismatched double feature of all time back in December 1964? See what you think:

View link

The ‘60s sure were a wacky time.

Bway on April 20, 2009 at 3:32 pm

I drove by the Islip the other day, and it looks totally deserted. I hope it reopens for something one day.

drummer on April 17, 2009 at 6:51 pm


I performed at this theater many times with many different bands (Spoonful-O-Blues many times, also with Kenny Baum and JoshuaLittleSteam and others), and everyone loved the place. The lobby has beautiful old time charm, the upstairs stage (where we played) sits around 300, and all the feedback we received from the audience was that they loved the venue as well. In fact, if anyone is interested, visit to see us on that stage (from near and far from the stage), and even a few pics from outside. Someone needs to jump in with the knowhow and make this place come alive again….. we would love to play there again (management tolds us we brought in a nice profit everytime we played there, in case anyone does get this charming place going again!) :–)

R0YALTY83 on April 15, 2009 at 6:34 pm

ok sorry for the misunderstanding. so if you or anyone else knows whats going on with this theater or if it is for sale or ANYTHING please let me know. thanks!

wally 75
wally 75 on April 15, 2009 at 6:38 am


[good for you], wasn’t a cut, if you read the last line
of your post “ i grew up in islip ”….and would hate
theater turned into something else etc.
it was the strong feelings you have for the islip theater and your town…as do i..see posts from feb 10th 2007…

wally 75
wally 75 on April 14, 2009 at 6:27 am

good for you..but i don’t either…i wish clearview would take it over..they only have babylon in this county..has anyone heard whats going on…

R0YALTY83 on April 14, 2009 at 4:25 am

hello, i would like to get in contact with (ryan) or the owner of this building. if anyone could help me out please contact me asap! i grew up in islip. i would hate for this building to be turned into somthing we do not want. thanks!

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on March 30, 2009 at 5:10 am

If its Cinema Treasures page is correct, James Poro’s East Islip Theatre had already been open for a decade when he is supposed to have begun building the mystery theater in Islip itself. I can’t find any evidence that Poro’s theater on Main Street ever opened.

wally 75
wally 75 on March 30, 2009 at 4:03 am

could that have been the east islip?

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on March 2, 2009 at 12:08 am

Here’s a puzzle for Islipers (Islipians? Islipites?) The January 19, 1946, issue of Boxoffice Magazine ran an article about a contretemps in Islip. Prudential Playhouses, a regional theater circuit, had broken ground for a movie theater on Main Street at Smith Avenue (which is the location of the Islip Theater.) A group of citizens protested the location, saying it was too close to churches and a school, and would generate too much traffic.

William Egelman, President of the Chamber of Commerce and spokesman for the theater’s opponents, denied that the opposition was motivated by the fact that James Poro, operator of the East Islip Theatre, was already building an 800 seat theater on Main Street a couple of blocks from the site of the proposed Prudential house, and it was scheduled to open in April.

Prudential said that they’d already gotten to go-ahead from the town authorities, that the town had originally approached them asking them to build in Islip, and that they had heard of no opposition from residents before breaking ground. Their spokesman added that they had been planning to build in Islip for four years, and that there was no ordinance prohibiting the construction of theaters near schools or churches.

So here’s the puzzle: As the Islip Theater is in the location Prudential wanted to build at (so they must have gone ahead with their project), what became of James Poro’s theater on Main Street? Did Islip support two theaters for a while? Did Poro decide to pull out of his theater project before Prudential’s house opened, and convert his building to some other use? Is the building he had under construction in 1946 still there, and can anybody identify its exact location?

The Google Maps satellite view of Islip shows only one building on Main Street about two blocks from this theater that looks large enough to have held an 800 seat theater, on the south side of the street opposite the end of Locust Avenue. Unfortunately, Google has no street view available for this location so I can’t check to see if the facade looks at all theater-like.

wally 75
wally 75 on March 1, 2009 at 10:20 pm

and this helps the islip how….just askin'

dtc on March 1, 2009 at 9:58 pm

looks like our old friend marcalan glassberg has popped up again. it appears he has started a new life for himself as a teacher out in los angeles.

View link

atlantis7 on December 22, 2008 at 10:00 pm

Hi Mike,
I’m really saddened about the theater….I want to sincerely thank you for offering me the opportunity to perform there.
I have faith your genuine desire to create a community
performing arts center will succeed.
The best,
Ron M.

cynr on December 20, 2008 at 12:23 am

I wish you luck. And a fence. And a couple of gorilla-like bouncers. I’d agree – if you run it real tight, you just might do it.

RyanForsythe on December 20, 2008 at 12:16 am

The problem was that the people running it did not know how to handle some of the shows. There was no security, kids were running all over the place, and it just wasn’t a good scene most of the nights. I was only involved in booking so I didn’t have much say as to how to handle things even though I know exactly how to fix the many problems that were occurring. The only night that went very smoothly was my last show. The vice president of the board of the theater took control and made sure the whole place was tight as could be. I am assuming the fire department had a large influence on the theater closing because they were right next door. Kids were always in their parking lot and they were always complaining. This could have been easily solved by building a fence or tighter security. The only security we had was other kids that volunteered. I have recently emailed the landlord to see if I could get it back open and fix all of the problems myself. We’ll see how it goes…

Wish me luck.


cynr on December 20, 2008 at 12:01 am

They closed the Epicenter of the Northern Hemisphere? Oh noooooo!

