Comments from 1bobbieh

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1bobbieh commented about Parkway Theatre on Apr 4, 2009 at 1:00 pm

I grew up on 108th and Eggleston and used to frequent the State Theater on Saturday afternoons for the shoot em up shows. After coming out in the sunshine on the way home facing the sun I would end up with the most ferce headaches. But the next week would go back again. I remember that in some candy bars there would be a coupon for a free one. Also ice cream cones would have a paper coupon in the bottom of the cone.
My next door buddy was an usher at the Roseland. (Frank Sink) I don’t remember getting in free though.
I used to ride my bike down to Lake Calumet to fish. But never caught anything of value.
I remember “Pete’s Dock"
I used to go to Gately’s Peoples Store and watch the donut machine. The store moved to Tinley Park later on.
Some years back we took a bus ride into Chicago to see the Frank Loyd Wright homes. We finished up see the old Pullman works and "Bum Town”. Finished going west on 111th street all the way to Vincenes. What a difference from what I remember.
We as teenagers would go to the “O” next to the Parkway and have a Coke and French Fries. The Mocombo was at the corner.This has been fun remembering some of the old times.
Bob Hendry