Comments from artistmendoza

Showing 2 comments

artistmendoza commented about Teatro Metropolitan on Oct 10, 2007 at 10:09 pm

View link — sorry pics 49 – 62.

artistmendoza commented about Teatro Metropolitan on Oct 10, 2007 at 10:05 pm

I have to say that the paintings on the walls of this theatre are very beautiful. The artist, who moved to the USA (California), also produced many paintings as I found out by chance at an exhibition I happened to be at in Pasadena, California sometime during the 1970’s. I soon as I found out that Mr Mendoza was the actual artisit that painted [the paintings] at the Metropolitan I bought two of his paintings one was an ‘Arizona desert scene’ ($1500) and the other was titled ‘Serpent of the sea’ which has a lady riding a serpent (great piece), I paid just $1200! I wish I would have bought more!! I have since found out during a trip to Mexicao that Mr Mendoza also designed and made ‘La Ofrenda’ which is an offering to the Virgin Mary (go to: View link or to: View link PLEASE if anyone knows how I may contact the artist let me know…there is so little known about this great painter and try as I may I am unable to find much out even with the advent of the internet! Many Thanks! Sam