Comments from DuPageDude

Showing 126 - 150 of 212 comments

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 11:54 pm

True Class(less) says “If you feel the need to defend your causes' honor, shouldn’t you be doing in on the streets of Lombard? Isn’t that where you can make a difference?” Is that the same streets I was PHYSICALLY THREATENED in?

Nope, sorry, but I will tell you that on a dreary day like today, I sent out NINE count ‘em NINE letters to MAJOR corporations who donate billions of dollars to charities such as the DuPage Theatre…They say “nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee” well, I like 'em!!!

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 1:00 pm

Amen Toni, amen. Very well said, I couldn’t agree more…They keep posting lies, hoping people will see them as facts. That’s why people such as myself and a few others still post on here to refute their ugly claims. I don’t mind them taking shots at me, I have very thick skin (I’m Italian-LOL). I also have a knack for getting to the truth, just ask “Jayme”

But while all these lies, half-truths and break-ins happen, there are still people amongst the Friends who think they should be talking to these anti-theatre zealots-why? Their true colors shine through on this and other web sites, then they say they want to help? Remember what I keep saying about a leopard changing its spots…

If you need some one for Theatre Protection Duty, Private DuPageDude is reporting for duty…

Semper Fi,
The Dude

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 12:58 am

Hey Kurt Lensch oops I mean “Concerned Taxpayer2” why don’t you fess up and admit who you are…I had an IT tech look at you rIP address, and he tracked it back to you!!! LOL. C'mon Kurt, we know it’s you, the shameless plugging of your anti-theatre web site gave it away.

Jayme, I hope you’re not too scarred…

P.S. What am I doing right now to help the DuPage Theatre? I could show you the letter after letter I am sending out, but; A. I don’t want to give anything away (unlike members of the Friends) 2. I don’t want potential donors harassed by the anti-theatre minions.

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 12:52 am

Wanna know how dedicated the Village Board is to saving the DuPage? This is a excerpt from a story on the train museum in Union’s web site from NOVEMBER 2001…“The possibilities are unlimited as to the types of business and features that could be among the street?s offerings. Museum-related facilities such as a theater (with a historic marquee), expanded Museum stores and additional concession services would all fit in. The theater could feature informational and historic films about the Museum and railroad history. An old-time soda fountain or ice cream parlor would be a popular attraction. A hobby shop, gas station, street railway car barn, and fire station are some of our initial concepts, but the possibilities are limitless.”

Now what “theater with a historic marquee” do you think they are talking about? Give you a hint, it’s the one that is described the SAME EXACT way today in stories about the museum…The DuPAge. Still think the Village is behind the project?

If you want to read the entire article, it’s at

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 2:09 pm

Before the Spelling and Grammar Patrol gets me, I meant to say “Yup Deb, these are the people the Friends should be embracing right now.

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 2:08 pm

Before the Spelling and Grammar Patrol get me, I meant to say “Yup Deb, these are the people the Friends should be embracing right now.

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 2:07 pm

Please post any and all apologies on here.

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 2:04 pm

The Friends are NOT the Ad-Hoc Committee. The Chairman of the first ad-hoc comittee has publically said he is against the theatre. Also, how is promising 1 milion dollars and only giving 10% of that support?

Wow, all those dollars you found Challenger…I thought you had said the Friends had only raised $1,200 in 6 years, remember that? Remember this “No egg on my face, just a big smile as I watch your group (continue) to make fools of yourselves.

Crying over $296,000, frivolous lawsuits, the fact that your group has $0 to show for (almost) 7 years work, and now you guys are scrambling around looking for a fall guy and pointing the finger at anybody as long as it is not yourselves.

