Loew's Crescent Theatre

415 Church Street,
Nashville, TN 37219

Unfavorite 2 people favorited this theater

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Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on August 26, 2010 at 9:58 pm

Yeah,I kept thinkimg I wrote the wrong word.At least you caught it and not some of the guys who ssem to love to find grammar mistakes.I tried and tried to get on at NATIONAL HILLS,finally a girl in my homeroom named Peggy Ross finally got me in.It was like getting Tickets to the Masters Golf tournament,trying to get on at National Hills,It was a classy theatre and no long hair!You outta try and dig some of your old employees.I know it would hard and some might surprize you and say"i'am not interested".Boy,that has happened to me.Guess I am off topic,but we are talking theatre,not the Falcons or Titains.

TLSLOEWS on August 26, 2010 at 9:40 pm

Dont you mean Royalties?I was part of the glue most of our Managers had girlfriends or wives that worked in the business too.We were all pretty tight back then.We never had trouble getting staff if we needed someone,one of our gang always had a friend or sister or someone who wanted to work there.Thats how I got started through a friend, he said to me you want a job? I said yes, he said go see my cousin Joe at the Melrose,he gave me a job and I worked for Loews 8 ½ years.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on August 26, 2010 at 2:59 am

Tlsloews.I think alot of us did that.Funny thing was in my case Columbia 1 and 2 were like the Madison a long way from the Imperial and National Hills,but everyone came out to Martinez.I was told more than once “I was the glue that held the gang together”.Were you the Glue? Also playing recorded music might be because some one might want loyalties? You in MUSIC CITY might get in Trouble.

TLSLOEWS on August 19, 2010 at 3:07 am

Mike Rodgers post of 8/11/10 reminds me of in the day some of our employees from all 3 Nashville Loews would end up at the Melrose after hours .Those were the days, a small group of us theatre guys and gals would just hang out and party a little,a closed movie house was a great place to be.I guess we ended up at the Melrose because no one wanted to go downtown that late and the Madison was too far out for most people and it was the largest house.We would play music loud through the sound system.Till the clean up guy or guys would come in and we would go home.

TLSLOEWS on August 12, 2010 at 8:20 pm

That Happens,who ever wrote the header on the Madison Square Theatre page wrote about two different theatres that were very close to one another as if they were the same place.Even the header on this page has some of the dates wrong. Nobodys perfect and after all this time memories fade.It is a bit confusing with the theatres having the same name and on the same street and both were built by the Crescent Amusment Co.As you know there was another Crescent Theatre on 5th Ave North in the early 1900,s just around the corner from this location also built by Crescent Amusement.

TLSLOEWS on August 12, 2010 at 6:22 pm

By the way the first Princess has its own page on C.T.

TLSLOEWS on August 12, 2010 at 5:52 pm

I know Chuck,this page is about the Crescent/2nd Princess. The 1st Princess had the organ.Another theatre.

TLSLOEWS on August 12, 2010 at 3:43 am

Thats reminds me Mike that one time I slipped my own Beatles Love Songs 8-track in the sound system and we played it for about 3 weeks before my boss noticed and we had to put back on the old tape that they had had for years.He said we could not have music with singing on at intermission.Nobody complained but him though.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on August 12, 2010 at 3:15 am

I forgot we had a 8-track player in both COLUMBIA 1 and 2.Often when the booth cleared out,i would go up and take out Mr.Ballard’s Glenn Miller Music and we would rock to Alice Cooper or The Stones,Sip a cold one with the other managers at Plitt that always ended up out at Columbia! Those were the days. Heck, If I knew how I would have run the bleeping movie!

TLSLOEWS on August 9, 2010 at 9:39 pm

By the way this theatre never had an organ or stage as is posted above it was built just for movies,we did have an 8-track player that we would play intermission music on, Man that was high-teck!We did have great Voice of the Theatre speakers and good amps really good sound, never had any complaints except for not being loud enough for some concert movies we showed,which we would turn up much to the dismay of the Union Guys in the booth.This theatre was far from a Movie Palace but I wish it was still around.Many good times in this house.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on July 25, 2010 at 1:45 am

But those downtown theatres just made you feel a little bit more special.

TLSLOEWS on July 24, 2010 at 11:35 pm

My list of course in mainly Loews or former Loews but I have others on there too.Makes it easier for me to remember ones that I might want to look back up.Yes Mike most of the problems were at this downtown house,the suburb houses had less problems.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on July 23, 2010 at 3:22 am

Goodnight,you sure you were in NASHVILLE?and not Atlanta.What wild stories.I had an obsense event happen at a G rated movie,“HAWPS” it was a slow night,but to make this PG rated our projectionist calls us up to the booth,National Hills had wide glass looking out of the booth and he says “look” well, the two couples sitting almost to the back,we could look down on them and see the two girls were “going down” at a G rated movie.Can’t make it up.Boy,you have a lot of favorite theatres,but that is cool,it takes forever to get down to see what you have commented on.I don’t recall banning anyone even at the Imperial that attracted a lot of the same folks but on a smaller scale than Nashville.Hard to believe Nashville had those kinds of problems. I check National Hills to see if Robin’s added anything,Nothing.But it seems just when you write something she jumps on like she knows you just wrote something.

