Comments from robinmitcham

Showing 126 - 150 of 188 comments

robinmitcham commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Feb 25, 2010 at 5:57 pm

Hahaha…I didn’t know his Dad, but I’m glad Bill was there to warn me about him!!!

I will keep checking on the Add A Photo thing…I will add the pictures as soon as it will let me.

robinmitcham commented about Imperial Theatre on Feb 23, 2010 at 8:06 pm

Mike, you have inspired me! When I first saw all the stories you have posted on here It made me think that I used to write little notes about things on my calendars. I wondered if I ever made notes about things that happened at the theatres. Well, I found those calendars tonight and I was shocked!!! I’ve only gotten to where the Imperial closed, but how about this? I wrote down every movie that played while I worked there! How about this from September 20,1981…the night it closed… I sold 240 tickets that night and the last ticket number was 411409.

robinmitcham commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Feb 23, 2010 at 6:49 pm

Why does that name just keep coming up lately??? Grrrr… LOL

robinmitcham commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Feb 23, 2010 at 4:39 pm

That’s great Mike! You know my Dad worked at the drive ins before I was born. He had friends in the business forever. I remember going to the Hilltop on some Saturday mornings to play when I was little. I think his name was Harold Ferguson used to let my brothers shoot their bb guns and ride their little motorcycle over there. He would feed us bbq sandwiches at the concession stand. We thought it was so funny cause he put them in hotdog buns. No southern mama ever made sandwiches in hotdog buns! LOL

robinmitcham commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Feb 22, 2010 at 7:55 pm

It’s not hard work Mike and I don’t mind doing it. Black and white pictures should be ok…after I scan them I try to edit them to make them look the best I can. Sometimes it helps a lot.

robinmitcham commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Feb 22, 2010 at 5:42 pm

Hahaha…glad you like them…I’ll put on whatever you can get me copies of. BTW…you know we said we were going to have another reunion, but we never decided who was gouing to put it together…WHO??? I’ll do whatever.

robinmitcham commented about Promenade Theatre on Feb 22, 2010 at 5:38 pm

No…never worked there. Only went to see movies there…Star Wars…Grease :)

robinmitcham commented about Promenade Theatre on Feb 22, 2010 at 5:12 pm

Keep it all Mike…I know it’s in good hands:)

robinmitcham commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Feb 22, 2010 at 5:09 pm

Hahaha…I don’t even remember that…but I did want to let you know that you now officially have Columbia 1 & 2 pictures online!!! Check em out folks!

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 21, 2010 at 3:18 pm

Hahaha…let’s be nice to Mike…times have changed for all of us!

I have pictures inside the lobby and concession area…none from inside the theatre. If I can get copies of the ones Mike and Bill have, I will be glad to post them.

Everyone seemed to like the pictures I have where we were playing around with the Annie standees one day. We posed them in different areas of the theatre…funny!

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 21, 2010 at 11:35 am

Mike…I hope you took the pictures you wanted to make copies of. I started looking for them after you left and couldn’t find them…and I promised you I wouldn’t lose them!!! Hahaha I guess you knew I was going to anyway:)

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 21, 2010 at 11:32 am

Of course! We had to take a picture of the toast to you! It was a really fun night. Lots of pictures and stories. Even some stories some of us didn’t want to talk about…LOL A few people couldn’t come at the last minute, but now we have plans in the works for a BIG reunion. Can’t wait!

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 21, 2010 at 8:25 am

I uploaded these to a different site…hope it works…

View link

let me know if you can’t get to the pictures.

robinmitcham commented about Promenade Theatre on Feb 20, 2010 at 1:28 pm

Well…that’s what I wanted to tell you. Robert passed away about four years ago. It was very sudden and unexpected. I would have liked to let you all know when it happened, but I had no idea how to contact any of you. He always thought so much of his Promenade crew.

robinmitcham commented about Promenade Theatre on Feb 19, 2010 at 6:56 pm

Hahaha…who is the bowler then???

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 19, 2010 at 6:43 pm

We will let you know tlsloews…I got started on some posting over at Phipps…going to have to think about some more.

robinmitcham commented about Phipps Plaza 1 & 2 and Penthouse Theatre on Feb 19, 2010 at 6:40 pm

We had a great time at this theatre. Again, no official titles…just supervisors. Cathy, Kim, and I got moved here when Plitt sold their theatres in Augusta. Mr. A was glad to have us there because he knew we would do all of his work for him. LOL He told us we could make the schedule and have as many hours as we wanted…we worked plenty! We were scheduled to get there at 9 to do paperwork and answer phones. Most days we were late. Haha What could he say? Most days we worked til closing…the theatre was our life. We worked with a great bunch of people and loved every minute of it. I’ll have to think of some stories to add.

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 19, 2010 at 6:30 pm

Mike…it looks like that’s about what it will be. Diane is still checking on Tom. I have an idea though. Maybe we can start making plans for a BIG reunion while we are here…what do you think???

robinmitcham commented about Imperial Theatre on Feb 18, 2010 at 7:29 pm

After Saturday I might have to be National Hills 12344! I started out at the concession stand at the Imperial, but had moved on to the box office by the time it closed. We got moved out to National Hills where I started at concession again and eventually worked box office there too. Most of the time I was there we didn’t have a manager or an assistant…just Mr. A as city manager. They hired two managers for a short period of time…one was fired for “borrowing” money from the safe and the other one couldn’t handle the stress and quit. Cathy and I ran the theatre, but never had any official management titles. He let us call ourselves supervisors. He loved us because we did all of his work for him for little more than minimum wage. I took care of the banking and stuff in the mornings, we opened, closed, did inventory, paperwork…well everything. We loved it because he left us alone. We did our work, but we had lots of fun too!

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 18, 2010 at 7:14 pm

I tried to add a picture here the other day, but it says that feature is not working right now. That’s why I put them on that other site and sent you the links. Bill just called to get directions…he is as crazy as ever! Haha I can’t wait to see y'all!!!

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 18, 2010 at 5:32 pm

Mike…I got the pictures today. Where did you get the one of National Hills opening night? I laughed so hard at those uniforms…and we thought the tacky vests were bad! It is a great picture though. Anyway, I need to know how you want me to post them. Do you want me to add them to my slideshow on that site? Will you be able to link to them? Let me know. BTW…how are you at movie trivia? I think I’m going to be sorry I asked. LOL

robinmitcham commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Feb 17, 2010 at 1:04 pm

I think things would have just blown over if our city manager hadn’t made such a big deal out of it. I think he was just mad because he felt left out. He liked to think of himself as our “Dad”. Haha

robinmitcham commented about Imperial Theatre on Feb 17, 2010 at 12:57 pm

Hahaha…I’ll work on that!

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 16, 2010 at 6:59 pm

we’ll gang up on them Saturday and talk them into it!

robinmitcham commented about National Hills Theatre on Feb 16, 2010 at 6:29 pm

I’m going to tell a little story here so you will know exactly who Diane is. She was a real people person, so much so that Mr. A chose her to dress up as a clown for our summer kid shows. This earned her the nickname “Plitto the Clown”. Well one thing led to another and Plitto started to sing…the only problem was Diane couldn’t sing. She kept us laughing with her awful singing and finally told us that she was having a concert at the theatre…and she did. Funniest thing ever! Well, a few months later she decided to have a bigger and better concert. I’m talking formal dresses, a stage , and even her name on the marquee to announce her show. (Yes, I have pictures to prove it) I’ve never seen Bobby Worley change a marquee so fast! Good times!