Fitzy time to drop it, the grants are gone and the RSC plan stunk, all the crying and whining in the world will not bring them back. And drop the CAPS we get your point.
posted by Challenger on Oct 3, 2005 at 8:05am

Yup Deb, these are the the Friends should be embracing right now. By the way, how’s “Jayme” doing? I hope she’s not scarred for life…“She” claims…“True Class,
Thank you so much! I would like to correct one thing. I do not "live in sin with my boyfriend” as Jim Devitt said. I babysit here during the day only. It’s important that you know that. Thanks again!!
Bye All ;)
posted by LombardianDistrict4 on Oct 18, 2005 at 1:42pm"
But yet she posts late into the night…

Then there’s this one…remember folks, she says she “only babysits here during the day"
A. The silo property was sold to another Condominium developer on June 2nd. I live about 100 yards from that property and we are happy they are gone. I’m not happy about more condo’s and that’s why we hated your plan.

B. I will not apologized to anyone. Why shouyld I? All you people do is try to tell us what’s good for us. The village voted..Enough is enough.
posted by LombardianDistrict4 on Oct 16, 2005 at 4:52am"
Doesn’t Bob Defino live about 100 yards from the old silos? My gosh, he does!!!!

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 1:49 pm

In addition, the extensions were needed because the Board changed their requirements from the Friends every time the met them, in effect moving the goalposts further back every time it was time to kick a field goal. Call me crazy, but that doesn’t seem like support to me.

In addition, voting to demolish using TAXPAYER DOLLARS as well as not having an alternative plan sure doesn’t seem like support to me…

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 11:36 am

Duper, you hit the nail on the head!!! Just look at this post from 2004, WELL BEFORE the RSC proposal came out…
“DuPage Theatre

After a seventy six year run at Main and Parkside in downtown Lombard, the final curtain dropped today, December 1st, on the DuPage Theatre (affectionately known to many simply as the “Dupe”)as restoration contracts were not in place by the deadline. The Dupe had a good run for his first 60 or so years…featuring live radio productions such as the National Barn Dance, live performances by Gene Autry, Pat Butram, and George Goebel, classic films, and later in life divided up into a budget multiplex. The last several years were tough on this old friend. Despite big ideas for redevelopment by Big Ideas in the mid 1990’s and a valiant effort for restoration by many Friends in 2004, the Dupe never recovered fully.

All is not lost in Lombard though as the Dupe is survived by many old buildings in town including the Sheldon Peck House, the restored chapel at Main and Maple, the Historical Society house, and many other significant residential structures including the much adored “Orphan Annie House” right up Main Street. Creative reuse/redevelopment of the site of this historic structure is anticipated and all in town will benefit from his legacy.

A later date with the wrecking ball is planned.
posted by Concerned Taxpayer on Dec 1, 2004 at 7:23pm"

But don’t forget this one…
“They would visit this site to protect taxpaying citizens from debacles like the DuPage Theatre that depend almost entirely on tax dollars to make it happen. The Village Board has spoken….Village President Mueuller did the right thing in finding theatre supporters in default of their restoration agreement. Supporters claimed retractors were "poisoning the well”….gee, maybe only with the truth. So I guess we can say three trustees and the Village President must have taken a drink from the well of truth (as only the supporters would see the truth and financial reality as poison).
posted by Concerned Taxpayer on Dec 3, 2004 at 9:35am"

Now these are the same people that “Friends” such as Ms. Dynako think are going to wholeheartedly embrace the theatre idea? I doubt it!

Remember something, the Charlotte Street residents were not that actively involved untill their Trustee, Steve Sebby, made a personal visit to them. He had never visited any other areas of his District until then…Now, he put Bob Defino, a Charlotte Street resident, an one of his committees…Makes you wonder.

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 20, 2005 at 8:02 pm

“There is some potential for downtown revenue growth… I’m not even certain I would be interested in turning our downtown into a "destination”. Maybe we need to just focus on making it as amenable to Lombard residents as possible. Like the Prez said….This is Lombard"

That is a direct quote from Bob Defino, AKA Lombard Guy.. Read what he says? HE’S not sure if HE wants to turn downtown into a “destination”…This is one of the main people Ms. Dynako wants to open a “dialog” with. He is one of the biggest opponents of the theatre, has fought it tooth and nali for months now, and they want to “work” with him??? It sure seems to me like he’s open to change, doesn’t it?

