Ridgewood Theatre
55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
31 people
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The Ridgewood draws heavily from Brooklyn so I guess it could survive, but they don’t seem to be doing anything to keep it up since they were the only game in town for so long.
They never take any care in the way they display their one sheets in those frames.
Thanks for the recent pix, Warren. I think the stars are just for the holidays.
Perusing LM’s list of top commenters above was informative.Wonder how he found it.
…. Did this site have its IPO on October 6, 2003 ?
Ciao Elvis and LM.
No, it’s crystal clear. I know exactly what you mean. My mother said almost exactly the same thing after her electric schock treatments 40 ½ years ago.
Yes, Lost Memory, I understand. Thanks for the explanation. Does your handle have anything to do with your war experience, as in memories you wish you COULD lose, but haven’t, yet ?
Again, the comments counter is only there as a courtesy. We don’t guarantee its accuracy.
See, Lost Memory ? You learn something new every day !
I rather think you will survive your December Ridgewood trip, and I look forward to reading the observations that you will be posting here.
It would be ironic if, after surviving Vietnam, you did not survive your December Ridgewood trip !
Like Randle P. McMurphy of “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” leading an escape from a Red Chinese prison camp in North Korea, yet falling prey to Big Nurse in the U.S.A.
Thank you, Lost Memory ! Having survived the fires of my youth, I now look forward to my approaching maturity.
You have implicitly wished me the Polish “sto lat !”, which means, may you live to be a hundred ! Thanks !
Yes, take a camera to Ridgewood, but wear a flak jacket to be on the safe side, if you wish. You might wish to question Bway and mrbillyc about their recent experience.
Thanks for the news and the current details of Ridgewood, mrbillyc. I will be back there some time this week. Regards to you, too.
Bushwick has been making a comeback, so how can Ridgewood be far behind ?
Unfortunately, Ridgewoood’s adjoining neighborhood of Bushwick was in the news in a bad way a week ago : the woman who was pushed into her home near Irving, Myrtle and Grove and allegedly raped by two 83rd Precinct police officers.
There was also that news of that man stabbed while coming home to 67-68 Booth Street in Forest Hills.
I get into Ridgewood 3-4 times per month. This past Monday as I approached the Ridgewood Theater I noticed a new cafe style restaurant that has recently opened about two doors west of the theater entrance on Myrtle Avenue. It is atypical of what you find in the neighborhood-it appears to be an upscale, smartly decorated and well lit cafe. I was on the bus and could not catch the name of the place. I have been noticing many small signs of improvement in the past few years and I take this as a good omen for the area. This could only help insure the future of the last remaining theater from Ridgewood’s heyday.
I am also happy to report the renovation of the Myrtle/Wyckoff subway station is moving along and the new tile frieze is an exact reproduction of the original one. I look forward to the final results. Regards to all who grew up in this great neighborhood.
Thanks, Lost Memory ! How did you know that tomorrow is my 50th birthday ?
Is there still a need for Father Guido ? How about those prominent screen priests, Fathers Merrin amd Karras ? Father Flanagan ? How about the priests from “Going My Way” and “Bells Of St. Mary’s” ?
Yeah, yeah, I know, stop with the Pat O'Brien bits ….
By the way, there definitely seems to be a problem with disappearing posts and it isn’t just Lost Memory having issues. I created a listing for the Victory Theater in Bayside, NY and a post from Warren (in fact the only post on that page) has gone missing from the site: /theaters/13793/
Damn, Lost Memory! You’re #1 by a mile! I somehow figured Warren might be runner up. I didn’t even crack the first page (top 35)… but I am at least in the top 50 (#46 as of today), so I’ve something to strive towards.
Seriously, now that I’ve seen the list, I have to give many thanks to all the people who’ve made contributions to this site with their various listings, posts and comments. Kudos in particular to all the regulars (or should I say “the usual suspects”) and NYC experts who have given me such a wonderful education in all matters historical, architectural, technical and ephemeral on a topic that is so very near and dear to my heart. All the detective work to find interesting photos and historical data as well as the anecdotal information and personal recollections have brought so many of these great theaters so vividly to life – reviving memories of my own in some instances and painting beautiful evocations of places I never had a chance to experience first hand in others. This is a fantastic little cyber-community we’ve got going on and I am very thankful to be a part of it. We should all treasure it.
