Hey budcoboy71 I ama college student from West Chester and I am giving an informative lecutre today on the history of the Trocadero, I wish I found this web-site earlier it would make my life a lot easier, but when I read your comment about the peep holes in the bathroom I got to searching and I found the web site below it has pictures of the urinals and the stars and inside the actual peep holes too. Check it out its pretty cool.
Hey budcoboy71 I ama college student from West Chester and I am giving an informative lecutre today on the history of the Trocadero, I wish I found this web-site earlier it would make my life a lot easier, but when I read your comment about the peep holes in the bathroom I got to searching and I found the web site below it has pictures of the urinals and the stars and inside the actual peep holes too. Check it out its pretty cool.