BYOB of popcorn is a great idea. I head a brand new musical/movie presentation called “POPCORN” A MUSICAL NIGHT AT THE MOVIES" in which we have editited 30 movies which contain huge hit songs. We perform the music while the audience is treated to scenes of their favorite movies of all time. Back to back the show lasts 90 minutes which includes old footage from snack-bar ads etc. We are working with Jolly Time to move this forward. Nothing like this has been done before and we would like your opinion.
BYOB of popcorn is a great idea. I head a brand new musical/movie presentation called “POPCORN” A MUSICAL NIGHT AT THE MOVIES" in which we have editited 30 movies which contain huge hit songs. We perform the music while the audience is treated to scenes of their favorite movies of all time. Back to back the show lasts 90 minutes which includes old footage from snack-bar ads etc. We are working with Jolly Time to move this forward. Nothing like this has been done before and we would like your opinion.
thanks , Don