But seriously, Ryan, I really like the idea of it being a music venue, like a Webster Hall, perhaps? Bands playing, dancing, sometimes musical acts. That would be cool. But if you’re getting complaints enough to move the Fire Marshall, the Police Dept. AND the Town Attorney to shut down the place, what is it about your plans to get it back open again as a music venue that will not generate yet more complaints? Must be the neighbors doing the complaining, I’d imagine. So much for community support!

Bway on December 19, 2008 at 11:13 pm

I had a feeling this was happening. I drove by the theater this past Wednesday, and the place certainly didn’t look like an operating theater…..and feared the worst. Now that has been confirmed. Thanks for informing us.

RyanForsythe on December 19, 2008 at 2:01 am

Just to let everyone here know, the Islip Theater has been closed down AGAIN. My name is Ryan Forsythe, I did a lot if not all of the booking of bands for the Islip Pavilion and Islip Theater. I am extremely sad to see the theater close again. The theater had become my Job and I loved to go there and help kids out by allowing them to play a show at a local venue. Sure, the place had tons of problems…it smelled horrible, the equipment was a disgrace, and the security issue is another story, but it was a great place and I hate to see it go. I am going to do everything I can to try to get it back up and running as a music venue.

Here is a mass email that I received from Mike Mckasty, the executive director of the theater:
Hello all,
I unfortunately have to inform everyone of the closing of The Islip Theater & Performing Arts Center.
We have made a significant effort on the parts of everyone involved to try and give this project a rebirth from the ashes of The Islip Pavilion, but the road uphill was too steep. We have tried to offer a place for the youth of Islip to congregate, but there were too many troubles associated with complaints. Notwithstanding, the Fire Marshall, the Police Dept. and the Town Attorney’s Office all called the building owner this week and told him to shut down or else be summonsed. The owner has waited the past year with no revenue from The Pavilion and is only now receiving funds from us. But the camel’s back is broken. And outside companies owed money from the Islip Pavilion are now threatening liens against the building for payment.
The troubles here are insurmountable. The current board is working on solutions and/or changes. We are seeking other venues for all our acts. Miracle on 34th Street will be performed at the rehearsal space within the 1st Congregational Church on 1st Ave. and Union Blvd. in Bayshore, once we confirm final permission. The rest of our filled calendar will be situated in another hall, theater, or movie house, once we complete those arrangements. We are hoping to find a similiar place nearby; there are some plans already underway, maybe even purchasing a “home” for us.
These are difficult times we are going through, but the talented crew we have housed here gives me hope that we can overcome this. People still need to escape the daily grind and be entertained.
This Phoenix will fly once again.

Mike McKasty
Executive Director
Islip Theater & Performing Arts Center

MikeMcK on November 2, 2008 at 3:40 am

It seems that the Islip Theater has caused quite a stir among many in this community, good and bad. I would like to introduce myself, Michael McKasty, as the current Executive Director of the new Islip Theater and Performing Arts Center. We are a committed group of volunteers who are trying to rise from the ashes of what was once the Islip Pavilion. Yes, there were mistakes made in the past, and I am truly sorry if people were crossed and negatively affected by personnel connected with Islip Pavilion. But please be assured, we are a new and completely different group of individuals that are striving to bring a community arts center to the town of Islip. Yes, the past director did not work well with others, but he did save this precious building from being razed. He had lofty ideas that just weren’t financially practical; he did believe that quality entertainment should be brought in, but the theatergoers in this township would not pay the price to bring them in. And the theater was dark many a night.
Today we have filled our calendar with events that are being produced by you, the local community. Local talent is striving and starving here on the south shore. I would like to offer our house to anyone who would like to put on a show and produce it for you neighbors. Yes, we would like quality entertainment, and so far we have done very well. We have local teenage musicians from East Islip performing every month for their peers and they love it (according to ticket sales at least). We have an autistic group from the community putting on a show with all autistic artists (doing poetry readings, music showcases, and showing drawings that wlll be displayed. And even though these artists have never been on Broadway, their art is more insightful and beautiful than many others that have. So while we might have ‘quality’ entertainment here in the eyes of some, I guarantee you we do have extraordinary talent.
So I invite all of you to come down and see one of our shows, musical, comedic, theatrical, or on film. And if you have something to offer us, let’s share it with others. We are community.
Mike McKasty

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick on October 30, 2008 at 4:38 pm


I have already removed several comments posted over the past month and may revisit removing others. Unless you have court-sanctioned proof of malice, theft, etc., please DO NOT post innuendo or accusations about particular individuals. If you have a grievance, please take it to a court room.

Thank you,
Cinema Treasures

bluesky on October 28, 2008 at 1:23 am


Let us not be drawn into an exercise in futility; let us not indulge our egos in this battle of wit and dare-I-say wisdom. Rather, let us find a better use for our time and energy. Let us continue to work together, to remain supportive of one another and to enjoy the ride. I’ve selected some quotes that I find both inspirational and amusing. Hope they tickle you as well!

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former”

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it”

  • Albert Einstein

“Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement”

  • Henry Ford

“I will listen to anyone’s convictions, but please keep your doubts to yourself”

  • Goethe

“Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”
– Margaret Mead

“We must be the change we wish to see in the world”

  • Gandhi
Anne25 on October 27, 2008 at 8:10 pm


One has to wonder exactly why this has had such an impact on you that it would cause you to spend so much time on these posts. Is this personal? You seem to know a LOT of details that the rest of the community is not privy to.