Comments from baileydan

Showing 2 comments

baileydan commented about Saratoga Theater on Aug 8, 2007 at 12:58 am

One more memory,

In 1979, Olivia De Havilland, who grew up in Saratoga, gave a speech before “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (Olivia’s mother lived a stones throw from the theatre on Oak Street).

baileydan commented about Saratoga Theater on Aug 8, 2007 at 12:46 am

As a child whose parents threw out the TV, I was a regular at the Vitaphone.

Favorite Memories (Besides the Great movies, movietones, and cartoons:

1) Pat feeding his cat after his speech (can opener with open mike)
2) Pat stopping “A Stolen Life” to inform the crowd that someone had stolen a silver soap dish from the women’s restroom. (Pat loved Bette Davis movies so I know this must have killed him)
3) Pot-luck nights (every wednesday?)