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 20, 2005 at 6:34 pm

My guess for why we haven’t heard from them is because I had an ace up my sleeve, and without it, their house of cards TUMBLED!! Nice folks they are though; I liked reading their public apology for trying to pass that “person” of as an 18 year-old girl…Although they do act like it!

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 20, 2005 at 6:12 pm

Can any of the anti-theatre group please help me to understand what you would bring to the table, and BE SPECIFIC!!! What ideas/thoughts do you have for the theatre?

What have YOUR tactics gotten you Ms. Dynako?

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 4:54 pm

If you were on the Board, you would know that I am paid up…By the way, I didn’t see your name as part of the Board… Do you really think that these anti-theatre people all of a sudden decided they want to work with the Friends on the theatre restoration? Give me a break! Just look at Challenger’s post’s I put above…Now he suddenly says he’s thinking “in line” with the Friends? Give me a break!!!

Who says the RSC plan is dead? I saw recent post about talks with Rich Curto, isn’t that correct? Also, if more funding was found to pay for the theatre, couldn’t RSC do their development with less units/floors? Sure it could! They would have less money to put up for the project that way! I don’t have to do ANY soul searching. I have been in the theatre long before you and a lot of others, not that it matters, but my loyalty has NEVER wavers, some can say militant if they want, but I DO NOT want to see historic building destroyed. I was referred to as a “preservationist”, I did not call myself that. But by definition, I guess I am one, and proud to be!! I have seen towns such as Schaumburg make an effort to save historic buildings, then tear them down, only to truly regret in years down the road. They had a “Town Square”, destroyed it, then years later built a new one, very smiliar to what was there before, only at a cost of tens of millions more! I have also seen towns that do not have a downtown spend huge sums of money to try to grow one, but they still lack the charm that Lombard COULD HAVE!

Preservationist? Sure. Harasser? No. Dedicated? Yes. Militant? Call it that if you want, but “old-timers” among the Friends remember Doug, never being afraid to stand and speak up, and people listened. He left us, and the attitude became “the Village will do the right thing” look what happened, they did the right thing alright, but for whom?

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 4:18 pm

Again, I must ask, are Ms. Dynako’s actions in requesting meetings with those against the theatre supported by the membership and Board of the F.O.T.D.T.?

Melders, you can ask that people don’t post and I commend you for it, but there has to be some one on here to refute claims by the anti-theatre crowd. Look how I disproved two of them pretty easily. Apparently, these are the people the Friends now want to talk to, which it a recipe for diaster if you ask me.

I’m back from the zoo, and no, the leopard’s spots didn’t change, but it PROMISED not to tear me limb from limb if I got too close. (Isn’t that what the anti-theatre crowd is trying to do with their fake olive branches?) You can get hit with a branch and it hurts just as much as a fist, don’t you agree?

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 4:14 pm

Again, I must ask, are Ms. Dynako’s actions in requesting meetings with those against the theatre supported by the membership and Board of the F.O.T.D.T.?

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 12:31 pm

Bye for now, I’m on my way to the zoo to make sure a leopard still can’t change its spots…Apparently a few Friends think they can…

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 12:30 pm

My only argument is that this plan was ‘fully funded’ six years ago, then 5 years , then 4,3,2 years ago…your current plan was altered twice this year. I, for one, am not buying it. There are too many “if’s” as paul said. The Illinois first money is questionable at best, plus the rest of money is NOT guaranteed. My fear is that restoration will begin, funding will fall short, and we (taxpayers) will be left footing the bill."

