Comments from DuPagefiends

Showing 151 - 175 of 300 comments

DuPagefiends commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Mar 30, 2006 at 3:30 am

Here is an article from the Daily Herald about the Wheaton:

DuPagefiends commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Feb 13, 2006 at 6:20 am

Here is an update on the lawsuit:

View link

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 7, 2005 at 4:55 am

Dear Neighbor,

I, too, got ripped for my 9/13/05 suggestion that a new group be formed to explore other options to save the theatre. A group that will not resort to making threats or name-calling. One that will work WITH the Village and not AGAINST it. The friends burned too many bridges. We are 54 days away from 2006 and year 7 of this debacle.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 7, 2005 at 4:11 am

Dear True Class, insanity, melders, and Neighbor,

DO NOT respond to duper, dude, toni, or Rita’s post anymore.
They are just antagonists who must always get the last word in.
Look at dupers posts:
posted by duper supporter on Nov 6, 2005 at 4:59pm
posted by duper supporter on Nov 6, 2005 at 5:08pm
posted by duper supporter on Nov 6, 2005 at 5:45pm
posted by duper supporter on Nov 6, 2005 at 5:49pm
posted by duper supporter on Nov 6, 2005 at 5:54pm
posted by duper supporter on Nov 6, 2005 at 6:08pm
posted by duper supporter on Nov 6, 2005 at 6:10pm
7 posts in an hour and they were all mind-numbing.
This is just a guy with no life and nothing better to do.
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear, does it make a sound?

Stop Posting and these guys will disappear

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 8:12 am

Toni, why don’t you say anything about dupers mindless rantings? He is logged on this page all day and just waits for somebody to post and immediately follows up that post with some nonsense rambling. He always has to get the last word in.

He is a old bitter man with nothing better to do. His agenda is NOT one of preservation, but political. His agenda is a vendetta against one Trustee.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 4:27 am

Toni, hate to break it to you but they are not insults..they are facts. That’s a big difference.

“Those four trustees slammed the door…” That’s finger-pointing. Nobody wants to work with your group anymore. I can’t even watch the first 15 minutes of Board meetings knowing that a member(s) of your group will get up and give a speech.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 3:22 am

Toni we weren’t “bickering in any place possible” as you stated. That message board is for all Lombard residents to use if they so please. There are other topics besides the theatre. Several of us were posting back and forth like normal adults and dude starts posting his rantings about the theatre. So before you attack me go back and read it again. Tell your fellow friend to saty off that site then. He started the attacks back in January and he gets what he deserved.

Why don’t you scroll up and read my 9/13/05 message on this Board. I suggested a new type of strategy that might help save the theatre and got ripped for suggesting it.

DuPagefiends commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 3:13 am

Here’s an article from today’s (11/1/05) Daily Herald related to this theatre

View link

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 31, 2005 at 2:16 pm

toni, the diapers and paper clip comments were well deserved…as you can see while your buddie (aka dude) was out on his hunting trip there were NO posts on the other site. The other site has many different topics but no matter what you post, devit jumps on board and write some rude comments. For instance, several of us were discussing the White Sox World Series victory and jumps on and start comparing their ballpark to the Theatre…seriously. The rest of us had enough of him. Maybe you should scroll around that website and read his posts before you stand behind him with your support. It’s no wonder this plan failed.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 31, 2005 at 7:40 am

Melders, the issue with the property values stems from the fact that, according to the plan, adjacent to the Theatre was to be a 5-story condo that would have been “L” shaped. Part of the building would have been 8 feet off the back of the neighboring street. Currently there is nothing on the lot and I don’t think anybody wanted a 5-story building looming over there property.

Melders also just quoted this regarding dupage dude “If you want to shut off inane comments, why don’t you try to get Dupage Dude or Concerned Taxpayer 2 to quit posting?”….but then he responds to him.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 28, 2005 at 3:39 am

HDTV, I, along with several other so called “anti theatre” posters, have contacted the moderators multiple times and have been told they are actively monitoring the content of this dialogue. And you are right that it is a waste of bandwidth but then isn’t much of the web?

As for the use of tax dollars as brought up civilly by Ms. Dynako, as compared to the constant ranting of others, Save Our Treasures and tax credits are a great addition to the project when combined with private investment. There is, simply, next to no private equity in the theatre project. It is nearly 98 percent “taxpayer intervention” in some way, shape, or form. The project should be at least 51% private investment so that the risk is placed first on the investors and not the taxpayers.

