Comments from aipo

Showing 3 comments

aipo commented about Solano 2 Drive-In on Feb 15, 2005 at 3:16 pm

Before I moved to Minnesota, I went to the flea market one last time with my ex-boyfriend to sell stuff at the flea market. Said ex told me last month that he had just been there with his son, pushing him in the stroller, thinking about the zillion times we went to the flea market on a Sunday. And I remember it from even further backâ€"as a teenager going to the drive-in movies, eating popcorn and smoking… It would be a shame if the Solano were torn down.

aipo commented about Orinda Theatre on Feb 15, 2005 at 2:49 pm

I grew up in Orindaâ€"and hated it, try being one of the lone Jews among the WASPS in the 70s, but at the theater, staring at the walls painted with long-haired women, soaring upwards against blue and stars… I could forget for awhile.

aipo commented about Capri Theatre on Feb 15, 2005 at 2:17 pm

I was looking for the name of a theater that closed on Chicago Ave. in Minneapolis, where I now live (the mailman has a bet going with another mailman about who can remember the name first) when I stumbled upon this website. Ah, the Capri Theater in the Park and Shop Shopping Center on Willow Pass Road… Memories of my teenage years. It’s a church now? How sad. I remember riding the escalator up and thinking how neat it was to have a movie theater on the second floor. My very first boyfriend and I used to go there quite a lot. Wonder what became of him…