Comments from Basic22

Showing 3 comments

Basic22 commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Mar 18, 2008 at 5:23 am

Does anyone think its necesary to buy West Side Story tickets online ahead of time for the 4.30 showing Thursday? Or will buying them at the box office suffice?

Basic22 commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Mar 17, 2008 at 9:18 am

Wow. I’m beyond excited to see West Side Story. I just hope I can, the only time I can make it into the city this week is probabbly the Thursday showing and even then will be cutting it short seeing as I get out of school at 3:30 and the movie starts at 4:30. They need more weekend showings. But anyway, I’m amazingly, beyond excited for West Side Story, but can anyone tell me how it looked? How was the quality, picture, audio, etc? And are they using film, cause I heard some of Clearview’s theatres do DVD presentations. And if they are, 35mm, or, and this would be an amazing thing, 70?

Basic22 commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Apr 11, 2007 at 11:53 am

Hi everyone, sorry to interupt the discussion but I have a quick question. I know Dirty Dancing is playing at the Ziegfeld and I know they play lots ‘o classics, but I haven’t seen any information on it but Dirty Dancing. There’s no page on the Clearview Cinemas website for Ziegfeld classics and I can’t find anything. I really want to see West Side Story there and I was wondering if anyone has any info when they’ll be playing classics.
