Ziegfeld Theatre

141 W. 54th Street,
New York, NY 10019

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ZiegfeldMan on May 23, 2008 at 5:12 am

Re: Digital vs. Film

Yes, I expected that Spielberg was going digital, as well.

But check this out:

View link

AND THEN, check this out, which totally contradicts:


Regardless, what arrived at the Ziegfeld was film and not a hard drive- what do you think is better? The debate goes on!


ZiegfeldMan on May 22, 2008 at 9:20 pm

Indy is Back!!

For opening day, it was very nice to see a line down the street and up the avenue as I exited the 4 PM show. The curtains closed and opened for the feature and the print (on film, not digital) is gorgeous. For me, the movie is “popcorn fun” which is all I wanted—just nice to have Indy AND Marion back, and I loved the ending.
Can it have been better-yes!
Can it have been worse-yes!
Did I have a great time at the Ziegfeld with Indy?


celboy on May 22, 2008 at 9:13 pm

Just came from the 715 opening day Indy 4. It was advertised as digital yet we ended up with film. Was there a problem?

owenspierre81 on May 22, 2008 at 8:44 am

I have a good feeling that the Will Smith action comedy HANCOCK will
be shown at the Ziegfeld on July 2nd and then the movie version of
MAMMA MIA on July 18th at the Ziegfeld. Hopefully :)

Here are the Will Smith films that were shoen at the Ziegfeld
7/16/04- I, ROBOT
10/1/04- SHARK TALE

ZiegfeldMan on May 17, 2008 at 5:38 am

Hi Al:

Don’t forget about the next Bond-due in November? Just my opinion, but I’m going into Indy with my expectations under control. After 19 years, Spielberg, et. al., repeatedly said they would get it right. I’m not reading any reviews or posting any here,

“Mr. Neary, What do you want?"
"I just want to know that it’s really happening”


alps on May 16, 2008 at 8:52 pm

I saw the ad too. Now it’s official. We will be at the Ziegfeld on June 14th to see Indy. I am glad I found out about the before it was too late. Fingers are crossed for May 2009, for the opening of STAR TREK!!!!!

Mike (saps)
Mike (saps) on May 16, 2008 at 6:04 pm

Kit Kittridge will be on an exclusive run at the Ziegfeld for 11 days (June 20 to July 1), according to a full-color, full page ad in today’s New York Times.


bruised23 on May 16, 2008 at 11:36 am

Does anyone know how to get information on when red carpet movie premieres are happening here at the Ziegfeld Theatre? Almost every major movie premieres here and I can never find any info on it until it’s already over and its in the news the next day.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

NathanielW on May 13, 2008 at 12:23 am

What I really can’t believe is that they’ve got Kitt Kittredge but not Wall-E. Both Cars and Ratatouille were such good experiences there, so I’m pretty disappointed. Awfully excited about Indy though!

Al Alvarez
Al Alvarez on May 12, 2008 at 6:59 am

If Manhattan theatres still get paid house nuts, it would cost Paramount more to stay on screen at the Zieg after week four than the box office could bring in. It makes more sense to stay on two or three screens on 42nd Street with staggered show times and pull the Ziegfeld print. This is reason it often goes dark between engagements.

During the Cineplex Odeon days there were several distributors willing to support keeping it open, hence the exclusives and the long runs to empty seats.

alps on May 11, 2008 at 7:17 pm

Yes I did,Ziegfeld Man. I saw the second best Bond film, in my opinion, ON HER MAJESTY’S SECRET SERVICE. Iam hoping this is a mistake about Indy’s four weeks, since the film following it, Kit Kittridge could never fill it up, this info I got off of the ticket website. They were wrong before because it said the On Her majesty’s… wasn’t going to play there …and it did.

markp on May 11, 2008 at 7:11 pm

Hey Jeff S, here’s one even better. If a theatre gets say 4 prints, and 1 is a back-up, never used or unsealed from the can, they destroy THAT first, because they don’t know what condition its in, then they go thru all the used ones, save about 100 and destroy the rest. What twisted logic that is. I would think it should be the other way around, but hey, what do I know, I’ve only been a projectionist for 33 years.

JeffS on May 11, 2008 at 5:15 pm

What makes ME sick is they strike 9000 prints, then destroy 90% of them 6 weeks later.

markp on May 11, 2008 at 4:34 pm

You are absolutely right Ziegfeld man. With Indy going to be on 5 to 7 screens at every multiplex in the city and suburbs, the Ziegfeld can’t possibly have it for more then 3 to 4 weeks. As I have been telling everyone I work with at my theatre, I’m sorry to say, but by July 4th, Indy will be pretty much gone, maybe running a screen here or there, but that’s it. In todays movie industry, its get out 9000 prints, run it, get 2 to 3 weeks out of it, and off to DVD we go. It makes me sick.

ZiegfeldMan on May 11, 2008 at 2:39 pm


Here’s another unfortunate complication. There was a time when the Ziegfeld would have an “exclusive” or almost an “exclusive” on a picture, and it would be a pleasure to see a line around the block and a packed auditorium. Indy is having a massive opening, and unlike you and I, many people do not really care where they see a film, even though the Ziegfeld experience is unique.

