Comments from Bway

Showing 2,001 - 2,025 of 3,245 comments

Bway commented about Boulton Center for the Performing Arts on Jun 8, 2006 at 6:32 am

Interestingly, while the Boulton Center is mostly a live theater now, they do still show film, and it pays to check their film list every so often. For example, they sometimes do Alfred Hitchcock movies, and here’s their current list, which includes mostly Disney films in this case, but also stuff like ET if anyone wants to see it on the big screen again….

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Bway commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 6:26 am

Could be. I use windows, and they work with windows…. Not sure about Mac.

Bway commented about Bay Shore Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 6:13 am

Robert, your question about the Bay Shore, do you think that was another name for either the Bay Shore or the Regent?

Bway commented about Island Cinemas on Jun 8, 2006 at 6:12 am

This theater was originally an Supermarket, an A&P.

Bway commented about Regal Ronkonkoma Stadium 9 on Jun 8, 2006 at 6:00 am

I agree. While I like the Island 16 better (it’s more state of the art), the Ronkonkoma is less of a hassle, and quite comfortable. Like I said above, the Ronkonkoma was quite state of the art itself when it first opened. It was the first stadium theater i was in to that point.

Bway commented about East Islip Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:55 am

Ray, your “updated” photo doesn’t work anymore either. But I agree, a photo of the fire would be interesting.

Bway commented about Movieland Cinemas on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:53 am

Interestingly, this theater still putters on and both the Brookhaven and Coram Multiplexes have both been closed, and replaced themselves.

Bway commented about Islip Cinemas on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:52 am

The Islip always seems to have people standing out front, so hopefully they continue to do a good buiness. it’s not easy for a theater like this (or the Sayville) to survive with all the multiplexes around.

Bway commented about Noel S. Ruiz Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:51 am

6 seats missing out of 400 is not to bad of a guess.

Bway commented about Sayville Theater on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:48 am

I wonder if they will get it. Hopefully the buyer will keep it a theater.

Bway commented about UA The Movies at Coram on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:48 am

This theater property is currently in shambles. It’s a good thing that it’s somewhat hidden from the road, blocked by some trees, as if there were no trees it would be a real eyesore.

Bway commented about Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:47 am

I remember when this used to play rereleases of somewhat older movies…at least movies that were out of the theater for a while.

Bway commented about Century's 110-Drive-In on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:46 am

Haha, Bob, it’s hard to imagine a theater going from an X movie one week to a G the next! I hope they cleaned the seats in between, haha.

Bway commented about Shirley Twin Theater on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:44 am

I remember that Howard Johnsons. It became Guido McMurphy’s afterwards, and some years ago was torn down to build the Boston Market that is there now.
The Bohack became Odd Lot, but it may have been another supermarket in between.

Bway commented about Whitney Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:39 am

Here’s an aerial view that shows the site of the old Whitney, next to the Fresh Pond station, and also that small minimart lot next to it that we discussed above:

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Bway commented about Century Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:35 am

Moondog, that may have been a different Century Theater.

Bway commented about Knickerbocker Casino Theater on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:34 am

Lost, it appears to be space for two buildings when I drove by there, so yes, it should be (or have been in the past) a double lot.

Bway commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:30 am

Thanks, so the address at the type of this page is obviously wrong (again, it would be in the middle of Flushing creek).
On a theater as famous as this one (probably ranking up there with the Valencia, Kings, etc), it should have the correct address!

Bway commented about Acme Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:25 am

Warren, it would be great, as its very hard to keep up with what is going on without that. I have often wished for that feature. Perhaps it should be suggested in a section we know the webmasters will see, like perhaps the “update your email” news item, or perhaps a personal email.
This is one of the reason I was upset when I stopped recieving the “someone just responded” emails, as I was totally cut off from the site by that point, and would have no clue if anyone posted a message in a theater I iwas interested in, unless I randomly checked every theater I am interested in, but that would be insane. Now I am stuck with the task of putting a message (slowly day by day) in theaters I am interested in, as otherwise there’s no way to know if someone commented. Luckily, I am slowly getting back on the email lists for anything I recently commented in, but anything I commented in before May 25th, and haven’t commented in since is cut off for me.

So a feature like warren suggests would be great. Or even a “Notify me when someone comments in this theater” feature, that could be clicked whether the person wanting the emails could check, regardless of if they already commented in the theater.

Bway commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:17 am

Oh, by the way, when these links come up, “x” out the left side (with the ad on the left), as that will give you a bigger view of the link, especially in the first link, where you can’t see the theater unless you do that.

Bway commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 5:14 am

What is the true address of this theater? The top of the page says 129-43 Northern Blvd, which would put it in Flushing creek. Lost Memory posted a historic write up on the theater that states, 135-29 to 134-45 Northern Boulevard, Queens. So which is it? None of those addresses let me find it on a map. I had to go into using aerial photos to locate this theater.

Anyway, here’s some local views of the building, the first one eastward facing, with the clear “RKO Flushing” painted on the side, haha…

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Then north facing, showing the front:

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And finally, the back of the building…someone had asked if there was a wall missing, and there doesn’t appear to obe a wall missing, but sometimes looks can be decieving:

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Bway commented about Loew's Oriental Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 4:28 am

Here’s an aerial view of the massive Oriental Theater building:

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Bway commented about Commack Multiplex Cinemas on Jun 8, 2006 at 4:26 am

Vito, so they are actually going to tear the old theater down before they build the new one? It would seem to make more sense to build the new one in the parking lot, and then later tear down the old one when the new one is built. Although I guess that would cause parking problems.

Bway commented about Grandview Theater on Jun 8, 2006 at 4:22 am

Here’s the aerial view for the Grandview Theater. It’s the building with the marquee. The parking lot is where the open air theater used to be.
Now the real question….is this where the Ridgewood Folly Theater once was…Uh, better not get into that again!

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Bway commented about Imperial Theatre on Jun 8, 2006 at 4:02 am

Here’s an aerial view of the old Imperial Theater, which now has been altered into a church. It’s right across from Saratoga Park.

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