“You guys had 6 years. This current plan stinks. 86 condo’s in a too small area.
My vision for saving it. Remove the marquee, ticket booth, etc. Develop the block (Library or other)only if the stuff removed is incorporated into it.”
posted by Challenger on Aug 3, 2005 at 1:56pm

“As for the rest of you "theatre-preservationist” don’t start bashing me until you have all the facts. As far as preservation goes, if this can be done with no TIF’s or taxpayer money than I would support it 100%, but we all know that won’t happen. IF the building gets torn down than I do support saving the marquee for other uses. “
posted by Challenger on Jul 27, 2005 at 6:33am

Boy, that sounds to me like you were “thinking along those lines” about restoration ans selling the south lot…

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 11:36 am

No problem Duper, glad I could be of service. Sure, there are over 500 different hits coming up, but only ONE for the correct combination of Jayme Warnock.. What about her claims to be 18? True Class (nice name, where have I seen that before?) you said you two e-mailed into the wee hours, why didn’t you use a phone? Would it not have been easier than banging away at a computer? Even if there were people in 5 states, how many also have Defino conected to them? Now you are trying to say to “move on to the restoration topic” why’t that, because yoyu were outsmarted and exposed? Again, if “Jayme” is so against the theatre, why has she not spoken up at a Board meeting? I’ll move on to resto, sure, as long as that’s what’s talked about. NOT claims of harassment, vandalism, etc, that some of you have posted…

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 2:49 am

Do you know what? I really LOVE Google. It’s great!! Put in a person’s name and BOOM instany search engine. I put in the name of an ALLEGED “18 year old girl” I ALLEGEDLY sent harassing e-mails to and look what I found…Apparently, she must be some sort of prodigy (you wouldn’t know it from her language) since she GRADUATED FROM PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN 1999! Look at this link… Go to the grads from 1999, last column, there she is!! So much for being 18. While we’re on the subject of Purdue, look at this pic, see if there’s any names we all know… Look at the guy on the far right—recognize him? What an amazing coincidence, isn’t it? Oh my, I should have been a detective!!!!

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 12:56 am

You forgot to mention I am also the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Father Time AND the Walrus!! coo coo ka choo!!

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 12:50 am

And I don’t see where it was Jim Devitt who said anything about Jayme living in sin, in fact, it was an anti-theatre poster who brought it up in the first place!!!

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 12:41 am

By the way Ms. Dynako, I’m still waiting to hear if it’s the Friends offical stance to make nice-nice and talk to these people who love to lie and decieve?

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 12:40 am

Are you wasting your time here? Sure you are, this web site has been polluted by these anti-theatre people. Look at what they have done on this board by spreading lies and deceit about the theatre as well as people. They pick people apart right down to their spelling! Look at all the other threads on here, they don’t tear up some one not putting I before E!! Then they turn an 18 year old loose, and suddenly they make people trying to defend themselves to be the bad guy. Any one remember her famous “Maybe someone out there will understand that this man is the sperm of the devil.” as well as “LET’S EXPOSE THIS PUNK FOR GOOD”. That’s okay, but a few people trying to be accused of being the same one is okay?

SPELLING ALERT!! SPELLING ALERT!! Challenger just said “ believe that if somebody came forward witha $10 million dollar check and there was little or no risk to the Village or the taxpayers, they would reconsider.” WITHA??? WITHA?? WITHA is not a word, there is a spelling error, therefore, Challenger is then Duper Supporter, DupageDude, TheMurph and who knows how many other names he uses, I checked the IP address, and they all came back to the same person! WHatever happened to Jayme’s claims that a myriad of people were all the same? She was confronted with it, then she ran and hit, the poor girl…

If there’s spelling errors in here, SUE ME!!!

DuPageDude commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 18, 2005 at 7:42 pm

Why does this board continue to listen to an immature 18 yoer-old who makes outrageous claims? I don’t know any Dan Murphy, I am not Dan Murphy, nor am I DuperSupporter or any one else!!! I thought this thread was about saving the theatre, not grammar and spelling…Ovbiously you all can understand the idea behind the posts. I think we all need to meet at Lombard Common and have a bitg town-wide group hug. We can all sink Kumbaya and roast marshmallows…