Comments from acomms

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acomms commented about Video Three Theater on Aug 9, 2008 at 7:11 am

I will post what I know. I am the Grandson to Thomas Griffing. He and his brother owned Video Independent Theatres (VIT) They had built and operated over 100 Theatres. They also owned Vumore that was under VIT’s control. This is all before RKO came into the picture. Vumore was a cable company and attempted to run the first pay per view in Bartlesdale Ok. over cable for first run movies. Henry his wife and 2 grown kids died in a plane crash in 1961 flying from NY to Oklahoma. After this Thomas sold Vumore to RKO as they were getting into the cable industry. The name actually changed from Vumore to Cablecom in the late 60’s early 70’s. My Grandfather died in the early 70’s but my uncle James continued to operate theaters for many years. If you search Vumore or Henry/Tom Griffing alot of information comes up on theaters. Tom also owned Griffing Theaters and Griffing Construction which built theaters. Thanks