The bottom line is that even if Indy is a big success, for how long can you fill around a thousand seats for five shows a day?

As I have said here many times, I’m grateful that the place, which really is a “white elephant” given its size, has not vanished or been subdivided. I also miss the Astor Plaza and movies at Radio City (where I actually saw the premiere of “The Abyss.”)

I hope you got to see some of the recent classics and that there will be more of them. It is really a pleasure to see these on the Ziegfeld screen.


alps on May 11, 2008 at 2:07 pm

One other thing, Dreamgirls was Paramount, and it played for months.

alps on May 11, 2008 at 1:49 pm

It’s called a type-o, Mr. Fencsak. But, thank you for pointing that out. Thank you, Ziegfeld Man.

ZiegfeldMan on May 11, 2008 at 12:37 pm

To Al:

My apologies-although the Ziegfeld Man wishes he had control over this unfortunately he doesn’t. Since we’ve all been waiting 19 years for Indy to return to the Ziegfeld, do what you have to do to be there. As they say, nobody on his death bed regrets not spending enough time in the office. Or something like that.

See you there, hat and whip in hand!!! It’ll be amazing.

moviebuff82 on May 11, 2008 at 12:25 pm

This is because Paramount has a deal that only allows a movie to be shown for three or four weeks at select theaters, probably single screen theaters who want to show one movie a month. This was a practice given to Paramount’s previous summer release, Iron Man. Also, you misspelled Ziegfeld wrong, al pettiford.

alps on May 10, 2008 at 7:42 pm

I had planned my third viewing of INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL ON June 21ST, now I found out that it won’t be showing on that day, because Kit Kittridge will be playing. How can a film such as this only play for four weeks? I need the Ziegfeld Man to look into this!!!!! With the Astor Plaza gone and the SamEric in Philadelphia, were I have seen all the Indy Films, I may have to move the Ziefeld screening up which will be difficult.

moviebuff82 on May 8, 2008 at 6:03 pm

yup. Hopefully Indiana Jones won’t whip up the ticket price!!!

Bill Huelbig
Bill Huelbig on May 8, 2008 at 7:12 am

Glad to see the Ziegfeld page is up and running once again. I just wanted to report that the ticket price has gone down since the last time I saw a new movie there. “Iron Man”, which was very good by the way, cost $12, down from $14 for “Shine a Light”. I guess the Rolling Stones were the ones responsible for the price gouging.

Coate on April 29, 2008 at 8:25 pm

Part III: The 1990s

Cineplex Odeon: 1990-98
Loews Cineplex: 1998
Clearview Cinemas: 1998-99

02.23.1990 … MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON (8 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
04.20.1990 … CHATTAHOOCHIE (4 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
05.18.1990 … BIRD ON A WIRE (6 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
06.27.1990 … DAYS OF THUNDER (6 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
08.10.1990 … FLATLINERS (5 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
09.14.1990 … POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE (5 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
10.19.1990 … WHITE PALACE (4 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
11.16.1990 … HOME ALONE (3 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
12.07.1990 … EDWARD SCISSORHANDS (9 weeks, 70mm-Cinema Digital Sound)

02.08.1991 … SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY (3 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
03.01.1991 … THE DOORS (8 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
04.26.1991 … SPARTACUS (RE, 4 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo SR)
05.24.1991 … BACKDRAFT (4 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
06.21.1991 … DYING YOUNG (3 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
07.12.1991 … CITY SLICKERS (MO, 4 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
08.09.1991 … PURE LUCK (3 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
08.30.1991 … THE COMMITMENTS (12 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
11.22.1991 … FOR THE BOYS (5 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
12.25.1991 … THE PRINCE OF TIDES (5 weeks, Dolby Stereo)

01.31.1992 … SHINING THROUGH (3 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
02.21.1992 … RADIO FLYER (2 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
03.06.1992 … THE LAWNMOWER MAN (4 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
04.03.1992 … THUNDERHEART (2 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
04.15.1992 … CITY OF JOY (5 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
05.22.1992 … FAR AND AWAY (6 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
07.01.1992 … A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN (4 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
07.31.1992 … DEATH BECOMES HER (8 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
09.23.1992 … MR. SATURDAY NIGHT (13 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
12.25.1992 … HOFFA (5 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)

01.29.1993 … A FEW GOOD MEN (MO, 2 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
02.12.1993 … GROUNDHOG DAY (5 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
03.19.1993 … TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES III (5 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
04.23.1993 … BENNY & JOON (MO, 3 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
05.14.1993 … LOST IN YONKERS (4 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
06.11.1993 … JURASSIC PARK (14 weeks, DTS)
09.17.1993 … THE AGE OF INNOCENCE (8 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
11.10.1993 … CARLITO’S WAY (7 weeks, DTS)
12.25.1993 … HEAVEN & EARTH (6 weeks, Dolby Digital)

