Address is 320 E Avenue D.
It was directly next door to the Ritz Theater.
Today it is divided retail spaces using two addresses, 320 & 324, with a women’s clothing store in the 320 space as of 2018.
John Vinci photos of Richard Nickel salvaging terra cotta ornament from tower of Adler and Sullivan Schiller’s Theater (1892) during its demolition in 1961. The buff-colored ornament was executed by the Northwestern Terra Cotta Company, Chicago, Illinois. Courtesy of John Vinci Collection and Bldg. 51 Archive, courtesy Urban Remains.
“3 years ago, during restoration construction at the Tampa Theatre, we made this short (with an in-side joke build into the script, to promote Christmas-in-the Park Movies from the historic Tampa Theatre. We never dreamed the house would be darkened by a pandemic.”
Opened in April 1949 with “Life Of Riley” starring William Bendix & Rosemary DeCamp, and “Fighting Fools” starring the Bowery Boys.
Image added indicates Rosemary DeCamp was in person at the grand opening.
Locals indicate it later became a club or business called Sparkles before or after Market Street Music Hall, and is today Exit5 Auto Group.
It was once closed down for showing “Deep Throat”.
November 1958.
1946 photo credit Walker Evans, courtesy The Met Museum.
1972 photo added credit John P. Keating Jr. The Texas Theater was next door to the left at 320 E. Avenue D.
Address is 320 E Avenue D. It was directly next door to the Ritz Theater. Today it is divided retail spaces using two addresses, 320 & 324, with a women’s clothing store in the 320 space as of 2018.
The lobby has been temporarily repurposed for traffic court hearings.
Odeon Theatres Ltd., interior of Hastings Theatre, December 1946, photos added courtesy Bill Taylor.
2019 plan for the building.
PSTOS link about the Capitol.
Circa 1978 photo added credit Mike Furlong.
John Vinci photos of Richard Nickel salvaging terra cotta ornament from tower of Adler and Sullivan Schiller’s Theater (1892) during its demolition in 1961. The buff-colored ornament was executed by the Northwestern Terra Cotta Company, Chicago, Illinois. Courtesy of John Vinci Collection and Bldg. 51 Archive, courtesy Urban Remains.
Via my friend Ross who portrayed Santa.
“3 years ago, during restoration construction at the Tampa Theatre, we made this short (with an in-side joke build into the script, to promote Christmas-in-the Park Movies from the historic Tampa Theatre. We never dreamed the house would be darkened by a pandemic.”
Apparently the original source of the photo. Great Facebook page too.
Opened in April 1949 with “Life Of Riley” starring William Bendix & Rosemary DeCamp, and “Fighting Fools” starring the Bowery Boys. Image added indicates Rosemary DeCamp was in person at the grand opening.
October 19, 2020 behind the scenes video tour of Des Plaines Theater by Ron Onesti. It appears that the comments were turned off.
“Bugsy Malone” had it’s U.S. premiere at the Baronet on September 15, 1976. Print ad added to gallery.
Address is 49 N. Washington. Official website and Facebook page links below.
1956 photo courtesy Doug Helms.
Locals indicate it later became a club or business called Sparkles before or after Market Street Music Hall, and is today Exit5 Auto Group. It was once closed down for showing “Deep Throat”.
A 2013 video found by Tim O'Neill.
October 11, 1969, S.D.S. March through Loop, 105 Arrested.
5 images added including current view.
Clarey Theatre and Fern Theatre need to be added to previous names prior to Rialto. Address was 413 Bank Street, per 12/29/31 newspaper link above.
1937 photo, colorized by Patty Allison at Imbued with Hues.
“Deep Throat” promotional ambulance, August 1980 photo added courtesy Gerard Legrand.
Link about “Hypno-Vista”: