Comments from Robert Kratky

Showing 76 - 100 of 175 comments

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Dec 25, 2013 at 1:24 am

Happy and Healthy Holiday wishes to everyone at the Lafayette family.

Looking forward to many film classics in 2014.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Teaneck Cinemas on Dec 21, 2013 at 4:21 am

This is very good news, John. Can’t wait to pay a visit during the holidays.

Would you know if they have the capacity for both 35mm and digital, or are they 100% digital, now?

Happy Holidays, Bob

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Film Forum on Oct 10, 2013 at 10:22 pm

Praise and a heart-felt thank-you to Film Forum for bring back The “Sci-Fi Festival” this year. I hope it was a big money-maker for you. Love to see this come back every summer, again.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 10, 2013 at 10:16 pm

Hello, Is there any chance for some type of incarnation of the “Horror-Thon” this year?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Sep 30, 2013 at 1:12 am

Leave it to the Loews Jersey to present such a wonderfully “varied” film program as this past weekend’s. Car chase films? Who would have thought? (Whoever organizes the Loews film programs should be commended for their imagination and just plain sense of “fun”.) And (call me old-fahioned, if you will) in glorious 35mm! Looking forward, FOL to the “Horror Weekend” at the end of October.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Sep 17, 2013 at 3:39 am

I’m hoping and praying that the video only possibilities for the up-coming season don’t entirely pan out. (Any thoughts from the new folks who are currently running the Lafayette?) It seems to me that there still might be “some” 35mm prints still available (perhaps not as many as in the past.)for exhibition. Case in point….. that beautiful print of Welles' “The Stranger” that was shown last season at the Lafayette. Seeing it in 35mm gave me a whole new perspective on a film that I have never cared for when shown strictly on TCM. Here’s hoping that 35mm can still be a viable medium at the Lafayette.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Sep 6, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Thoughts on the fall “monthly” film season yet?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Sep 3, 2013 at 12:01 am

Very happy to see that Classic Films still have a place at the Lafayette. Quite a nice and varied line-up. (Fellini, anyone?) I’m hoping that the “Horror-Thon” will make a return, as well. (Can’t remember the last time I saw “Dracula’s Daughter” and “House of Frankenstein” on a local big screen. Except, of course at the Lafayette.)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Teaneck Cinemas on Aug 28, 2013 at 8:20 am

Hi, May I take a moment to wish Mr. Latten every good fortune in his efforts to breathe new life into the Cedar Lane? And it was wonderful,Ms. Joyne to see your photographs of the interior and the progress being made thus far. Looking forward to making the trip in from Wayne for the grand “re-opening”. Cudos to all involved who show a desire to preserve the local, neighborhood cinemas as a viable alternative to those “rip-off houses” on Rte. 17, etc.!

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Aug 17, 2013 at 10:52 pm

Hi, I’m just thinking out loud , but I wonder how economically “viable” Big Screen Classics has been over the years for the Lafayette? Even though I’m only two years from my official senior “status” I have been and always will be happy to pay for a ticket to the Big Screen Classics program if this means preserving this or any form of “classic” film program. (As I understand it the “senior” audiences who seem to make up the majority of the audiences at these Saturday morning programs get in for free if they live within the community.) Not wishing to seem insensitive but I hope that the preservation of classic films at the Lafayette will always be a priority.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Aug 10, 2013 at 10:01 pm

Hi Peter, Certainly sad to hear that Nelson will no longer be a part of the Lafayette. His “intros” to each of the BSC films certainly added so much to the experience. (Will you continue to help program the Sat. “Big Screen Classics”? Sure hope so.) But happy to hear that Ramapo will continue its support of “Big Screen Classics” (Let’s hope they do the same with the “The Horror-Thon”…an integral part of “Big Screen Classics”, IMHO!) I’ll certainly be there to support the Lafayette. I’ve said it countless times but the local, single-screen theatre is the heart of any community and it’s wonderful to have a group such as the Benmosche family who support this. Anything a film fan can do to help this theatre? (Besides buying tickets.) Please let me know.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Capitol Theatre on Jun 9, 2013 at 11:49 pm