02.04.1994 … I’LL DO ANYTHING (6 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
03.18.1994 … THE REMAINS OF THE DAY (RE, 1 week, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
03.25.1994 … THE PAPER (6 weeks, DTS)
05.06.1994 … THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT! III (6 weeks, DTS)
06.17.1994 … WOLF (4 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
07.15.1994 … TRUE LIES (10 weeks, 70mm-Dolby Stereo SR)
09.21.1994 … MY FAIR LADY (RE, 1 week, 70mm-Dolby Stereo)
09.30.1994 … THE RIVER WILD (6 weeks, DTS)
11.11.1994 … INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (9 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)

01.13.1995 … LEGENDS OF THE FALL (10 weeks, Dolby Stereo SR)
03.24.1995 … THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION (MO, 2 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
04.07.1995 … ROB ROY (7 weeks, DTS)
05.24.1995 … BRAVEHEART (5 weeks, DTS)
06.30.1995 … APOLLO 13 (14 weeks, DTS)
10.07.1995 … STRANGE DAYS (5 weeks, Dolby Digital)
11.10.1995 … TO DIE FOR (MO, 2 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
11.22.1995 … CASINO (6 weeks, DTS)

01.05.1996 … 12 MONKEYS (6 weeks, DTS)
02.16.1996 … CITY HALL (5 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
03.22.1996 … DIABOLIQUE (3 weeks, Dolby Digital)
04.12.1996 … FEAR (10 weeks, DTS)
05.17.1996 … JANE EYRE (2 weeks, Dolby Stereo)
05.31.1996 … DRAGONHEART (2 weeks, DTS)
06.14.1996 … MOLL FLANDERS (3 weeks, DTS)
07.03.1996 … INDEPENDENCE DAY (10 weeks, DTS)
09.13.1996 … theater closed (3 weeks)
10.06.1996 … VERTIGO (RE, 6 weeks, 70mm-DTS)
11.15.1996 … THE MIRROR HAS TWO FACES (5 weeks, SDDS)
12.20.1996 … GHOSTS OF MISSISSIPPI (6 weeks, SDDS)

01.31.1997 … STAR WARS (RE, “Special Edition,” 3 weeks, DTS)
02.21.1997 … THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (RE, “Special Edition,” 3 weeks, DTS)
03.14.1997 … RETURN OF THE JEDI (RE, “Special Edition,” 6 weeks, DTS)
04.25.1997 … VOLCANO (4 weeks, DTS)
05.23.1997 … THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK (12 weeks, DTS)
08.15.1997 … COP LAND (6 weeks, Dolby Digital)
09.26.1997 … THE PEACEMAKER (5 weeks, DTS)
10.31.1997 … RED CORNER (2 weeks, DTS)
11.14.1997 … ANASTASIA (6 weeks, Dolby Digital)
12.25.1997 … THE POSTMAN (3 weeks, SDDS)

01.16.1998 … HARD RAIN (2 weeks, DTS)
01.30.1998 … GREAT EXPECTATIONS (7 weeks, Dolby Digital)
03.20.1998 … PRIMARY COLORS (8 weeks, SDDS)
05.15.1998 … BULWORTH (5 weeks, Dolby Digital)
06.19.1998 … THE X-FILES (5 weeks, DTS)
07.24.1998 … SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (8 weeks, DTS)
09.18.1998 … ONE TRUE THING (2 weeks, DTS)
10.02.1998 … WHAT DREAMS MAY COME (3 weeks, DTS)
10.23.1998 … PLEASANTVILLE (3 weeks, DTS)
11.13.1998 … MEET JOE BLACK (6 weeks, DTS)
12.23.1998 … THE THIN RED LINE (12 weeks, Dolby Digital)

03.19.1999 … RAVENOUS (1 week, Dolby Digital)
03.26.1999 … SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE (MO, 4 weeks, Dolby Digital)
04.23.1999 … PUSHING TIN (4 weeks, Dolby Digital)
05.19.1999 … STAR WARS: EPISODE Iâ€"THE PHANTOM MENACE (18 weeks, Dolby Digital)
09.24.1999 … JAKOB THE LIAR (3 weeks, SDDS)
10.15.1999 … THE STORY OF US (6 weeks, DTS)
11.24.1999 … END OF DAYS (3 weeks, DTS)
12.17.1999 … ANNA AND THE KING (7 weeks, Dolby Digital)

Bill Huelbig
Bill Huelbig on April 27, 2008 at 9:52 pm

It sure was a thrill seeing my favorite James Bond movie, “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”, at the Ziegfeld tonight. Except for some sound issues in the final reel, the print was in first-class condition. It even had the animated United Artists logo from 1969 (“Entertainment from Transamerica Corporation”) which I haven’t seen in years.

This movie opened the same week the Ziegfeld opened its doors for the first time, in December 1969. The Ziegfeld was showing “Marooned” at the time – it took 39 years but they finally screened “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”.

Giles on April 23, 2008 at 8:21 am

sorry that last statement from me was referring to Jeff S' comment.