Comments from BillCwynar

Showing 6 comments

BillCwynar commented about Granada Theater will be razed soon on Jan 7, 2010 at 3:03 am

Mayor Boak and his cronies in the city could care less about this historic treasure!I personally talked to him this morning behind the Granada as Unis was tearing the adjoining bldgs.down.We got in to a bit of a shouting match. and,I called him on all of the atrocities that the city and his friends pulled on us.All he could say was you don’t know nothing! I know it all! Castlebrook,B.I.G.Etal.This city sucks because of you Boak etal!

BillCwynar commented about Granada Theater will be razed soon on Jan 5, 2010 at 3:51 pm

I personally Know this bldg.We had Krooners Lounge there for 23 yrs.We got bent over and screwed by The City of BeaverFalls,B.I.G.(that promised us this bldg.)And,Castlebrook!We had plans of doing a wedding hall in the auditorium section.All the bldg. needed was a new roof to keep the elements out.True.Alot of work was needed.A rubberroof would have sufficed.But,we would have loved to do some restoration of the place.But we are out! We have a bldg.2 doors down.And Its sad to see this Bullshit for our old girl.

BillCwynar commented about Granada Theatre on Jan 12, 2009 at 9:11 pm

We are in Dire Straits here.Castlebrook aka Calaco has purchased this bldg.along with the surrounding bldgs.and plan on demolishing these bldgs.for “developement"Any help out there?

BillCwynar commented about Granada Theatre on Feb 15, 2007 at 6:20 am

The Granada may soon be for sale again at a fraction of the asking price of $90,000!The owner has done some repairs to the roof to stop most of the leaking.The roof beams are still in perfect condition over the bldg.I personaly have seen them.the bldg. still needs a lot of work.The also available to be on The Historic Landmark listing.More info. to come….

BillCwynar commented about Granada Theatre on Mar 7, 2006 at 11:22 am

As a tenant in the granada,(we have a nice nite club in basement).I have pics from the heyday both outside and inside.Also I have recent pictures of the auditorium and balcony area.Much of the stage area is intact.The north side lost a lot of plasterwork over the years from roof leakage along with the upper north balcony level.clarkw if you would like to see this area e-mail me at Some of The pics are on our look under Krooner’s Lounge then look for granada history.

BillCwynar commented about Granada Theatre For Sale on Mar 10, 2005 at 4:47 pm

We are tenants in the basement of this theater.The builing is solid structurally,including the roof supports.When built the roof was constructed of a 2-piece solid concrete roof that did not stand up to the elements.The Granada closed in the early 1960’s.The upper levels of the balcony,primarily in the northwest and northeast areas need a lot of work due to water damage.recent pics. and more info along with history pics. are available thru me..Bill Cwynar