Hi, Perhaps I haven’t read through all the posts here yet, but I was wondering is there an archive that might provide a chronological list of the groups and musicians who played the Capitol through the years? Pictures of posters?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Clairidge on Jun 3, 2013 at 8:28 am

Soon to be pick up by a new theater chain. I hope they keep their “art house” type films.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 17, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Thanks Peter,

Seems like a logical addition to this year’s Horror-Thon. (“All Harryhausen, All The Time !!”) I hope something materializes.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 8, 2013 at 9:38 am

Hi Peter, As I’m sure you are aware, today is truly a sad day with the passing of a true hero to many of us, Ray Harryhausen. Not wishing to be too over-bearing but would it be possible for the Lafayette to mount a Harryhausen tribute as an extension of Big Screen Classics in honor of this film pioneer?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Apr 11, 2013 at 4:51 am

You’re right, GDellaFa. I thank goodness every time I come in for one of their monthly film weekends. The Loews has been surviving for so many decades now and in so many incarnations (the “worst” being that tri-plexing around 1976)that one would hope that the political “wolves at the door” would back off and learn to appreciate the true landmark status of this wonderful film palace. My heart goes out to the FOL for putting up with this “let’s tear it down and put up an office building” mentality of some local politicians who want nothing more than to build up their own public persona.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Apr 9, 2013 at 12:34 am

It makes a lot of sense to keep a positive stance regarding the Loews because the alternative is just not acceptable. I’ve been attending their monthly film programs for nearly ten(!!!) years and it has almost become a second home. I feel quite upset to see all of the hard work and restoration efforts of the FOL be “batted” about every few years by these Jersey City politicos. It seems the Loews Jersey never stops being a “target”! It just seems that the Jersey City administration does not seem to realize what a true “gem” they have at Journal Square, attracting fans from New Jersey (I travel in from Wayne) and New York.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Summit Theatre on Apr 8, 2013 at 4:36 am

Still no up-dates on the Summit web site as to new programs, films etc.???? I hope interest in this theater has not slacked off.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Apr 8, 2013 at 4:28 am

I am hoping that the grand Loews Landmark will survive this latest wave of political rhetoric and posturing. I guess in a very naieve sense I’ve been very heartened to see many huge crowds at the Loews monthly film weekends and their live presentations such as “Stage Craft” (not sure if that’s the correct name.) Aren’t these large audiences indicative of a positive response to what the Loew’s has been and is capable of doing for the community?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Apr 7, 2013 at 11:56 pm

Any word as to what the April films might be? May?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Summit Theatre on Mar 11, 2013 at 1:52 am


Is there any news regarding the renewed interest and restoration of the Summit? The web site makes no note of any activities beyond Feb. 15th. (The classic films program seems interesting.)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Summit Theatre on Feb 11, 2013 at 10:56 pm

I am looking forward to the Summit’s restoration and renovation with much positive anticipation.

The only model that I have at the moment for this type of restoration is the great job a group of local residents known as the “Friends of the Loews” did with the Loews Jersey at Journal Square (I guess you can tell I’m a big fan of the Loews!) Monthly “classic” film programs, live shows etc. Will the Summit be operating along these lines?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 1, 2013 at 3:14 am

The Christmas Spirit really found a home at the Landmark Loew’s this year, with the holiday concert and “Elf”. Looking forward to many great films and performances in 2013.

Happy and Healthy 2013, FOL. Bob

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Dec 17, 2012 at 2:51 pm


Are any efforts being made to help the great Loew’s Jersey enter the digital projection age while at the same time keeping its 35mm capabilities? (Thinking along the lines of fund-raisers etc.)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Teaneck Cinemas on Nov 30, 2012 at 11:24 pm

Very sad that a neighborhood cinema cannot maintain a local audience thus keeping itself out of the competitive race with such big “multi-plexes” as the Garden State 16 with their inflated prices.($32.00 for two tickets during primetime!!) Saddened to see the the Cedar Lane go the way of the Rialto in Ridgefield(?) (I’m hoping the Lafayette is still “healthy”!!) Bob