Thanks again.
Lost Memory, you’re welcome to make as many comment as you like!
If you have any missing comments, it’s most likely a technical error of some sort. We certainly have no reason to prevent you from making comments on Cinema Treasures.
Congrats, btw, for being our number one poster!
How do you track the # of comments you have on this website? I don’t see where in my profile or anywhere else it shows how many comments I’ve posted overall. Only a list of theaters in which I’ve ever made comments. Lost… you really ought to try contacting the site to see what happened. Maybe they can fix it?
Lost, why don’t you try emailing one of the webmasters or Bryan? They may not see your message here, as they probably don’t read every post posted under every theater.
Hi, DABOC24. I don’t remember a Jimmy Mahoney from St. Brigid’s, unfortunately.
Hi, April W. Sorry for having been out of touch so long. I know I owe you an e-mail, and I will send you one, soon, I hope.
All I have to say is “OMG”. I stumbled upon this site while searching for some information for my daughter about Ridgewood. I couldn’t stop reading and especially flawed when I read DABOC’s posting because I grew up at 1681 Madison St and remember her and April growing up. I have so many fond memories of the Ridgewood because as a kid our life revolved around it. We played on that side of Madison because nobody lived there. I played Ace, King Queen with Daboc. We played stickball with spauldings purchased from Joe’s Army and Navy store for 11 cents and tried to throw them over the Ridgewood Movie Theater’s roof when they died. Every Wednesday they would push the ladder cart out of the stage entrance and roll it down Madison St to Myrtle and change the marquee. We would try to figure out what the jumbled letters were going to say so we could get in first to see the movie from the children’s sections with the overseeing matron that made sure you stayed in that section. In the summer when I was off from PS 81, they would open the doors to air the theatre. We would sit in the theatre as Smitty and Frank cleaned just to get some relief from the hot summer days. Once in a while the guys would lock us in. And yes when I grew older we figured out a way to sneak in by leaving a door open saving that 50 cent admission. I remember the first movie I saw at night with my Dad and the first time I sat in the balcony was 1963 “How the West was Won”. I also remember the new technology of closed circuit broadcast of the Sonny Liston/ Cassius Clay boxing match and my Dad standing in line to get in. This was a great trip down memory lane.
DABOC- do you remember 5 cent candy at Mike’s deli? Playing Blindman buff inside the gate with those beautiful picket fences? and I do remember the Dave Clark 5 making a personal appearance at the
Ridgewood. And James Brown at the Madison. The Madison is another story. Thanks all for the memories.
In 1968 the Ridgewood was part of this Universal Premiere Presentation for “Countess From Hong Kong"
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I remember well this 1971 re-release of “The House of Wax”. My father took me and 3 of my friends to see it Christmas Week when we were off from school. It seems like an odd holiday release but the Ridgewood was packed. We sat in the blacony because my father wanted to smoke.
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TO MONICA that was FOREST AVNUE EL STATION not dorest(mispell
MONICA—i read your web site and for a young lady you certainly have a love for ridgewood keep up the good work ..i am an old timer age 77 now living in ocala florida email is I AM GOING TO ASK YOU A special FAVOR….i remeber ridgewood in the 1930s and would love to have aphotograph of Dorest Avenue near the train station and an OLD butcher shop about half a block away on the corner near putnam av …it was called i think WILLIAM HARMS MEATS ..if you could take a snapshot i would greatly appreciate it…i do not have your email address yyou could post it on this site or maybe email me as an enclosure many many thanks and bless you william metzelaar another email address is i hope to hear from you on cinema treasures or via email gracias
Hi all,
I have not been on for awhile but checked it out and saw again so many nice memories. First off, April HI! I always remember you living above a toy store I thought that was so great as a kid and if I remember right there was a machine pony you could ride for a coin outside the store. How are you and where are you? I am living in CT now and have been for sometime.
As far as the fire escape goes on the back side of the Ridgewood theatre it was still there when I went back to Ridgewood for a visit after 30 years last summer and I took a picture of it because I used to play on it as a child!!!!!!! With all the names put here online I have to ask if anyone knows about Jimmy Mahoney from St. Brigid’s?
Ooops, typo alert above, I meant the late 80’s, McCrory’s closed, not the late 90’s…..