And you are right that we should start lobbying for change….for some of the ridiculous government funding to instead be funneled to key things like health care and equalization of education funding. And don’t think that I have not lobbied for that with many, many local, state, and federal officials for the past ten plus years. And it is because of the reliance that local schools all across Illinois have on local property tax revenues that I am a watchdog on TIF abuse. TIF applied correctly is a win-win but this theatre project is certainly over reliant on TIF funding. Did you read about the TIF stunt they pulled in affluent Oakbrook? Unreal and yes I did send multiple letters objecting to it…because that project greatly impacts Lombard with the added traffic congestion and “competition” for sales tax dollars with the Yorktown and Fountain Square developments. With that new Oakbrook development we get all the congestion and none of the benefits.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 11:25 am

So what has all this sniping got you? Nothing as usual. Demolition was decided on June 2 and all you guys have done in file a lawsuit. Meanwhile your rsc plan is outdated because construction was already to have begun. A guess (estimate?) would be about $100,000 increase in cost each month that goes by. Take into account rising interest rates and gasoline was $1.75 (costs passed onto the consumer) when this project was supposed to start, etc..

So we are 5 months over and even with your 6 month cooling off period (if granted) now another $1 million (give or take $100K). Plus the TIF would need to get passed and the variances need to get approved. Considering the plan was questionable (at best) in the first place, have you guys figured out where the rest of the Money will come from?

Taking all this into account we would be deep into 2006. So in reality do you still think this can be done. If so…How? (No sniping)

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:43 am

Ray calm down!!! The Village said $500K. Prove it wrong Ray

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:05 am

All one has to do is hang around the parking lot at the DuPage theatre to figure out who I am…Nothing more than a taxpayer and a commuter who is sick of looking at the theatre and sick of listening to you guys and your failed attempts. You are all a bunch of frauds. 6:10 train pulls in at 6:45 p.m. Meet me there Devitt and we can talk about the theatre

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 9:34 am

Sorry there’s no revelation. I live in District 6, and am not a trustee. Just another attempt by the friends with their smear campaign. You can make more friends with honey than you can with vinegar.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 8:56 am

Hey rey mazolini…i thought that babbling might be you

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 8:39 am

boo hoo duper stupid….apples and oranges. What does the park district or norwood have to do with the theatre.

Smokescreens don’t work

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 7:55 am

duper stupid, seeing that I am a taxpayer in this town I guess I contribute everyday. The Village has reportedly dumped over $500,000 into the theatre. Plus that safety fence around it is not free…more tax dollars wasted.

Plus how can I contribute seeing as there has not been a fundraiser in over a year?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 7:28 am

Duper, I have donated already. So much for your anti-preservationist theories.

Dude, you yourself said regarding the lights on the prarie path? “Why can’t we (taxpayers) pay for the theatre?”

hdtv267, why don’t you tell the “preservationist” (one of whom is logged on this site all day) to get off their rear-ends and start trying to save the theatre. The administrators of this website are well aware of this theatre and these postings. If they had a problem they would lock us out. Don’t whine to us, and complain to them.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 6:13 am

dud (aka JD), so at least you admit that those were your quotes. Otherwise how would you know that there were more to those quotes?

Further proof (not that we need it):
Why would be 1 year since the last fundraiser?
because fundraisers are hard and the same 200 people were sick of being the ONLY people to go to the fundraisers. Thus some genius said “why have fundraisers when we could have the taxpayers pay for the whole thing” End of story!

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 5:59 am

You have been exposed as a fraud time and time again. It was you who was quoted “why have fundraisers when we could have the taxpayers pay for the whole thing”

Remember your quote when you were crying about the lights on the prarie path? “Why can’t we (taxpayers) pay for the theatre?”

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 5:38 am

dupage DUD…This is the Dupage site not the mall site. Take your smokescreen somewhere else.

Anybody else notice that everytime duper logs off, dude logs on and posts, and vice-versa.

All you arm-chair preservationists that read his posting are just as big a fool as the guy posting. Why don’t you call him out like the rest of us “anti-taxpayer funded theatre” people have done. (that means you melders)

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 5:29 am

duper stuper….nice comeback!!!

CT2 answered you stupid question so quit asking it.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 4:55 am

Dupage dud also quoted this: “Does anyone remember when people on this site used to actually post about theatre restoration instead of having to defend themselves against wildly false accusations,…”

All one has to do is start with the first quote at the top of this message board and scroll down to the 11th message and see this message board NEVER about only theatre restoration.

Ct2 and everybody else…we already answered dupers question so just ignore him and maybe he will go away. 98.5% taxpayer intervention

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 3:59 am

Dude (aka Dud) quotes this “and before people were chastised and ridiculed for errors in spelling and grammar?”

Scroll up and read his post from 9/12/05:

By the way, it’s AFFECTED, not EFFECTED. Read more grammar books on break at Mickey D’s instead of comic books!!!
posted by DuPageDude on Sep 12, 2005 at 3:27pm