Comments from aerowagon

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aerowagon commented about Riverside Mall 8 on Jan 21, 2013 at 2:15 pm

I always cared for Riverside over Sangertown, the seats were better and they had cup holders. Plus Riverside mall was just better overall in my opinion, it had a nicer layout than Sangertown.

aerowagon commented about Riverside Mall 8 on Jan 17, 2013 at 8:44 am

Riverside cinemas closed in April 2005. Shortly after(sometime between closing and when I was there in 08), because of the lack of heat in the building a pipe froze and burst, in turn filling the bulding with water until it started flowing out of the back door and someone noticed.

When I went in there in 2008, there was mold covering the majority of the carpeted walls. All the seats and projectors had been removed but most of the snack bar still remained.

This past summer (2012) I was driving through and noticed there were some constuction workers at the entrance. So I parked and went over to chat.. The guys told me that someone from NYC had purchased the building and wanted it gutted and thats all they knew. They kindly let me in to see, and it was really odd seeing the entire building opened up all the way to the roof.

I beleive the location of the original 3 cinemas was NOT where the “8” were, I think they were on the backside of the mall closer to where “BJs” is… Can anyone confirm this? Had to be in the mid to late 80’s that it changed.