TLSLOEWS on July 23, 2010 at 3:06 am

I have a few good stories about some things that happened at this theatre,but I should not post them here as some would be obsene.We did have one guy who would stand in the back of the auditorium and expose himself to people,I would run him out and tell the cashier not to sell him anymore tickets,which worked till we got a new cashier and he would reappear,do not know why I never called the police on him but times were different then and being downtown lots of strange stuff happened.Stay tuned for more stories.Did you ever bar anyone from your theatres?We did.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on July 23, 2010 at 2:58 am

Yeah, today with these stinking 20 plexes theatre employees don’t even see faces anymore.We did work in the last days of the real theatre business and I hope someone writes and says “i am dead wrong”.

TLSLOEWS on July 23, 2010 at 2:53 am

Thats funny I remember we would see him at the box office and we would say here comes “Concrete"those we the days.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on July 23, 2010 at 2:43 am

You know Tlsloews,you made me remember one customer that followed me all through my Augusta theatre career.He was a tall man about 6'5" he had a moustach and doggone it if he didn’t look like Sean Connery!He could have been his Stand in.When I was even At GCC after leaving Plitt for a couple of years I saw him at Regency Mall I.II&III Cinemas. Sometimes A young boy would be with him,A Son? Nephew? I don’t even remember ever talking to him andI was certainly not Shy,couldn’t be shy I wouldn’t think to Manage or Asst. Manage a theatre,How could you not be a people person.Anyways,once I quit Regency I have never seen him,but he was a regular movie goer one i won’t forget,thanks for your post above it made remember “SEAN CONNERY”.

TLSLOEWS on July 23, 2010 at 12:11 am

Yeah Mike we put chains on all the exit doors,just trying to list some employees at my theatres,another story I just thought of was a regular customer we always called “Concrete” because he always had dust all over him, he was an older black man who smelled bad,he would come to the theatre Monday -Friday every week no matter what movie was on I just came in to sleep,he must have been homeless,or a street person as we called them then.Sometimes I would see people sit near him and after a short time they would get up and move because of his Body Odor,he never came in on Saturday of Sunday though must have had somewhere else to go,he did this for years and he stopped showing up,must have died or moved on never saw him again.I have already listed some other employees on the Melrose and Madison Square sites

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on July 22, 2010 at 11:51 pm

Great stories. Had someone been locked in at any of our theatres all they had to do was simply walk out.You guys must put chains on the exit doors.I did leave someone in Columbia 1 it is probably mentioned on COLUMBIA SQ.CINEMAS.Tommy and me were standing by the concession stand about midnight or so sipping a Bud when a man walks out of the theatre into the lobby and said"MUST HAVE FELL ASLEEP.“ and walked out.Strange.I was always blessed with good box office girls,much faster than I.You outta try and find some of those guys if you already haven’t.

TLSLOEWS on July 22, 2010 at 11:34 pm

Joe Daniel became the manager of this theatre and our Loews City Manager when Robert “Bob” Sokol retired.I left the Crescent and took over Joes job as Manager of the Loews Melrose were I had first started as a doorman in 1973.Other employees of this theatre were Mildred Patton cashier,very good see always came out even on the books.A Mr. Patterson who was over eighty at the time was our daytime doorman and sometimes conncessions guy.Jimmy Davis worked in the booth I went up to the booth to pay him one friday night,when I came in the next day I found out that went home that night and had a fatal heart attack.He always waved at me when he left as I was locking up,he waved at me that Friday night and I never saw him again very sad.We had one cashier named Jan she was O.K. when we were slow but I would have to take over for her when we were really busy as she could not sell tickets fast enough.Our clean up man worked there for years 365 days 7 days a week never missed his name was Kingston Allison.Several doorman I remember were Clint Burris who made Asst.Manager later,Tony Grey who did the same and many others I cannot remember now.

TLSLOEWS on July 17, 2010 at 2:24 am

Just read a story of a 10 year old getting locked in a theatre,it reminded me of one time I locked someone in this theatre I do not know how as we turned on the cleaning lights in the audtorium after closing and checked the restrooms and lobby some how someone either hid or got in somehow. Anyway after I would leave for the night I would turn off all the lights and lock up.The next day when I came to work my City Manager told me he had to come let this guy out,he had somehow found his way to the lobby and used the pay phone to call for help the police came and my boss let him out,I thought that I was in trouble but he just laughed and said it was not the first time that that had happened.I still do not know how we missed him as a doorman would help me lock the exits and check the theatre unless he hid behind the large curtains that were in the auditorium.I used to wake up many people at closing or run off drunks but this was a first.

TLSLOEWS on July 10, 2010 at 8:09 pm

At this address now is the Viridian Condos and in the first floor level is the H.G. Hills Urban Market and Lucky Dog Nashville.

TLSLOEWS on April 28, 2010 at 12:13 am

Hey Patsy,I have posted 2 small photos of the LOEWS VENDOME check them out when you can.You asked for them a long time ago Ijust got round to doing them Thanks to Robin down in Georgia.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 22, 2010 at 11:46 pm

You know really none of those girls worked with me,so they can not really tell anything. Not even Cathy.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 12, 2010 at 12:42 am

TSLOEWS whatever lies are told about me at the NATIONAL HILLS THEATRE reunion party are lies.