Fox Theatre

20 Flatbush Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11217

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Showing 126 - 150 of 178 comments

BklynRob on October 7, 2005 at 3:00 pm

Hi Bill,
Would love to hear your memories of the Murray the K shows at the Brooklyn Fox. I attended many of his shows and recieved the free albums you passed out when one got there for the early show. I met a few of the performers myself after one of his Easter shows and they weren’t all that pleasant.

CelluloidHero2 on October 7, 2005 at 1:06 pm


would love to hear any memories you would like to share. Performers,
Murray The K, the theaters.

silvrladie on October 7, 2005 at 10:16 am

My name is Bill Erbis from 1960 to 1965 I was an employee of Fabian Theatres Corp. I also lived in Williamsburgh Brooklyn. I too have fond memories of the Fox. As a matter of fact I worked one of Murray The “K"s shows. I worked backstage as a elevator operater and also stamped albums (compliments of Murray The K) which were given away free. I have some good and not too good memories of the performers.

uncleal923 on September 13, 2005 at 4:29 pm

That’s right;
The wife said that she would not get in the lifeboat without her husband, so she died with him when the Titanic went down.

DougDouglass on September 7, 2005 at 8:39 pm

Two members of the Straus family, Isador and his wife, Ida, died on the Titanic.

uncleal923 on September 7, 2005 at 6:40 pm

Does anyone on this site know that A&S stood for Abrham and Strauss, and Strauss owned part of Macy’s.

Astyanax on August 28, 2005 at 7:32 pm

A&S & Martins were to merchandizing, what the B'klyn Paramount, the Fox & RKO Albee were to moviegoing, a unique Brooklyn downtown, cosmopolitan experience.

BklynRob on August 28, 2005 at 10:24 am

Sorry Warren,I should have made myself more clear,it was empty of shoppers. I use to work in that building when it was A&S back in the early 70’s and I wanted to stop in for a look now that it’s become Macys. First thing I noticed was how empty it was compared to when I was employed there. It always seemed crowded with shoppers back then. Also the place lost some of its splender to me. I always thought that this store was the gem of the A&S franchise.It seemed all the shoppers were at the bargain/99 cents stores. They were packed! I also walked by the spots where our old movie palaces once stood. As you know,Con Edison is where the Fox once was. I still have fond memories of that place and appreciate your photos.

BklynRob on August 28, 2005 at 9:07 am

Thanks Warren for those great photos of the Brooklyn Fox. I was just in the downtown Brooklyn area to visit Juniors restaurant and it was a shame to see how that neighborhood has changed. I could still picture the Brooklyn Fox,RKO Albee & Lowe’s Metropolitan in all their glory. Now with all the downtown movie theaters gone there is nothing but 3rd rate bargain stores and an empty Macys. I can remember,as a kid,shopping with my family at all the big stores,A&S,Martins,E J Korvettes,Mays & McCorys. And who can forget all the great Murray the K shows at the Fox? Everything is gone, but at least we have some photos to preserve those great memories.

spencerst on August 21, 2005 at 5:40 pm

one more time i hope i got it this time
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JAlex on August 20, 2005 at 9:11 pm

The Beatles theatre/tv program probably was the March, 1964 concert given in Washington, DC.

spencerst on August 20, 2005 at 8:16 pm

im new at if i make a few misakes forgive me
here is one moor ad for alan freed show
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spencerst on August 20, 2005 at 7:43 pm

here is a ad for the alan freed show at the- fox-1958
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RobertR on July 8, 2005 at 2:01 pm

Those are the Tami-TNT shows which were in Electronovision. Those played regular runs, this seems like something live.

BklynRob on July 8, 2005 at 1:39 pm

I recall the Beatles doing a broadcast concert in 64 that was shown in US theaters. It also featured The Beach Boys & Lesley Gore. I see a copy of the Beach Boys performance from that show on E Bay a lot.I also see tickets from that broadcast on E Bay too.

RobertR on July 7, 2005 at 7:55 pm

Anyone know what this Beatles thing was they showed on the giant TV screen?
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BoxOfficeBill on June 23, 2005 at 12:43 pm

And add “A Star Is Born” to the preceding list—the Cuckor-Garland, not the Gaynor or Streisand ones.

BoxOfficeBill on June 23, 2005 at 12:41 pm

The Fox’s showing of “Bwana Devil” opened on 18 Feb. ‘53 and day-dated with Loew’s State for two weeks. Arch Obler insisted that the polaroid 3-D process be projected on to a plastic screen for added luminosity. The Fox promptly installed such a screen according to his specifications, but the State did not. Instead, the Loew’s management simply applied a commercial shellac to its existing screen, arousing Obler’s ire. “If you want to see real 3-D,” he fumed, “then go to the Fox.” It may well be that the State was already planning for the first conventionally curved wide-screen in NYC, premiered with “Thunder Bay” on 20 May '53, and was unwilling to invest in a new interim screen for the short haul.

In any case, the episode points to my memory of the Fox’s superb projection—that, despite a red glow which suffused the screen from residual house illumination and which was especially noticeable during black-and-white films. On the other hand, the Fox had a poor sound system. It seemed sometimes to me that the sound track was barely audible. The resonance seemed to get lost in the sheer height of the auditorium. Films I remember seeing there include “The Jolson Story,” “All the King’s Men,” “Captain Horatio Hornblower,” “On the Waterfront,” “No Time for Sergeants,” and “Pal Joey.”

RobertR on June 23, 2005 at 11:16 am

Here is the “Bwana Devil” ad from it’s run at the Brooklyn Fox.

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BklynRob on June 21, 2005 at 2:25 pm

I most likely was at that Easter show,I never missed one. I wish I had saved the programs, they have since become collectors items. I saw a few on E Bay going for a large sum. Remember when the WMCA Goodguys did their own rock n roll show at the NY Paramount? I think that was in 1964 also. Another massive theater too.

BklynRob on June 20, 2005 at 6:39 pm

Yes,the Fox was extremely large. I remember sitting up in the top of the balcony at one of Murray the K’s shows. It seemed like I was miles away from the stage. To a kid that place was massive!It cost $2.50 back then to see Murray the K’s rock n roll show which also included some lousy movie. If you arrived early you got a free Murray the K album. We would get to the Fox hours before the show started and waited on lines that snaked around the block for a good seat & free lp. We even got to meet The Shangri-las at one show when they stepped out to get something to eat.They were stuck up & wouldn’t give autographs. I think I must have seen every important singer/group of the 60’s at these shows.

RobertR on June 20, 2005 at 4:42 pm

When Bwana Devil left Loew’s State it moved here to the Fox with shows starting daily at 9am. As an added bonus on the program was a Disney featurete called “Alaskin Eskimo”.

Astyanax on June 19, 2005 at 6:58 pm

The photos depict the jaw-dropping splendor of the the Fox. Too bad when I was last there as a young teenager for a Murray the K show, I had to endure a Ray Milland b&w sci-fi movie. I would have rather toured the theater.